Monday, March 23, 2015

TOP-10 samыh populyarnыh articles

TOP-10 samыh populyarnыh articles
Choose only certified building materials Each consumer at least once in a lifetime buying building materials and faced with the question of safety and quality of the goods purchased. Cement, brick, windows, concrete products, ceramic tiles - the list is familiar to all of us. If until recently, is built in the summer, because the technological features of preparation of solutions were that they had to be done at zero temperature, it is modern technology allow these works throughout the year. However, despite the rapid development of the construction industry, the issue of quality building materials is becoming more competent aktualnosti.Tozh or always online packaging our choice and we should be aware of their quality and safety, to minimize risks to health, to buy a product that eventually "Fails" and do not regret the wasted money? What is good to know about cement? Not good to know that cements belongs to a fairly large group of various hydraulic materials, the main component of which is calcium silicates and aluminates. However, the main raw material for the production of cement online packaging are limestone and clay that is mixed in a certain ratio (75-80% limestone and 20 to 25% clay) and fired to sintering at a temperature of about 1450 C. Pieces speckle cement mass, called clinker, after cooling crushed, resulting in the formation of gray-green powder, which is called cement. Mixing cement with gravel and crushed stone gives concrete. If concrete to fill the frame iron (iron rods, wire, etc.), we get reinforced. Read more: How yzbavytsya from ukachyvanyya in trans Cement marked according to two characteristics - the ability to withstand a certain load and percentage of different supplements to its total volume. The first parameter is denoted by the letters M or PC with a certain value. For example, marking M 500 shows that this type of cement can withstand online packaging a load of 500 kg / cm. The most common cements labeled 300, 400, 500, but found products with a mark of 700. The content of additives denoted by the letter D. For example, cement labeled D20 will contain 20% additives. This characteristic is important that the percentage of additives affect the ductility and strength of the material. The most popular brands are cement grade 400 and 500, they quickly harden. Mark PC stands for (Portland) SHPTS - as portland slag cement. Type IS cement cheaper because its composition is added over 35% slag. However, online packaging it hardens longer and less resistant to groundwater. If the cement has some additional specific properties, it is also noted on the labeling. For example, a material that hardens faster than anyone, is labeled B. In addition, there are a number of special varieties online packaging of cement designed for industrial construction (water or concrete structures, plug gas and oil wells, etc.). Coloured cement additives chemical dyes are used for decoration. To no structure began to collapse online packaging According to Consumers Union Ukraine every year in the domestic market sold about 1 million tons of cement uncertified dubious online packaging quality. Since it is implemented in the form of powder, to dilute it with something easy. Usually this purpose the ash, mineral powder, if not dust. Unfortunately, online packaging to determine the presence of unwanted impurities in cement visually online packaging unlikely, as it is impossible "to hlazok" define its brand. Testing of cement can be made only in the laboratory and they last up 28 days, during which time the material is mixed with water, monitor online packaging how much grout hardens, and then tested for strength. Read more: How bystro yzbavytsya from cough therefore not to be trapped, not recommended to buy cement where he can, on highways with trucks in the markets at random online packaging people. Typically, such products are sold without "opiznavalnyh signs" at best a paper bag will show "PC 500" or "M-500" and any other information about the product and its properties, online packaging coordinates manufacturer and packers. This material breach, because if known manufacturers, and no guarantee that in front of you is the building material of that mark, no. So, buying cement, carefully inspect the packaging, it should be strong, online packaging undamaged and have proper labeling. In addition to the above information, it should be specified normative document on which products were produced and trefoil badge with the number of the certification body. Remember, no solid manufacturer will not rozfasovuvaty cement, "hit or miss". Be sure to note the date of production. Scientifically proven that 1 month storage cement loses only 5% of its activity. However, after six months storage of cement could lose up to 50% of its power

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