Saturday, September 28, 2013

In view of the organization charged with running the program activity slip is editor-Ballvora Filaj

A European voice in the two decades 1992 -2012 | Gazette Theme
On June 1 filled cfoam 20 years from the beginning of the Deutsche cfoam Welle radio programs in Albanian. The German station has a tremendous role and influence, not only in informing the public consistent with journalistic cfoam standards, but also to follow the European spirit among Albanians wherever they live, to promote cooperation among the countries of the region, the systematic implementation of concrete projects for training at all levels of local newsrooms colleagues etc..
German Radio World Affairs, or Deutsche Welle (German Wave) has officially launched its broadcast on May 3, 1953. In a speech to the then German cfoam President Theodor Heuss, described the main goal of this public cfoam radio station, cfoam as a concrete effort to defusing the relations between Germany and the rest of the world, after the period of World War II. The first broadcasting DW-S were shortwave, but step by step its activity is enhanced by the establishment of a managed network programs in 30 different languages, with multinational teams, which enable products to version radio, television and the Internet, using a technology always evolving.
Opening the editorial was an initiative of the Albanian man who ran for about 35 years Eastern Europe programs, Dietrich Schlegel and moderator of the program, Adelheid kryeredaktores Feilcke - Tiemann, who knew very well the Albanian language. Born in Hamburg, she had started his career in media since 1981, as editor and later as a journalist on local and national radio stations such as WDR and Deutschland Radio. Had studied Cultural Anthropology and was graduated in Master level in 1990 for Ethnomusicology.
The show premiered the evening of 1 June 1992 lasted 15 minutes and contained the news in February, a greeting to the then Director General of DW-S, Dieter Weirich, especially for the start of the program in Albanian, then continued material topical political and social nature.
Classifieds DW Radio Program in the past 20 years has enabled a staff of over 50 people, who have different statuses in various lengths and have worked or continue to work in editorial and central studios, or as correspondents on the ground. Editor for 13 consecutive years of the program, Adelheid Feilcke cfoam - Tiemann, on 1 April 2005, took over the director of international relations at the DW. In its place came Fabian Schmidt, who then ran the program in Bosnian, but in DW. The new editor, along with Feilcke - Tiemann-round presenter held in early April in Tirana, Skopje and Pristina, cfoam was a well-known expert of Albanian issues and the whole Balkan region. By the mid-'90s, Fabian Schmidt has worked for a long time as a reporter and editor-in OMRI (Open Media Research cfoam Institute) a non-profit organization based in Prague, which has conducted a series of serious publications and transition in Eastern Europe . Convenience has given its regional activity and recognition not only of the Albanian language, cfoam but that Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian and English. In the early parliamentary elections of June 1997, Fabian Schmidt was part of a team of international observers, while he worked with the OSCE representative in Albania, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting and Radio Free Europe in Prague .
His arrival at the head of the Albanian editorial coincided with a series of structural changes in the program, with more orientation towards online services, making it more dynamic and diverse form and content of the web. Fabian Schmidt cfoam remained as editor until 1 November 2009, when he received the appointment in the program of the European Central Deutsche Welle.
Thereafter the program slip DW-S had no officially appointed to the post of editor. In the process of restructuring and reforming the institution, following the departure of Fabian Schmidt as editor, this task is performed Spasovska Verica, which at the same time continues to be and Programs Director for Central and Eastern Europe in DW.
In view of the organization charged with running the program activity slip is editor-Ballvora Filaj Vilma, who as I mentioned earlier, has been present in the preparation and transmission of broadcasts before. cfoam Besides her, as editors and program are Pandeli Pani and Dodi Auron, even these two participants at the beginning of the program's DW h in Albanian.
In the newsroom actually work as collaborators with different contractual status with the institution and Mimoza Cika-Kelmendi, Angelina Vërbicë, Esat Ahmeti, Bahri Cani, Eliana Gianni Lindita Arapi eLert Cama Ajazaj and Aida. In the years have p

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