Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 9, 2015

New Cell Site Aldaloh 77 terrorist crime Bayaoa # Daash head of tranquility: the biography of extremist groups in the world of the Internet dozens biodegradable packing peanuts of prisoners escape from prison Daash northern Syria, Yemen base killing and capturing six soldiers during an attack with an army camp Daash crumble from the inside Daash! Recruiting women Alm..oalawrobeat Spain arrests more militants on suspicion of carrying out terrorist attacks
That seen in the area of ethnic and sectarian bloody conflicts, terrorist organizations expand and control its control over the important regions in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon biodegradable packing peanuts and Yemen, and the intervention of Western military, led by the United States in the war on the organization of the so-called Islamic state and to avoid other terrorist biodegradable packing peanuts organizations, and the predominance of the Iranian regime and the expansion of its influence, leaving the Syrian regime continues to kill people biodegradable packing peanuts and destroy cities and villages Rossi direct Iranian support or through a subsidiary of Iran militia, all of this thought-provoking information and maps Arab sites said it leaked from official sources in the West, especially the US Pentagon, also said it determines the division and new entities landmarks to be made. And talk about this document exists in the following locations: www.elshaab.org www.masress.com/ahram/1229865 www.jazannews.org www.alayam.com/writers/9861 www.avb.s-oman.net/showthread.php ? t = 1945002 According to these sites, these leaked Pentagon study, biodegradable packing peanuts supervised by four units of 120 Search politically and militarily strategic expert, and includes a number of proposals are supposed to apply progress and scenarios, until the end of the target completely. The study armies of Iran, Syria, biodegradable packing peanuts Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan ranked as the strongest armies, which has an arsenal of weapons after the former Iraqi army, and showed, according to those sources, how to break up these armies in preparation for the occupation of her country biodegradable packing peanuts for the subsequent step. The study says that Iran will enter into a direct biodegradable packing peanuts confrontation with the Saudi army in conjunction with street biodegradable packing peanuts war which will be launched against biodegradable packing peanuts him from Yemen, Bahrain and the eastern region, the war aims to break up the Saudi army in full form, and the weakening of the Iranian army as can be machined again according to the scenario. Betting the study, according to the same sources, to achieve successive successes in the implementation of the partition scheme, despite biodegradable packing peanuts the short time, and attributed to the presence of ideological divide, intellectual and ethnic and sectarian biodegradable packing peanuts reached the extent of radicalization in the peoples of the region. This study, if true, also include other details about what Petty terrifying to be made through the partition along sectarian and ethnic lines process. The maps that identified the countries to be divided into small states in the region. I've alerted repeatedly in previous articles published in life , of the destructive biodegradable packing peanuts chaos that formulated the theory neocons Zionists in America, which was declared and defined by, and I called to rectify the situation, and to work quickly and the strength biodegradable packing peanuts to face this criminal biodegradable packing peanuts scheme, which aims to destroy the Arab presence and distortion biodegradable packing peanuts Islam and offend him by finding extremist organizations committed heinous crimes in his name. It warned of the intentions of Iran's expansionist strategy and sectarian and involvement in the conspiracy against Arabs and Sunnis in particular, biodegradable packing peanuts out of the Persian and sectarian intolerance. biodegradable packing peanuts I said in my articles biodegradable packing peanuts that America does not reign and her friend, it is a country ruled by Zionist biodegradable packing peanuts lobbies, and draws its foreign policy to serve the interests of Israel in the first place, even at the expense of the interests of the American people and the interests of the peoples biodegradable packing peanuts of the region. Here we are now seeing a lot of what I said borne before our eyes. Iran expands through sectarian customers in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and the Arab Gulf and in some areas of Africa and in Pakistan as well, and America went strikes to a terrorist biodegradable packing peanuts organization and one, and leave the rest of the other terrorist organizations corrupts and destroys involved in the implementation of sectarian and ethnic biodegradable packing peanuts partition schemes, but these organizations are supported, as happened When bombed a US drone tribal sites and Ansar al-Sharia in Mount Asbel in Radaa area to enable the Houthis biodegradable packing peanuts of expansion biodegradable packing peanuts in that region of Yemen, as sectarian Iraqi regime militias supplied with weapons developed and allowed to Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Quds Force to move freely in Iraq to oversee the battles against the so-called the organization of the Islamic State , and aircraft bombed the Syrian opposition forces locations in Daraa, Idlib and Aleppo and Hama. Will the outcome of this destructive biodegradable packing peanuts chaos is the contents of the Pentagon study and maps division leaked in the event of authenticity. Is it came Arabs and Muslims to this frightening degree of indifference? Or is it weakness which warned biodegradable packing peanuts him of the Holy Prophet, (peace be upon him)? If they are not at full speed and most packages, move to stop selling mobile collapse, conspiracy, For Peace region. The whole things seemed clear enough today. It is very hard in, no room to exaggerate or dramatize. These existing facts on the ground to pronounce that the partition scheme may be under way, and that the US administration and Israel and international Zionism, are involved in the implementation of the colonial scheme dubious awful stage after stage, while the Arabs and Muslims are lost in the valley of fantasies, their future is threatened, and their vital interests at stake, and the land divided one after the other, and their respective countries around the corner from decay. Writer: Abdulaziz Al-Tuwaijri Life America Israel Iran's Gulf Arab Iraq Saudi Arabia Yemen Syria, Egypt, Pakistan split 31/10/2014
March 9, 2015
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