Saturday, February 28, 2015

Articles months how to grow a lemon tree from seed ... preparations to remove excess hair in men ..

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What do you know about the benefits of honey? Honey sweet substance already be beneficial to your health when you add it to your daily diet. It uses natural Kalthalih, fat-free and cholesterol. Honey can be as, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and probiotic means (Antagonist for bacteria and reduces bacteria in the digestive head will roll tract)
Honey works to help prevent many diseases and disorders, as well as soothe the body. It is important to know some of the basics in terms of where honey comes and any type of honey is better for the body, so you can make an informed decision about what is best for you. Throughout the following article, I will provide a brief description of how the honey-making, as well as the difference between raw honey and honey store, as well as other interesting facts. Later, I'll give you a description of the uses of honey in various fields, and why are many of these uses mentioned?
How is the honey-making? The bees absorb nectar from flowers and stored inside their bodies and assembled head will roll inside the hive for honey manufacturing .. when they return to the hive, and the worker bees take over the work. The worker bees destroy the complex sugars nectar and turning it into simple head will roll sugars. With the passage of time, it dries nectar becomes head will roll honey. . Type (color / flavor) of honey product depends on the flowers, which absorbs the honey bees. Dark honey is heavier, and the most beautiful in taste, while honey lightest is the most moderate.
What is the difference between refined and raw honey honey? Raw honey is honey drained a bit, but still at room temperature, which is important to retain the nutritional value and health. Such as vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Are overly refined honey filter. This requires the honey be heated in the pasteurization process, which enables the nomination process that occurs easily. Some facts about honey honey healthy food as it is sweet! It can be used for the prevention of diseases and illnesses I've ever had. If you feel you are going to be better. It is a healthy alternative to regular sugar, and can help in balancing blood sugar at the same time. Remember, always raw honey is the best. This natural honey can be found in stores that sell organic foods, health foods, or farmers' markets.
If you prefer to buy raw honey, make sure not to put it in hot tea or alcoholic beverages because the heat generated from these drinks will eliminate many of the nutrients and eliminate the benefits that you are looking for. Do not heat or cook the honey for the same reasons. It is acceptable to put honey in warm water and tea.
Articles months how to grow a lemon tree from seed ... preparations to remove excess hair in men ... the basic steps to get rid of fleas ... mango cultivation method of seeds ... how to deal with the bruises and get rid of the effects ... What are the symptoms and the types and methods treatment of rheumatoid chest ... reasons cats meow a lot ... cultivation method of grape seeds ... Follow us on Facebook
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Friday, February 27, 2015

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Check our these tips to prepare for honeymoon
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The death of Ghassan Matar Representative today YouTube video images Ghassan Matar's death Friday, 02/27/2015 Funeral Ghassan Matar .. Photos YouTube video's funeral the body of Palestinian artist Ghassan Matar day Saturday, 28/02/2015 death Ghassan Matar today .. the death of Palestinian artist Ghassan details Rain Friday, 02/27/2015 Teatro Egypt today's episode YouTube toron Online Full Friday, 2/27/2015 Show directly watch the play Teatro Egypt the second season episode 15 full YouTube Online YouTube Video killed the dog Pyramid Street View directly online execution-Ahram video Dog Slaughter Pyramid Street dog full YouTube Video killed the dog in Shubra toron Al-Ahram Street Sudan News Today: Registration 50 thousand citizens of the state south of Khartoum News Today Turkey: Erdogan pressure disturbs the Central Bank of Syria News today: protection units of the Kurdish people entering the town of Tal Hamis
As the honeymoon is the first marital your period, which is almost the only opportunity that Tnqtaan toron where everything except your spouse, the same period in which the pair cut off from everything other than yourself, you should seek to equip them and thinking about them in a serious and very early. toron
There are many things that you should think about them all the initial toron settings for the honeymoon, in the forefront of choosing the right place for you, and should this choice line is definitely ... identified country or region Todan spend a month Aslkma where, for READ later about it and airspace and locations.
Also important, toron in preparation for the honeymoon, the initial budget confined to the maximum budget for the honeymoon trip, you should become honest at this point so as not to turn the honeymoon nightmare, the more planning time early, as it was so good to relieve tension and to select the right place, Fimkinkma Since the establishment of the wedding date that confined budget, sites and countries that are considering it, so that as the time for the processing of paperwork and bookings.
Also a situation in mind your work possible and leave from a job, and Amnha yourselves during the flight scheduling, time to rest before returning to work, because it usually travel toron to honeymoon in the day following the wedding, while others go on honeymoon trip of the wedding hall directly, while the back is preferred that Do not anybody tell his Bmaadha categorically even Tstriha in Petkma before receiving guests, and Tottaghzan to resume practical toron Nchatkma.
Bag honeymoon is not a meta-toolkit regular trips, you get an early start identify what you need, bearing in mind that you are going on a honeymoon, Vantaki and choose only what is necessary and important only either of clothing or cosmetic kits and commit toron "little base enough."
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18:53 death Ghassan Matar Representative today Youtube Video Images death Ghassan Matar Friday ... 18:44 funeral Ghassan Matar .. Photos YouTube video's funeral the body of Palestinian artist Ghassan ... 18:38 death Ghassan toron Matar today .. details of the death of the artist Palestinian Ghassan Matar Friday, 27/02/2015 18:18 Teatro Egypt today's episode YouTube Online Full Friday, 02/27/2015 18:14 Show directly toron watch the play Teatro Egypt second full season Episode 15 YouTube Online toron 18:06 color of the dress, which effects debate on the social networking sites 17:45 YouTube video killed toron the dog Pyramid Street View directly online execution dog ... 17:40 Video slaughter dog pyramid street full YouTube Video killed the dog street ... 16:35 Sudan News Today: Registration 50 A citizen of the state south of Khartoum 16:33 News today Turkey: Erdogan pressure disturbs the Central Bank of Syria 16:27 News today: protection units of the Kurdish people entering the town of Tal Hamis 16:24 Morocco News today: military aid to 900 million dirhams from Washington 16:22 News Tunisia toron today: security forces arrested a terrorist group 16:20 Kuwait News Today: Basil morning called to announce the names of the participants in the rally Kuwait News 16:18 artists .. Canadian authorities prevented Chris Brown from entering their territory
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

6) the amount of honey, like the water in a pot and then treated with a solution of potassium this

Thank you for your visit and welcome your precious here Thank you for Tattiyrk site you are in your second home, God willing, if I had known the house who had now in this moment, happy and encouraged by Balgali we welcome people of generosity and kindness you our most beautiful and thinner Greetings scented roses, jasmine, hello your perfume Vuaha I am honored browsing as I wish you a good time to accept Ahdaúa fragrance foam pads happy your time wherever you are.
Most of the honey adulterated types of sugar syrup are often light texture (viscosity), and this also applies to natural honey, which increases the humidity at 18%, which falls in the test standard Although it does not contain any third-party foam pads add-ons .. the way you will see with the use of cold water . Add a drop of honey to a cup of cold water and note the difference 1. natural honey is thick thread in the bottom of the cup, and this shows the high viscosity of honey and it does not contain unnatural ingredients. 2. If began to drop in dispersion in water, this evidence that he fiddled or at least the water content is higher than planned in the standard specifications honey. Look at the following formats: ************************* first picture foam pads is not natural honey dissolves quickly in cold water and be in the form of thick thread accumulates in the bottom of the cup . The second photo honey laced with sugar syrup (70%) Notice how dispersed honey drops Once mixing with cold water. Image Third same as the previous mixture after adding a larger amount of honey Notice how dispersed honey drops Once mixing with cold water. Fourth image sugar syrup (70%) no luck how cause severe intermixing Once mixing the solution with cold water does not accumulate as drops in the bottom of the cup.
6) the amount of honey, like the water in a pot and then treated with a solution of potassium this mix the red or purple color Dallah foam pads appeared that the presence of glucose by the trade. One of the ways that tried to determine fraud honey 1- to determine fraud honey drops of honey placed in Sbrto (Red alcohol), foam pads deposition in which he is a real honey is adulterated, or poured into the pot so that the cut Kalkhlait foam pads he fiddled.
The issue of cheating honey very sensitive topic and has different concepts according to different regions, and there are many and varied ways cheated honey and change these means and increases circumvent day after day, and the subject often preoccupy consumers, the following foam pads will shed some light on the ancient and modern themes that have to do irrespective of honey.
1. In some developed country and within the year 1880. When you know some honey dealers corn syrup sugar (corn sugar syrup) and near the combination of honey, some of them began adding the honey because of the cheap price of corn diabetic syrup, and was the first law passed as this is considered cheating honey is a law passed by the US Congress in 1906 ., and since then the progress of the methods of analysis, it can be detected on the honey to see cheating or not.
3. In the concept of many of the citizens of the Middle East that there is another way cheated honey, the bees feed on the sucrose solution or sugar adapter, as they believe that it produces honey adulterated Instead of feeding on the nectar of flowers, it feeds on the sugar solution, but as mentioned above, this is the wrong belief, and that feeding bees are considered foam pads an important element, especially in periods of unavailability of flowers, it is difficult to range supply of honey bees has everything you need from the sugar solution, although the nectar of flowers in general foam pads consists on average of (30: 35) percent sucrose (cane sugar) and 60% water.
A believe that honey color should be dark because it has been collected from the wild flowers, but in fact, according to my experience with this Alaasal and asking foam pads them how their production of this honey and Bmshahdta field of this process, the production of honey bees have a very primitive way, where:
* Spread among consumers that honey such as honey Sidr a dark color or Alaasal produced foam pads from wild herbs are the only ones that heal diseases, foam pads but in fact, the natural bee honey is a natural bee honey was already talking about the installation of honey in detail, so it is these consumers boast acquisition Such Alaasal which fetch up to the inflated figures too.
(B) another test back many consumers conducted if dipping a spoon in honey and dragging them to the top of it works with honey surface of the thread is not interrupted, but if you cut off this thread, it indicates that honey adulterated, and this test is invalid because it depends on the humidity in honey (water content) On average, the percentage foam pads of moisture in the honey around (18%), with a range of (12:32)% and due to dry weather in some areas, the percentage of moisture in honey ranges foam pads between (9:13)%, and this honey very viscous and not be interrupted thread, so it can not rely on this test.
(C) test, another dipping matchstick foam pads in honey and try to ignite in a matchbox wall, if flared lute del so that good honey, and if Dell did not ignite so that the honey mixture with water, and this test can not be relied upon as the moisture content in honey.
- Another test many people think it depends on the surface tension of the theory and it threw a drop of honey on the sand If Tkort this drop, this means that honey properly, and if you do Balling Does it mean that honey adulterated, and this idea is also wrong because it also depends on the wet ratio in honey
Honey, foam pads natural honey, honey adulterated, identify adulterated honey, how Alteraf on natural honey bees

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The magazine Diet was the first to offer more than mix and treatment of honey and ensure the safety

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The magazine Diet was the first to offer more than mix and treatment of honey and ensure the safety of our readers loyal must be noted that the benefit of honey depends primarily on being a real free of other materials because schaum the real honey is a unit which carries the healing qualities that apply to him Quranic verse: {... where healing to the people ... ..}
1) Honey original melts in your mouth quickly and disappears taste after 3 minutes 2) If there are injured Apply it if the cause of severe pain remains adulterated if it does not cause pain remains schaum Asli 3) Aagamsy promises of sulfur in honey then Ashalih if flared honey an original remains because honey Almkhchoc it prevents water from a fire 4) Amlye outstanding honey and Wajih outstanding down the descent of the honey must be connected to a thin thread and not intermittently
Lose 3 kg per week with cinnamon syrup, honey hair silky milk and honey
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

After six eyes filled with honey large number opencell of bee cell begins to vaporize a large part

How to make a honey bee? Groves
Are honey bees is crap? The answer - not because God Almighty and the creation of a grant primed one of honey and the other for their food, which takes him to power either stomach honey or so-called honey bag, they are stored by the nectar collected and excreted by the enzymes to the nectar and special yeast Alnfrtaz where sugar fluctuation Reeds (sucrose - ordinary sugar) that we use to grape sugar (glucose) and fructose (fructose).
As a result of this shift changed the nectar into honey immature and while the bee returns to the hive, they received opencell what then of nectar to bees others in the cell and go to reap another load. Bees of social insects that live not only in the cells consist of many thousands of individuals from 60.000-100.000 Bee.
Honey bees from the nectar of flowers made where the bees floodlights search for nectar-filled flowers Tahedeha to that instinct and a strong sense of smell then. Then back to the cell to tell what her tribe and grandmother of nectar and define them after the source of the cell location.
During borne between opencell floral collect large amounts of pollen Thbllha Belaabha mixture nectar and then carried to the cell in baskets pollen in their hind legs and an average daily trips by the maid to collect pollen 10 trips during which combines 10-30 mg visit which 50-350zahrh between opencell this and pollen stored in the drive and while covering the honey turns into honey bread.
Go back to collect nectar where bees remain seeks back and positively opencell to and from cell to absorb more of the nectar of flowers where they go long distances in the assisted by the wings which moved quickly rolls electric motor in the far his movement and the advantage that are unique to bee able to fly more than eight miles without tiring Olgopa.
In the honey bee which gathers nectar the bee bag add some enzymes to the nectar and special yeast Alnfrtaz where the volatility of cane sugar (sucrose - ordinary sugar) that we use to grape sugar (glucose) and fructose (fructose).
The kilogram of honey bee cost between 120.000- 150.000 download nectar. If we assume that the flowers that earns them the nectar a kilometer opencell and a half from the cell For one bee can fly three kilometers in all transferred the equivalent of 360.000- opencell 400.000 kilometers, equivalent opencell to 8.5 -11 times the Earth's circumference around the equator.
After six eyes filled with honey large number opencell of bee cell begins to vaporize a large part of the water that it contains honey and used it a unique method where take Bee small amount of liquid slave of one of the samples and open Vkiha wide and then start moving opencell the tongue forward and down, and that Small point show of liquid slave hanging gradually until exposed to hot and dry air stream opencell inside the cell, which vaporizes the water until it reaches the rate of 18-20% of honey.
After that the bees seal these cells and closed airtight lid of wax and function of this cover protecting honey from absorbing any moisture from the outer perimeter and the bees only this but inject wax cover small quantities of venom This prevents the occurrence of any decay or damage in honey.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Did not go to the UAE or any other festival, but Qatek only in solidarity with the flood victims. M

File "Drabur" .. condemn the son of billionaire Tariq Jakhukh b 3 years window and innocence to Radwan a bolha Alrodapi Court appoint a judicial expert to determine a bolha the size of the damages resulting from the financial imbalances a bolha company "Drabur" file .. condemnation Tariq Jakhukh with 7-year window and innocence to Radwan Alrodapi Court appoint a judicial expert a bolha to determine a bolha the size compensation a bolha arising from financial imbalances urgently company. Benalo leave doors Okasha prison here Alach 5 years in prison in the right Bidoval detained and raped a four-year-old boy in the group, Mr. Harazem me BGA commits suicide Legge to Morocco !. Italian suicide a bolha successor state of alert in the Hamriyah group province Moulay Yacoub play Balqirtas. Complaint the public prosecutor in Sidi Qasim because of granting a medical certificate a bolha to the physical safety for carrying weapons for a person suffering impaired vision Metwally talking about the news of joining Wydad and the story of a businessman after provisional seizure crisis .. for glaucoma borrow billion dirhams to save Alliance Badr Hari reveals everything about women, religion a bolha and wine his life. Kinsrb a club and Umrah God is coming to me and held accountable Mcnarafh Amber Rose Walker Theme Diyala and Tfariqt a bolha with Estelle a bolha and Tsaino my surprise when what stronger Driss thanks, what weaker Driss thanks! Victories first writer a bolha and defeats Socialist Union Nawal El Moutawakel conjures youth with Bubka in Rio de Janeiro public prosecutor pursuing journalists and employees Municipality Nador heavy including insulting the flag Kingdom and symbols and incitement to hatred Solicitor General Bawhita order to investigate the mysterious plant explosion of gunpowder charges a bolha of killing two people to thank fortifies the castle Federal in Agadir .. Here Ashe House Benalo live Bekashh sad days. Former Director General of the Office of the airports shocked and here's why Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah: contributed to the overthrow Mubarak and avenged system it Sisi Hifor system Tubis Kisoq a Kikma Joanne Kite spacy (Picture) Chris Coleman makes the protection of the Moroccan government websites in the hands of the Moroccan army, and the world of informatics not his security in the face of hackers + Video Moroccan Stau Girls Gulf. Gulf Kdei them and Ktcol: Tmrna and Tbttna and Tnfajna and while what men say only Moroccan girl Human rights report shocking mass incursions of migrants to Melilla fence: figures and data National Film Festival. With happy Nazarene Kulche Days special guy Atkhalt with little a bolha Dayal clowning a bolha and Adgo morons here things Bejer estimated due Lake Drogba Mohsen Yagur this fact video me where Doria pant from Safi Ktakol to stick a young police Salé accused of assaulting him: the investigation open scandal ... I got sick and did not find non-coffin dead to navigate the roundabout mountains Azilal Vaidt on the casket but the dead of unknown call indicates killed a bolha a Moroccan immigrant in Germany following the murder
Do not know you, Melita. Do not know that your name is derived from the honey. a bolha And criticize. Honey. Honey. Hey Melita. But they do not know. Even Khayari decided that interrupts and interrupt Marrakech Festival. Alglamur do not know that has nothing to do with death and floods do not criticize my Melita. O sweetest name. And pronounce your name and Otlmaz. Hey Melita. Hey Melita. You sure you also do not know Khayari. This is a very unusual O Malita.vho representative Moroccan television and comic. Even if you look for it in the cinema will not Tosra it. And interrupts and solidarity with flood victims.
Did not go to the UAE or any other festival, but Qatek only in solidarity with the flood victims. Maybe Stsalin about the relationship between the festival and floods, but you will not find my Melita answer, because Moroccans associate these days among the things that have nothing to do collect them. Incidentally, pictures taken you a great Balagaftan Melita Hey, I have to Naspk defeated by the local. I do not understand why my Melita criticism, since the festival began Marrakech is directed to the outside, and since it launched its inception and you Tserenh, after the late husband of course. Say why France controls the festival, and say why Adel Imam then took a large amount, a bolha but you do not, we do not understand the Moroccans in Alglamur not in the stars wages, Tfzaana large numbers.
Think Festival Association is interested orphans and widows, but not you. Hey Melita. My name derived from honey. a bolha Even those who were praising the festival, you turned this year. Moroccan artists are angry you. Journalists are angry. Almanyare and angry. What did you do to them this year, my Melita. Must be a secret of it. What happened this year was happening in the past few years, but everyone is angry you, Melita. a bolha Asking you to Tltma cheeks O Melita, and Tnouha, and this is impossible, Pfstank Aldior, and the center of stars and beautiful, can never be that, first, because the make-up Saltkhkn and tears will come out of Maqakn, and secondly because the Marrakech Festival is not Motma, nor a forum socially, and an office for complaints. a bolha
Usually in such kind of festivals everything is overly Heakh. Gait counts, and laughter counts, grief counts, and joy counts, everything will be represented in the representation, a bolha and the cinema in the cinema, and the case that the Moroccan artists they perceive season, Faihj him humorists and dramatists and journalists courts pages, poets and representatives Alcetkumat, pensioners and retirees, and no one accept to sacrifice his right to Post O Melita. It is a national Melita our festival Hey, we all represent the cinema, and we want to spend a week in Marrakech. Hey honey. Hey Melita. They wanted your camera you feeling useless and not elevated Taatdhamnin with humanitarian issues, but does not accept what is a French and an American, a bolha but I Melita Oh, I see you thin and good name and honey.
Hey Cinderella. Oh poor married a rich man. But they do not know you, Melita. You do not know Tsutin left. And Tltkotain pictures with Bernard-Henri Levy. Do not know your childhood disadvantaged. Do not know how your father suffered a bolha from cruel heart. Serbian do not know your assets, and you are the outsider is also on this artificial world, and you're diligent

Sunday, February 22, 2015

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The name of God the Merciful after widespread fraud honey operations advised all experts bought honey from the source of the content already has a promiscuous, so we offer you our 1-honey pure clover at a price of 30 Egyptian pounds to kilo 2-honey reticulated foam sativa for the treatment of anemia and the sensitivity reticulated foam of the chest at a price of 40 pounds per kilo . 3-honey reticulated foam candle at a price of 40 pounds per kilo
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A review of the scientific article Ahmad Mohamed Ali plant Aldgmos or Takyot Tamazight reticulated foam is found in abundance in our region and is a desert plant drought-tolerant and thermal ...
Rearing queens manner wax cups also continued: continued new about bees and honey products Bgrob Praise honey ...
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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Articles months how to grow a lemon tree from seed ... preparations to remove excess hair in men ..

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Honey honey bee is a unique combination of about 200, including pollen components, enzymes, fragments of beeswax, propolis, and bees collect resin mixture of bark and leaf buds of trees. This popular treatment is common, studies show that it can be anti-inflammatory, convoluted foam and cholesterol-lowering, immunity-supporting and strengthening the process of digestion. Use honey to address these common complaints.
For example the first anti-inflammatory arthritis and antioxidants in honey help collagen in joints. Honey can be raised to reduce homocysteine levels, and is believed to cause heart problems linked to inflammation and arthritis. Raw honey is useful because it is alkaline food produced. Method of treatment: raw honey three times a day and massage the painful joints. Second cough can antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of honey soothe throats. In a study at the College convoluted foam of Pennsylvania, United States, 105 children were suffering from cough buckwheat honey, honey-flavored coughdrug, or no treatment. Not the best honey. Method convoluted foam of treatment: Take one teaspoon three times a day, including an hour before bedtime. Thirdly inflammation of the stomach and intestines and anti-inflammatories and antibacterials in honey make it useful for stomach convoluted foam bugs. Simple sugars, which helps with digestion and probiotic gut bacteria growth. Researchers treated at the University of Natal, South Africa, 36 children with gastroenteritis. Those given oral rehydration solutions containing sugar recovered convoluted foam in 93 Saah.tlk given an oral rehydration solution containing convoluted foam honey recovered in 58 hours on average.
Treatment method: if it did not seem to keep food in your stomach, drink at least three liters per day of oral rehydration solution made of a teaspoon of salt b, b bicarbonate of soda and a teaspoon of honey from a spoon. According to studies in Japan, said that eating a spoonful of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon a day before eating, cures gases and swelling Batn.alanvlonza. A scientist in Spain has proved convoluted foam that eating hanging of honey with cinnamon prevent influenza infection convoluted foam and relieve symptoms.
Articles months how to grow a lemon tree from seed ... preparations to remove excess hair in men ... the basic steps to get rid of fleas ... mango cultivation method of seeds ... how to deal with the bruises and get rid of the effects ... What are the symptoms and the types and methods treatment convoluted foam of rheumatoid chest ... reasons cats meow a lot ... cultivation method of grape seeds ... Follow us on Facebook
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Friday, February 20, 2015

Facts and figures lifoam about the salts in the molasses every two tablespoons of molasses contains

Treacle industry of old industries are considered in Egypt since the inception of the cultivation of sugar cane, which moved Arabs to Egypt during the seventh century AD in Egypt extends the season for a period of one hundred and fifty days almost a year. And the molasses produced by the juice extract concentration of sticks of sugar cane without removing sugar crystals until a concentration of not less than 70 degrees Brix or treacle so knows drink reeds and ranging in color from dark brown to light brown and black honey is a popular food in Egypt until that one of the most famous films that describe the fact named after the molasses. Honey Black was one of the staple foods that are raised by our parents and grandparents, where everything in their time was normal and not a plant, but they make all their own food. Can be summarized importance of molasses in: - high nutritional value, which is a rich source of energy, since it has high calories Harih. - Contains carbohydrate and minerals (calcium - iron - phosphorus - ...) also contains a proportion of proteins and vitamins. - A meal semi-integrated, low-cost when mixed with other products such as tahini or even work Cake him. - Lower production costs compared to the establishment of huge factories to produce white sugar crystals. - A lucrative market and is required for export abroad (America - Europe - East Asia) in addition to marketing the domestic market. lifoam - Is it some other industries.
- Protect against other diseases of malnutrition as it contains vitamins and mineral salts - good food in cold weather because it gives the body a high thermal energy, and is easy to digest lifoam so it is recommended in the rainy weather, lifoam especially for the kids before they go to school. - Immediate treatment of the general weakness because lifoam it is rich in niacin compound which strengthens the body and fights free impurities in the blood - rich in calcium is helpful for the bones so prescribed for the elderly, provided that they have diabetes. lifoam - Rich in potassium so it keeps the heart work normally and reduces stress and builds stronger bones - rich in iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and protects against disease, anemia, or what is known as anemia and its symptoms are fatigue, fatigue and exposure constantly find a way to take advantage of it at the bottom of the importance of the subject . - Rich in salts and minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur beneficial to the human body and helps to strengthen bones and teeth.
Remember that black honey is much better to get rid of anemia from eating the liver and spleen, lifoam because the molasses of the richest foods in organic iron compound as containing cent grams of molasses on six milligrams of iron, while the liver has the same weight and only one milligram. Valmassab anemia him to seek treatment of this disease through good food, so we note that the areas that are spread by famine or unbalanced lifoam food and concentration of children eat the chips and things other manufacturers waved sufficiency young drinks Taqo be more a population of people with anemia and treatment is very necessary because low hemoglobin in the blood cause very serious health problems such as fatigue lifoam and fatigue and exposure continuously. .
The best thing to use molasses with lemon and it dissolves Mlqtin of molasses in two cups of water and put lemon juice over medium and put the mixture in a bottle and Khaddha strongly this point very important to take a greater amount of the benefits of molasses with lemon. Given a cup a day for an adult and Ogheir half a cup a day course with a focus on healthy eating appropriate for the case of anemia. And of course the need to avoid cakes and ice cream, light and beverages of all kinds need to work with a full analysis of blood between each period, and again, and not eating foods working on the absorption lifoam of iron and graduating from the body in the form of feces, such as tea immediately after eating.
Facts and figures lifoam about the salts in the molasses every two tablespoons of molasses contains: * Manganese: 0.36 mg give 18% of the daily requirement for manganese. * Copper: 0.28 mg give 14% of the daily requirement for copper. * Iron: 2.4 mg give 13% of the daily requirement of iron. * Calcium: 117.5 mg give 11.8% of the daily requirement of calcium. * Potassium: lifoam 340 mg give 9.7% of the daily requirement of potassium. * Magnesium: 30 mg give 7.3% of the daily requirement of magnesium. Benefits of molasses Hair:
By: Dr. Mohsen club
Physical therapy and medicine specialist alternative holds a license to practice from the Palestinian Ministry of Health's medicine department under the number 17 \ 105, a graduate of the University of Delhi in India and holds a top position on the paid in the practical section, work in India in the larger hospitals such as the pit my pant and Alammerjyoti.
Infertility in male or weakness and lack of traffic lifoam and the number of sperm a complex problem in the patient's life, they are on a psychological level, family, and community ...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

No longer freeze honey kind of cheating, as some believe, but natural honey freezes, or Athbb long

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Honey is the best food; it contains a large proportion of sugars, vitamins, such as vitamin "b, k" is used as a medicine in most cases; application of the words of God Almighty "come out from their bellies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men in that is a sign for those who reflect "
In spite of the high honey prices, but many fans of honey and Madamon to buy miss detected by the ways, I always think he fiddled, and unnatural, where resort some beekeepers to mixing honey quantities of sugar, or glucose to increase the quantity of which make him lose its nutritional value, but Natural honey is also subject to change according to the environment in which bees live and by air temperature, according to the seasons of Agriculture eaten by bees sometimes changed to his wife, color, and taste.
No longer freeze honey kind of cheating, as some believe, but natural honey freezes, or Athbb long after the time of passage, one of the qualities of natural honey as natural honey be dimmed, and non-transparent When put paper written on it behind a jar of honey can not be read.
It is scientifically known that honey bees and its derivatives from beeswax, pollen, royal jelly and glue bees, all of which are used in the treatment of many diseases, including liver disease, stomach ulcers, flight case foam indigestion, and is used in the manufacture creams, and shampoos, cosmetics, and some medicines, and the painter of the freshness of the skin and vitality. flight case foam
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

According to the general experience: You can eat a big day hanging either directly, or by mixing in

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What normal amount per day for months to eat honey for the treatment of colon and constipation? Answer: In the name of God the Merciful the sister portalk / sunburst save God. Peace, portalk mercy and blessings of God, and after:
Honey has many benefits, but it can not determine a specific amount for the treatment of certain problems, but continue to eat on a daily basis on an empty stomach portalk has been proven to have significant benefits in the treatment of constipation and bowel problems and others.
According to the general experience: You can eat a big day hanging either directly, or by mixing in a glass of water on an empty stomach.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Plastic covers. Involves moving the plastic covers Shrink wrap or stretch wrap and plastic mattress

The furniture packing for the move Moving
The költöztetőktől not expect to get the same attention to put one of our things, such as what we would do, because they do not have any affiliation with our tárgyainkhoz. It is therefore very important foam art to ensure we have the package, because it can prevent injuries occurring in the future and fractures. If I unpack the tárgyainkat, you will not go broke in the pack.
The economical blankets and sheets, provide adequate protection, but does not need a lot of space for housing. The great advantage of these long-distance moving that much lighter than conventional films. foam art The heavy solid wood furniture, leather sofas, a large dining table for thicker films of the same should be packed, but the smaller items and furniture are satisfied with these economical blankets, films too. The non-quilted kirepedhetnek films, but for small items that will not be a problem, but the furniture is definitely a more durable foam art material packaged. foam art
The other option is to use the paper. There are also a number of packaging paper: is the brown version, which viszonlag very thick, making it much more durable than plain newsprint. There are three layers of paper, which are light but also very sturdy. The paper sheet and, moreover, in addition, provides a 100% recyclable also breathable, good protection.
Moving boxes can be a wall, as the book boxes, boxes, etc. Linen or double-walled boxes such as China, TV boxes, wardrobe boxes, etc. double walled boxes is much stronger and hold more weight. But please, do not try to load them the capacity. Charging Cabinet box full of books is not a good idea. The name of the box is very telling: Book Boxes (1.5 cubic feet) are in the books, small canvas boxes (cf 3.1), and Large Linen box (cf 4.5) of the folded clothes, towels and linens, foam art China box, 5, 0, 2 cf fragile foam art objects and wardrobe boxes (or are 10.1 cf cf 15 feet high and 4) the hanging clothes. And of course there are picture foam art boxes, light boxes, mattress boxes and a whole range of all kinds of special boxes, corners, etc.
Flexible material. If the pack fragile items in a box - it should be something that the padding. Top blank newsprint and bubble wrap. White or blank newsprint paper bag 5, 10 or 25 pounds foam art bundles. Blank newsprint best packaging containers, plates, porcelain, fragile items, or simply filling in empty spaces in a box. Wide roll of bubble wrap are 12 or 24 inches, and different sized bubbles. Winners foam art mostly 0.5-inch bubble 24 inches wide. Bubble wrap packaging good electronics or large piece of glass.
Plastic covers. Involves moving the plastic covers Shrink wrap or stretch wrap and plastic mattress cover, sofa cover plastic or plastic chair covers. Shrink Wrap - widely used in shipping to load the pallets together as a unit, and do not let it fall apart or items disappear in transit. Moving furniture originally packaged with small parts or batteries to keep opening doors or drawers together. Then it became a substitute for the plastic covers to wrap mattresses. foam art It is definitely not better than a plastic mattress cover, but it is more profitable in a moving company: the cost much less to buy a roll of shrink wrap, but it takes longer to close and spend more moving item individually wrapped. foam art Winners may even shrink wrap on top of furniture has been packed blankets. It looks good, but very expensive and completely unnecessary. If you put the items packed storage to actually damage the furniture, because it traps moisture and rotting furniture really packed to the stored long enough. We recommend foam art a mattress cover, because foam art even if you will be wrapped in a blanket - I do not know what it was packed to cover before. And the mattress you sleep. Also, light-colored upholstery foam art sofas would be better off if you cover it with plastic sofa in front of the bay, packaging, furniture covers. Sometimes foam art the color bleeds out onto a moving blanket upholstery.
Summary: In preparation for the move so the force characteristics, and consider the furniture you want to close. Need to place? foam art - Get the paper or space-saving blanket protection to be better - to provide high quality thick moving blankets. Want to be a fragile security - wrap them in a strong double walled boxes much cushioning materials you want to keep clean furniture - used plastic furniture covers. In the next article we will go over the specific characteristics of packaging foam art various items of furniture.
There are numerous quality blankets available We can produce custom blankets for you or custom furniture covers, and supply all the necessary moving supplies such as moving dolly, handtruck, pizza boxes, plastic furniture

Friday, February 6, 2015

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Meanwhile, it is not so. Take the foods most frequently

VV Pohlebkin custom cut foam "Belarusian cuisine" | Prysmakі s kіshenі
Library Lіtoўskaya gaspadynya People matalyan kitchen Baking and desserts Pancakes and fritters Cupcakes and Muffins Ice Cream Savory Baking Easter Cookies Cakes Cakes Cheese Cakes Baking Bread Machanka Meat and fish dishes of minced Beef Pork Poultry custom cut foam Fish dishes Offal Beverages Vegetables Potato dishes Dishes from cereals Pickles and marinades First courses and Borscht soup Soups Cold soups salads and snacks and canapés Sandwiches Snacks Meat salads Vegetable and fruit and vegetable salads salad with mushrooms Salads Seafood
And it can not do without Pokhlebkin. After reading this book I was surprised to learn that the popularity of lamb is in second place, ahead of the bird. I myself tried the lamb being quite an adult, but at home we have never cooked it. Had tortured her mother yes aunt. With amazement found out that my grandmother kept sheep and lamb cooked. custom cut foam Though I found Samotkal woolen prostilki and often watched my grandmother at the loom and the spinning wheel, but the sheep did not remember. That's how slowly learn more about their roots. Happy reading;)
Cvoeobrazie historical destinies of the Belarusian people had a profound influence on the formation and development of its culture. Stripped down to the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 their national statehood, has experienced the impact of cross-Orthodox, Uniate Catholic churches and the Belarusian people in difficult, complex custom cut foam and contradictory conditions was forced custom cut foam to defend its national characteristics and customs, including material custom cut foam culture to which is the national cuisine.
Under these conditions, Belarusian cuisine, on the one hand, continued to remain close to the kitchens of Belarusians surrounding Slavic peoples - Russian, Ukrainians, Poles, and on the other hand, - experienced a certain influence their non-Slavic neighbors cuisines - Lithuanians and Latvians. In addition, the culinary arts in the eastern and western parts of Belarus for a long time isolated from each other, evolved differently, subjected to different influences. All this prevented the consolidation of the already existing specific features of Belarusian cuisine, hindered the development of national culinary techniques and some dishes that are unique to the Belarusian cuisine.
Especially strongly prevented the formation of one national cuisine class distinctions, is closely intertwined with national and religious differences. While the peasantry was the Belarusian and Orthodox gentry - Belarusian, but mostly Uniate, privileged nobility nationally was Polish, Lithuanian, and religious - exclusively custom cut foam Catholic. Hence, naturally, there is a difference not only between the kitchen rural, small-town and urban populations, but the differences between the "magnate", "the custom cut foam lord", "gentry" "gentry" cuisine custom cut foam and the common people. Kitchen of the ruling classes in Belarus and stretching them za gentry in the highest degree evolved under the influence of Wielkopolska, and partly German cuisine, while the kitchen burghers, craftsmen and small-town folk all influenced Korchemnaya kitchen Jews, mass migration which began within Belarus in the XVII century.
Peasant Belarusian cuisine until the late XIX-early XX centuries. steadfastly maintained its original features dating back to the XIII-XIV custom cut foam centuries. and sometimes even deeper - in the ancient kitchen and Krivichy Dregovichi.
However, in a peasant kitchen were quite noticeable regional differences. So, the kitchen and the peasants Vitebsk region Mogilev region custom cut foam differed from Western cuisine Belarusians Grodno region, and both of them in turn differed from the kitchen Polischuks. or Pinchukov - residents custom cut foam are less affected by influences Polesie.
The basis of the modern Belarusian cuisine has become so kitchen rural eastern custom cut foam and western regions, which included the most common and long existed on the territory of Belarus serves urban, developed mainly under the influence of Polish cuisine, but get Belarusian custom cut foam processing. As a result, the Belarusian cuisine has got its own range of predominantly used, favorite products and its own special cooking methods, and pre-heat treatment of food raw materials. This led to the selection of dishes in Belarusian cuisine, which in their totality are not found in other nations neighboring the Belarusians, although the principles of preparing separate dishes custom cut foam of Belarusian cuisine is not alien to the Russian or Ukrainians or Poles or Lithuanians.
However, the similarity of these three kitchens used food as well as the general type of focus (Russian stove, which created Belorussian cuisine) superficially gave the impression that the Belarusian cuisine is one of the branches custom cut foam of all-Russian cuisine.
Meanwhile, it is not so. Take the foods most frequently

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2 veal brisket or shoulder blade, honey combs 1 carrot, 1 onion, 0.5 leek, celery root 0.5, 0.5 par

Due to the collapse of the Russian ruble stroyotrasl honey combs Belarus lost $ 60 million
Passions around the film Zvyagintsev "Leviathan" boil before its release on the screen. After watching the movie on the Internet, some made out there denigration of the country, while others - realistic karttinu modern society. The film's release, it seems, honey combs will ignite even more controversy.
Vegetables and fruits are now, by and large, "plastic" and expensive. So, it's time to canned food. Lucky for those who have a home-made: homemade and safe. Others will have to learn how to choose a good store of products.
January 15-20 BTRC and TV channel "Belarus 1" held a national survey shows "I can!". During the six days of shooting Creators large-scale project to record the first six semi-finals. In each qualifying round, except for the last day in the survey honey combs participated 10 creative rooms.
Souvenir for your phone. Hair care gazhetami
What images of giants novel Francois disease aggravated in the winter? How to cope with the cold allergy? What vitamins are good for the skin in winter? These and other questions of readers of "AIF" in a straight line said PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology of the Belarusian State Medical University, Marina V. Kachuk.
Responsible psychologist responsible lawyer replied the doctor responsible priest
While in Belarus remains high interest rates on deposits in Belarusian rubles, in some countries the central bank introduced ... negative deposit rates! Why investors can get to pay for what he allows banks to use their money? Maxim Lewkowicz, Brest
Daria Egorchenko honey combs Margarita Polezhaeva TELTEVSKAYA Julia Anna Anton Kryuchkov Trofimovitch Tatyana Lazareva Olga Saruhanov Leonid honey combs Miheychikova Evgeny Oleynik Igor Sokolov Victoria ZHUHUNYAN Sergei Krapivin
In the past, he published a book of recipes "Lithuanian honey combs cook." This is the first Belarusian cuisine recipe book, published in 1848. Drafted by Vincent Zavadzkaya, a resident of Vilnius, the book changes our understanding of the Belarusian cuisine. In it, for example, no pancakes, no grout, but full of Western dishes honey combs that require ingredients such as chocolate, oranges, truffles. It turns out that half a century ago in Belarus zhyuleny ate, drank lemonade and orangeade and BP sponge cakes. Some interesting recipes selected for their readers "AIF". honey combs Soups like turtle
800 grams of beef, 400 grams of veal, 1 calf's head, 0.5 chicken, 200 grams of ham, salt, 1 cup of Madeira, 1-2 onions, 1-2 parsley roots, parsley, 100 grams of butter, 5-8 cloves of grains 10 grains of pepper English, 0.75 cups flour 1 lemon, mushrooms or truffles 5-10, amaretki or proteins from boiled eggs.
Broth for this soup should honey combs be strong, made from several types of meat, namely, beef, veal shoulder blade, calf's head, chicken, salted and with a set of roots. Having prepared, it should be thoroughly drain and collect fat. Take 100 g of fresh butter, melt and pour it raw smoked thigh, diced, chopped parsley, onion, cloves, English pepper and fry it on medium heat, then add the flour and the best fry again. For half an hour before serving all you need to pour in the broth and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. When the boil, strain through a fine sieve, throw a little amaretak, pieces of calf's head, truffles and mushrooms, boil again, add a glass of Madeira, and serve. In the plate to put on rings lemon.
Rob pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds, cut into chunks, boil in water until tender and rub through a sieve. Melt a large spoon of oil, fry it in flour, add about 1.5 cups of fresh milk, stir and bring to a boil, dissolve this pureed pumpkin, pouring as much hot milk to make a thick soup.
Boil potatoes and rub through a colander and mix with a piece of butter and three raw eggs, salt and pepper honey combs and add the finely dissected hot. That the mass was soft, add a little flour. Make small tick, dip them in beaten egg, croutons and abkachvats to fry in hot oil or deep-fried. Stuffed Tomatoes
Mince prepared as follows: veal and ham cut into small pieces and put out in the oil, add the French roll without the box, onions, fried in butter, a little nutmeg, pepper, salt, and midway of tomatoes, of which only need to remove the grain.
All this mix well nafarshyravats tomatoes, cover each cut top, sprinkle with grated crackers, each put a small piece of butter and put the tomatoes for 15-20 minutes in the oven. During baking, pour a few tablespoons of sour cream. Fricassee of veal or grudinak blades
2 veal brisket or shoulder blade, honey combs 1 carrot, 1 onion, 0.5 leek, celery root 0.5, 0.5 parsley root, salt,

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

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Monday, February 2, 2015

*** - Honey, I brought a child from kindergarten! - Well, as we call? Something our school to learn

Lenka kitchen cubes piled on the table. Suddenly I saw between the glass in the window of a small chmelika. He, poor man, struggling helplessly wings and tired, crawling on the glass. If Lenka summer staying with grandparents in the village that he told his grandson about bees and these here shaggy worker.
Meanwhile, the bumblebee struggling on the frame, but to get out through the open window, of course, could not. Once Lenka turned away, he saw another. Now both the poor man with yellow "kachalachkami" pollen crawling on the glass and disturbing buzzing. "And as they climbed, stupid, right on the ninth floor?" - Surprised small. If the house was a father, e foam he could do it. And then - what can you do?
Leonid under sink out of the box with a variety of fillings took pliers, hammer. e foam Carefully pull the stud, which was attached to a string curtains. Framed stool and opened the half of the window. Cloth gently caught one, then another chmelika. Reached e foam out the window. Bumblebees like melted into thick air clean.
- Fly! Flowers in the courtyard of the flowerbeds much. Vaughn below is just fades and lime. I'll tell you someday grandfather how to save these stupid kids - killing the nail with a tight string curtain, decided Lenka. Yes, and then I thought, said loudly: - "No, I will not tell. Let grandfather thinks I - braggart ...
*** - Honey, I brought a child from kindergarten! - Well, as we call? Something our school to learn. Your comment Anonymous on Anonymous on Mount Belkin Busia Anonymous on Christmas Adventure on Olga Contact Elena on Competition e foam "We - the happy family!" Mom Starovojtovoj Isolde on Guestbook Elena Sapozhkova on Guestbook Elena Sapozhkova on Welcome to the "Magic Music" on Elena Elena seals on Sapozhkova Leave your wish "Vyaselke" Most Commented Guestbook e foam (57) Contact (35) Magnifier (20) Our magazine (14) My best friend and I (14) Subscription (12) Bumblebee and ant (11) Where is the gifts? (11) Gallery (8) Magazine "Rainbow" is a new contest - "Family Mascot" (8) Our friends

Spring always comes to us suddenly. Even yesterday, all wrapped in a coat, but here again - and the

Schwarzenegger's body is expensive, camo foams or What is long-term investments in health
About us Our publications The newspaper "Zvezda" newspaper "LiM" magazine "Neman" magazine "Flame" magazine "Youth" magazine "Hedgehog" Book Group Archive Old version Archive Site Archive Contact Us Advertise in the newspaper editions site advertising Subscribe appeal to the Editor camo foams
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Home Society Body Schwarzenegger is expensive, or What is long-term investments in a healthy body Schwarzenegger camo foams is expensive, or What is long-term investments in health
Spring always comes to us suddenly. Even yesterday, all wrapped in a coat, but here again - and the bear came. We get out of the closet light outfit and look in the mirror. Many probably see there is very "prominent" people. In the sense that some parts are knocked out of the picture beautiful, camo foams smart, trained winter evenings body, which, among other things, in last year's clothes do not fit ...
VK - I do not know. I've reviewed your garderobchik - I can wear it. Not much I pamazhnev a year - and winter on snow with friends played football. And apparently you only as Carlson in full blossom, sitting on a diet of raspberry jam. Why not get into his wide pants ...
SK - But I'm not 24 years old, as some. Therefore, in the cold, I was resting camo foams at home. However, on the couch, I should camo foams not lie. I have been there in the corner gantelki stand. However, camo foams they are a little dusty ... But recently camo foams started to be friends with them again. The main thing - do not make mistakes last year and did not go immediately to the records. And then two days actively coached the press, and then a week, not only the stomach, but the ribs ached.
SK - You're still my "top ten" list the coach homebrew. The same will not run from a heart attack and a stroke. My peers to treat the body must be circumspect. I am the last month three or four stops to walk home on foot and on the fifth floor without elevator at work rise. In sports uniforms need to enter gradually, when the load is increased very carefully ...
VK - So, if I understand correctly, you are more like individual sports at home. Let. I prefer collective ways to maintain muscle camo foams - football, volleyball, camo foams tennis and other games. Here let us look, whose training will be more beneficial camo foams for the family budget.
SK - We must start with sports clothing, as in T-shirts can correct health in the village or at the cottage. And in physical education should look decent. At least, it is worth to get special shoes. Shoes for my youngest son are from 115 to 200 thousand rubles. Up to 300,000 are domestic sneakers for daughters. A high-quality shoes for adults lead already thousands 500. Sport pants for toddlers will cost from 30 to 50 thousand. Belarusian for adults - 50-60 thousand rubles, and specialties - up to 300 thousand.
VK - T-shirts, of course, every house there. Now move on, so to speak, to the props. Recently, now play volleyball. What will it take? Just a good ball and volleyball net. Thus, the normal ball for a leisurely game on the nature camo foams of the network and without rules will cost 150-170 thousand. If you are ready to go to the gym or to a special area, the ball for a good (not to bring down the hands let not break down the fingers) will have to pay from 230 to 300 thousand rubles. Finally, network. Here the choice is small, but the options are still there. Poliestravaya will cost from 160 to 500 thousand, cotton - from 200 to three hundred and fiftieth
SK - What, you like volleyball? This is not surprising - walk like a rake, long. This man should be stocky, camo foams rather, strong. And for this "iron" drag necessary. In specialty stores gantelki even for kids to eat. For example, in Slutsk produce camo foams dumbbell weight of 1 to 12kg. The smallest costs 27 thousand rubles, and 12-pound "glands" - 250 thousand. At home I have two 8-kilogram

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Belarusians will! "The holiday village in Cherkassy
Magic card edge. BY Persons Adnak! Will Belarusian! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Black and white verses Fight gene dozen. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here! Be a Belarusian be a Belarusian 2 be a Belarusian burlap rolls 3 "Let the language!" We Belarusian holidays!
With the scale and enthusiasm September 20 agro Cherkasy burlap rolls was a holiday devoted to the 85th anniversary of the kolkhoz D. Falco. Despite the weather, residents and guests of the village late rested and shared their impressions. There were people of all ages: seniors, youth, children. Greeted the residents asked the chairman Fanipolskogo selispolkoma Vladimir Lobach. Further, according to the scenario envisaged holiday greetings and rewarding labor veterans, winners. The event was organized by the director of Cherkassy burlap rolls DC Cyril Chic and branch manager Falko Agro Vadim Kunz. The festive atmosphere created vocal-instrumental cover - a group of Cherkasy House of Culture "Chic - Band" and the group HANDMADE , who throughout the event gladdened present songs.
Interesting program burlap rolls prepared for fellow House of Culture: the history of theatrical kolkhoz D.Falko, a concert, play areas, which offers children and adults compete in the game "stump and nail" to take part in the revival burlap rolls of the popular attraction burlap rolls "Koltsakid", "Pots "unique lottery cubes. burlap rolls All the winners were awarded prizes from the sponsors of the event. Incendiary scenes, folk and lyrical songs, and unforgettable musical groups made the day really interesting and memorable. burlap rolls By evening, kids' rides, sold toys, popcorn and cotton candy. burlap rolls
Most importantly, this festival is - it is the spirit that strengthens all the people together, - said Kirill Schick, director of Cherkassy House kultury.- And we, the members of the House of Culture, we try to create an atmosphere that villager was interesting to live here. That he was not thinking burlap rolls about the fact that he has no culture of the village, there is a servesa. We do it. It is not only amateur club, on the feast of the village, we always invite interesting people including students, to help us, and of course the popular vocal and instrumental ensembles, which also enliven the village. Most importantly, I think we improve the culture of rural people. Would like to see the villagers did not go to Minsk and stayed here. We try to create the holidays better than the metropolitan or district. We have to do all the possibilities: highly skilled, burlap rolls good material base, an understanding with the guidance, support people, many interesting ideas and a desire to embody them.
At the celebration of the soul sang and danced well into the evening. A real gift for those present was a bright fire show from the theater fire by "stealing". Continue celebration offered at the disco in the Culture House, which first opened after renovation. In short, a holiday in Cherkasy was a success!
The organizers would like to thank the students 414 "A" group of directing ceremonies and holidays UO "Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts," burlap rolls Crusaders "Budzma Belarusians!" The Company "Talan -M" and personally Elena Makovskaya, Nina Shidlovskaya, Evgeny Voloshin, Julia Reyzis, Eugene Sidorovich, Andrew Dobriyan, Vitaly Chehovskamu, Stas Chehovskamu, Evgeny Korshunov, Dmitry Svidinskamu, Alexander Chugunova, Natalia Licko, Alesia Korolik, Mary Yankevich and all those who helped in the organization and conduct of the festival.
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