Thursday, February 19, 2015

No longer freeze honey kind of cheating, as some believe, but natural honey freezes, or Athbb long

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Honey is the best food; it contains a large proportion of sugars, vitamins, such as vitamin "b, k" is used as a medicine in most cases; application of the words of God Almighty "come out from their bellies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men in that is a sign for those who reflect "
In spite of the high honey prices, but many fans of honey and Madamon to buy miss detected by the ways, I always think he fiddled, and unnatural, where resort some beekeepers to mixing honey quantities of sugar, or glucose to increase the quantity of which make him lose its nutritional value, but Natural honey is also subject to change according to the environment in which bees live and by air temperature, according to the seasons of Agriculture eaten by bees sometimes changed to his wife, color, and taste.
No longer freeze honey kind of cheating, as some believe, but natural honey freezes, or Athbb long after the time of passage, one of the qualities of natural honey as natural honey be dimmed, and non-transparent When put paper written on it behind a jar of honey can not be read.
It is scientifically known that honey bees and its derivatives from beeswax, pollen, royal jelly and glue bees, all of which are used in the treatment of many diseases, including liver disease, stomach ulcers, flight case foam indigestion, and is used in the manufacture creams, and shampoos, cosmetics, and some medicines, and the painter of the freshness of the skin and vitality. flight case foam
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