Friday, February 20, 2015

Facts and figures lifoam about the salts in the molasses every two tablespoons of molasses contains

Treacle industry of old industries are considered in Egypt since the inception of the cultivation of sugar cane, which moved Arabs to Egypt during the seventh century AD in Egypt extends the season for a period of one hundred and fifty days almost a year. And the molasses produced by the juice extract concentration of sticks of sugar cane without removing sugar crystals until a concentration of not less than 70 degrees Brix or treacle so knows drink reeds and ranging in color from dark brown to light brown and black honey is a popular food in Egypt until that one of the most famous films that describe the fact named after the molasses. Honey Black was one of the staple foods that are raised by our parents and grandparents, where everything in their time was normal and not a plant, but they make all their own food. Can be summarized importance of molasses in: - high nutritional value, which is a rich source of energy, since it has high calories Harih. - Contains carbohydrate and minerals (calcium - iron - phosphorus - ...) also contains a proportion of proteins and vitamins. - A meal semi-integrated, low-cost when mixed with other products such as tahini or even work Cake him. - Lower production costs compared to the establishment of huge factories to produce white sugar crystals. - A lucrative market and is required for export abroad (America - Europe - East Asia) in addition to marketing the domestic market. lifoam - Is it some other industries.
- Protect against other diseases of malnutrition as it contains vitamins and mineral salts - good food in cold weather because it gives the body a high thermal energy, and is easy to digest lifoam so it is recommended in the rainy weather, lifoam especially for the kids before they go to school. - Immediate treatment of the general weakness because lifoam it is rich in niacin compound which strengthens the body and fights free impurities in the blood - rich in calcium is helpful for the bones so prescribed for the elderly, provided that they have diabetes. lifoam - Rich in potassium so it keeps the heart work normally and reduces stress and builds stronger bones - rich in iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and protects against disease, anemia, or what is known as anemia and its symptoms are fatigue, fatigue and exposure constantly find a way to take advantage of it at the bottom of the importance of the subject . - Rich in salts and minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur beneficial to the human body and helps to strengthen bones and teeth.
Remember that black honey is much better to get rid of anemia from eating the liver and spleen, lifoam because the molasses of the richest foods in organic iron compound as containing cent grams of molasses on six milligrams of iron, while the liver has the same weight and only one milligram. Valmassab anemia him to seek treatment of this disease through good food, so we note that the areas that are spread by famine or unbalanced lifoam food and concentration of children eat the chips and things other manufacturers waved sufficiency young drinks Taqo be more a population of people with anemia and treatment is very necessary because low hemoglobin in the blood cause very serious health problems such as fatigue lifoam and fatigue and exposure continuously. .
The best thing to use molasses with lemon and it dissolves Mlqtin of molasses in two cups of water and put lemon juice over medium and put the mixture in a bottle and Khaddha strongly this point very important to take a greater amount of the benefits of molasses with lemon. Given a cup a day for an adult and Ogheir half a cup a day course with a focus on healthy eating appropriate for the case of anemia. And of course the need to avoid cakes and ice cream, light and beverages of all kinds need to work with a full analysis of blood between each period, and again, and not eating foods working on the absorption lifoam of iron and graduating from the body in the form of feces, such as tea immediately after eating.
Facts and figures lifoam about the salts in the molasses every two tablespoons of molasses contains: * Manganese: 0.36 mg give 18% of the daily requirement for manganese. * Copper: 0.28 mg give 14% of the daily requirement for copper. * Iron: 2.4 mg give 13% of the daily requirement of iron. * Calcium: 117.5 mg give 11.8% of the daily requirement of calcium. * Potassium: lifoam 340 mg give 9.7% of the daily requirement of potassium. * Magnesium: 30 mg give 7.3% of the daily requirement of magnesium. Benefits of molasses Hair:
By: Dr. Mohsen club
Physical therapy and medicine specialist alternative holds a license to practice from the Palestinian Ministry of Health's medicine department under the number 17 \ 105, a graduate of the University of Delhi in India and holds a top position on the paid in the practical section, work in India in the larger hospitals such as the pit my pant and Alammerjyoti.
Infertility in male or weakness and lack of traffic lifoam and the number of sperm a complex problem in the patient's life, they are on a psychological level, family, and community ...

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