Saturday, April 11, 2015

2014 (1) February (1) 2013 (8) October (1)

M84 Stun Hefeweizen should now be running. Panopäivä went quite well and I thought it a good snap some pictures on the way. Here's a little summary, therefore, the day's events with pictures. 7.00 - Marppi had been taken to work so let 's stuff up. Hoist according to the style more or less everything on the table and checked tektalan that everything can be found. Käymispönikkä, water trap, and scales the image seems to be missing. Goods sprawled figure can be found, therefore, more or less as follows: - Cold This bag pimped spoil mäskäysastia, to keep the heat a little bit ill still includes - lisätuningia needed. This hereto (the tap in the front) tektalan of the washing machine tektalan rosteriletkusta of the filter through which the wort is separated ryynistä as well as a garden hose to a tap attached to a piece of that wort oxidize the way to the fermentor to the digester (rear left) - the extreme right, Corona malt mill, could be better but everyone in there doing. - Siphon (with red tubing) and bottlefillereineen. - Strainer and 1l desimitta. - Ominaispanomittari, the measuring tube and a thermometer (the strainer and malt mill in the middle), the measurement of glass in front of the mash tun. - In addition, tektalan yeast and a couple of bags of malt (garden hose "inside"). Below is a picture of their own raw materials, therefore, this is a tool for the sport! Raw materials for beer arises tektalan as raw material, therefore, Lager malt, vehnämallasta, tektalan SAFBREW WB-06 yeast and Hallertau hops Mittlefrüh. 7.30 - Yo kamoista about 95% went to the disinfection and cleaning + mäskäysastia and oheissälät. This step is tympein it. On Melkon of disinfectant which is reasonably easy. Star Sania should almost from Belgium to order so there is no longer tarvitseisi rinsed after disinfection. 7.45 - Grits mill and masking. Below is the image ryyneistä that what will it be after roughing. This is the beer then starts to occur (just add water). The upper container of crushed malt barley and wheat in the lower, separated from it in that the wheat is not then any appearance among the chaff. Barley malt will always be a little bit, but then it is a good thing that not accidentally sputter strainer clogged when the wort begins to drain. Malt rouhiutuessa heater otherwise the mash tun about four liters of boiling tektalan water, no heat loss should be as much as mäskäysastia has already been pre-heated. Well, grits dish and let 's go. The wort wort is nearing completion nearing completion Mashing looked something like the above from the barrel of the inside and the outside of the barrel from the following. Mäskäysastia tried to play bogeyman - a couple of additional safeguard is minimized while the volatile heat and keep mäskäyslämpötila as close as possible to what you had to. That is about 67 degrees and the hour maskat. After mashing a couple of jugs of rennet and rinsed tektalan twice (2,1l + 5,1l, 76 C C warm water). 10.00 - Hot! Well, the signatory lempparihommaan. That is, the wort into the soup - this really leaves a damn good smell! Below are some pictures of batch cooking. In practice, therefore, the job went to, so that I did not want to heat with wood stove and electric keittel ago. I guess the same will. Hops were added to 7g @ 60min and 3G @ 5min. Hotbreakki surprised and was about to become the stove (boilover), so working in a saucepan until keittel was so vajunut that all could accommodate almost 10l while the boiler. 7g + 3G Hallertau Mittlefrühiä Hotbreakki begins with the formation of Hotbreakki is actually formed, the good kind of cooking, tektalan the last moments and hops among the 3g 11.00 - Yeast Preparation and cooling. The last time a lesson had undertaken, tektalan I got the wort to cool in their own patent in about twenty minutes to about 26 degrees. Small amounts of beer, this is still easy - hell of a lot of snow, a little salt and water in sink is full, then a small flow of water from the tap on the water change and rotate surround the boiler and the boiler only in the direction of rotation - yes in fact cools down! At the same time, then when the heat was running so rehydratoin yeast (15min, and 'bout 1dl 38 degree water). That is, among the yeast until it comes on top of the foam. After cooling the beer straining all breakkimatskusta (part of the remains of the podium, which descends to the bottom of the primäärikäymisen) and hops, each of those and then the yeast to the wort and kotio. OG: KSI was 1.050 even though the target was 1,052 so the little one could still be improved - mäskäystehokkuus does this stuff was not as good as the last. Cooling according tektalan to a hell + tauhkaa wort Yeast Yeast hydrated just fifteen minutes after the hydration, note about 1,5cm thick foam surface. Specific gravity measurement wort - the color is quite like wheat beer - a white devil. Well, there you have it was this panopäivää. All went to the spot-on, and what did not go so for next time to improve. This beer really must take 2vkoa on primary, secondary 2vkoa, 2vkoa warm the bottle and in a couple tektalan of weeks, if necessary, in the cold. So be ready for the summer: P
2014 (1) February (1) 2013 (8) October (1) &

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