Thursday, February 5, 2015

Meanwhile, it is not so. Take the foods most frequently

VV Pohlebkin custom cut foam "Belarusian cuisine" | Prysmakі s kіshenі
Library Lіtoўskaya gaspadynya People matalyan kitchen Baking and desserts Pancakes and fritters Cupcakes and Muffins Ice Cream Savory Baking Easter Cookies Cakes Cakes Cheese Cakes Baking Bread Machanka Meat and fish dishes of minced Beef Pork Poultry custom cut foam Fish dishes Offal Beverages Vegetables Potato dishes Dishes from cereals Pickles and marinades First courses and Borscht soup Soups Cold soups salads and snacks and canapés Sandwiches Snacks Meat salads Vegetable and fruit and vegetable salads salad with mushrooms Salads Seafood
And it can not do without Pokhlebkin. After reading this book I was surprised to learn that the popularity of lamb is in second place, ahead of the bird. I myself tried the lamb being quite an adult, but at home we have never cooked it. Had tortured her mother yes aunt. With amazement found out that my grandmother kept sheep and lamb cooked. custom cut foam Though I found Samotkal woolen prostilki and often watched my grandmother at the loom and the spinning wheel, but the sheep did not remember. That's how slowly learn more about their roots. Happy reading;)
Cvoeobrazie historical destinies of the Belarusian people had a profound influence on the formation and development of its culture. Stripped down to the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 their national statehood, has experienced the impact of cross-Orthodox, Uniate Catholic churches and the Belarusian people in difficult, complex custom cut foam and contradictory conditions was forced custom cut foam to defend its national characteristics and customs, including material custom cut foam culture to which is the national cuisine.
Under these conditions, Belarusian cuisine, on the one hand, continued to remain close to the kitchens of Belarusians surrounding Slavic peoples - Russian, Ukrainians, Poles, and on the other hand, - experienced a certain influence their non-Slavic neighbors cuisines - Lithuanians and Latvians. In addition, the culinary arts in the eastern and western parts of Belarus for a long time isolated from each other, evolved differently, subjected to different influences. All this prevented the consolidation of the already existing specific features of Belarusian cuisine, hindered the development of national culinary techniques and some dishes that are unique to the Belarusian cuisine.
Especially strongly prevented the formation of one national cuisine class distinctions, is closely intertwined with national and religious differences. While the peasantry was the Belarusian and Orthodox gentry - Belarusian, but mostly Uniate, privileged nobility nationally was Polish, Lithuanian, and religious - exclusively custom cut foam Catholic. Hence, naturally, there is a difference not only between the kitchen rural, small-town and urban populations, but the differences between the "magnate", "the custom cut foam lord", "gentry" "gentry" cuisine custom cut foam and the common people. Kitchen of the ruling classes in Belarus and stretching them za gentry in the highest degree evolved under the influence of Wielkopolska, and partly German cuisine, while the kitchen burghers, craftsmen and small-town folk all influenced Korchemnaya kitchen Jews, mass migration which began within Belarus in the XVII century.
Peasant Belarusian cuisine until the late XIX-early XX centuries. steadfastly maintained its original features dating back to the XIII-XIV custom cut foam centuries. and sometimes even deeper - in the ancient kitchen and Krivichy Dregovichi.
However, in a peasant kitchen were quite noticeable regional differences. So, the kitchen and the peasants Vitebsk region Mogilev region custom cut foam differed from Western cuisine Belarusians Grodno region, and both of them in turn differed from the kitchen Polischuks. or Pinchukov - residents custom cut foam are less affected by influences Polesie.
The basis of the modern Belarusian cuisine has become so kitchen rural eastern custom cut foam and western regions, which included the most common and long existed on the territory of Belarus serves urban, developed mainly under the influence of Polish cuisine, but get Belarusian custom cut foam processing. As a result, the Belarusian cuisine has got its own range of predominantly used, favorite products and its own special cooking methods, and pre-heat treatment of food raw materials. This led to the selection of dishes in Belarusian cuisine, which in their totality are not found in other nations neighboring the Belarusians, although the principles of preparing separate dishes custom cut foam of Belarusian cuisine is not alien to the Russian or Ukrainians or Poles or Lithuanians.
However, the similarity of these three kitchens used food as well as the general type of focus (Russian stove, which created Belorussian cuisine) superficially gave the impression that the Belarusian cuisine is one of the branches custom cut foam of all-Russian cuisine.
Meanwhile, it is not so. Take the foods most frequently

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