Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2 veal brisket or shoulder blade, honey combs 1 carrot, 1 onion, 0.5 leek, celery root 0.5, 0.5 par

Due to the collapse of the Russian ruble stroyotrasl honey combs Belarus lost $ 60 million
Passions around the film Zvyagintsev "Leviathan" boil before its release on the screen. After watching the movie on the Internet, some made out there denigration of the country, while others - realistic karttinu modern society. The film's release, it seems, honey combs will ignite even more controversy.
Vegetables and fruits are now, by and large, "plastic" and expensive. So, it's time to canned food. Lucky for those who have a home-made: homemade and safe. Others will have to learn how to choose a good store of products.
January 15-20 BTRC and TV channel "Belarus 1" held a national survey shows "I can!". During the six days of shooting Creators large-scale project to record the first six semi-finals. In each qualifying round, except for the last day in the survey honey combs participated 10 creative rooms.
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What images of giants novel Francois disease aggravated in the winter? How to cope with the cold allergy? What vitamins are good for the skin in winter? These and other questions of readers of "AIF" in a straight line said PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology of the Belarusian State Medical University, Marina V. Kachuk.
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While in Belarus remains high interest rates on deposits in Belarusian rubles, in some countries the central bank introduced ... negative deposit rates! Why investors can get to pay for what he allows banks to use their money? Maxim Lewkowicz, Brest
Daria Egorchenko honey combs Margarita Polezhaeva TELTEVSKAYA Julia Anna Anton Kryuchkov Trofimovitch Tatyana Lazareva Olga Saruhanov Leonid honey combs Miheychikova Evgeny Oleynik Igor Sokolov Victoria ZHUHUNYAN Sergei Krapivin
In the past, he published a book of recipes "Lithuanian honey combs cook." This is the first Belarusian cuisine recipe book, published in 1848. Drafted by Vincent Zavadzkaya, a resident of Vilnius, the book changes our understanding of the Belarusian cuisine. In it, for example, no pancakes, no grout, but full of Western dishes honey combs that require ingredients such as chocolate, oranges, truffles. It turns out that half a century ago in Belarus zhyuleny ate, drank lemonade and orangeade and BP sponge cakes. Some interesting recipes selected for their readers "AIF". honey combs Soups like turtle
800 grams of beef, 400 grams of veal, 1 calf's head, 0.5 chicken, 200 grams of ham, salt, 1 cup of Madeira, 1-2 onions, 1-2 parsley roots, parsley, 100 grams of butter, 5-8 cloves of grains 10 grains of pepper English, 0.75 cups flour 1 lemon, mushrooms or truffles 5-10, amaretki or proteins from boiled eggs.
Broth for this soup should honey combs be strong, made from several types of meat, namely, beef, veal shoulder blade, calf's head, chicken, salted and with a set of roots. Having prepared, it should be thoroughly drain and collect fat. Take 100 g of fresh butter, melt and pour it raw smoked thigh, diced, chopped parsley, onion, cloves, English pepper and fry it on medium heat, then add the flour and the best fry again. For half an hour before serving all you need to pour in the broth and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. When the boil, strain through a fine sieve, throw a little amaretak, pieces of calf's head, truffles and mushrooms, boil again, add a glass of Madeira, and serve. In the plate to put on rings lemon.
Rob pumpkin, remove the pulp and seeds, cut into chunks, boil in water until tender and rub through a sieve. Melt a large spoon of oil, fry it in flour, add about 1.5 cups of fresh milk, stir and bring to a boil, dissolve this pureed pumpkin, pouring as much hot milk to make a thick soup.
Boil potatoes and rub through a colander and mix with a piece of butter and three raw eggs, salt and pepper honey combs and add the finely dissected hot. That the mass was soft, add a little flour. Make small tick, dip them in beaten egg, croutons and abkachvats to fry in hot oil or deep-fried. Stuffed Tomatoes
Mince prepared as follows: veal and ham cut into small pieces and put out in the oil, add the French roll without the box, onions, fried in butter, a little nutmeg, pepper, salt, and midway of tomatoes, of which only need to remove the grain.
All this mix well nafarshyravats tomatoes, cover each cut top, sprinkle with grated crackers, each put a small piece of butter and put the tomatoes for 15-20 minutes in the oven. During baking, pour a few tablespoons of sour cream. Fricassee of veal or grudinak blades
2 veal brisket or shoulder blade, honey combs 1 carrot, 1 onion, 0.5 leek, celery root 0.5, 0.5 parsley root, salt,

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