Sunday, September 29, 2013

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The role of the Balkan Alliance of dividing Panortodokse post-Ottoman Albania | proletariat
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- Divorce of the Ottoman State. The fate of multiethnic Ottoman Empire was established in the days when this country came the days of the nineteenth century. With the advent of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II state suffered loss to Russia in the Russo - Turkish 1877 - 1878, which eventually led to the Empire in the way of destruction. Under the imperialist attacks Rusopanortodokse, English, French and Italian after, countries and different ethnic groups that lived under the Muslim empire for centuries, began to find themselves under the colonial yoke, that Christian Europe was imposed on the mutilated barral roll remains of Empire . Despite the declines experienced Ottoman state after the Russo Turkish war, which led to the expansion barral roll of Serbia and Montenegro, the Albanian lands, gradually increasing to Bulgaria, Romania's independence, the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary, Cyprus by the British, barral roll with after the colonization of Egypt by the British, the French, etc. Tunisia.
Sultan Abdulhamiti II managed to bring some stability to the internal state anxiety Osman.Duke barral roll state power concentrated barral roll in his hands and mobilization using panislamist as intimidating weapon against predatory powers, Europeans, and as a weapon for mobilizing Perandorisë1 Islamic peoples, Sultan Abdulhamiti II managed to mobilize in defense of his empire barral roll almost all her races. Like the Arabs, Kurds and Bosnians, barral roll Albanians and Muslim nation as they were, the power stayed barral roll faithful generally Hamidian and served barral roll him with all options. Abdulhamid In fact, in the days of his finite existence barral roll as Sultan, seems to have given more priority Albanian element in the framework of the Ottoman state.
According to Prof. J. Landau's book "Politics of Pan-Islam" (Oxford, 1990, Pg. 48-49) League of Prizren was created in 1878 by the Albanian nobles, was one of the first organizations to Sultan Abdulhamid pan-Islamic mobilization tried to create in his country against aggression Evropjan. League of Prizren, which was formed in protest against the aggression of the Albanian people panortodoks that legitimized the Congress of Berlin in Albanian territories, except barral roll for storage Albanian territorial claims do not forget to put the Albanian Islamic barral roll character out, noting the desire of Albanians allegiance to the Ottoman Sultan and Sheriatit2 laws.
League of Prizren was in communication with the Sublime Porte in Istanbul, and a generation barral roll later, during the Italian aggression in Libya, in 1911, pro-sultanists demonstrations appeared in Albania in support of Sultan barral roll - Caliph, barral roll expressing Albanian barral roll readiness to fight "infidels" (Italian) barral roll who invaded Libinë3. A broad cooperation under the framework barral roll of the Albanian element Hamidiane we see even the guards (bodyguard) of Sultan Abdulhamid, who were Albanian highlanders, headed by Isa Bulletin. His secretaries were as many Albanian Ismail Kemal Bey Vlora Marshall barral roll Recep Pasha. Kamal Ismail cousin, Ferid Pasha Vlora was also President of the Albanian Society of Istanbul, became prime minister of the Ottoman state Shemseddin 19034 Abdulhamiti with Sami Bey Frashëri except the establishment of the newspaper "Sabah", "Turxhiman The Shark", the publication of "Kamus Al-Alam "etc., joined barral roll also by Sultan Abdulhamid in Ottoman politics as a member of the Board of Osmane5 Army Inspectorate. barral roll
Strengthening the movement Zhon Turkish Ottoman state strongly supported by counties seeking barral roll reforms in the Empire including many Albanian groups, and massive sponsorship barral roll Donmet6 Selanikase gave Hamidiane7 agents Anti-led government of Sultan Abdulhamid come to an end in spring t

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