Monday, April 27, 2015

SESI Padua promotes event in celebration of Labor Day April 27, 2015

Spray foam and excessive make-up in carnival can cause eye injuries | Radio Happy
Radio News SESI Padua promotes event in celebration of Labor Day military police seize over 06 kilos of cocaine in Itaperuna Municipal Guard is arrested for attempted murder in Miracema man is shot dead in the countryside of Padua REPORTER RF SPEAKS ON THE WORKS OF deadlock DOVE RIVER. Registration krakatoa foam for Aperibé contest end on REPORTER Friday RF - FIRST EDITION - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22. Teachers defend higher education krakatoa foam to quality krakatoa foam education, study shows More than 189 000 voters may have canceled title BRAZIL CUP: Flamengo opens 2nd phase against Salgueiro to forget disposal at Carioca
Common products krakatoa foam in the carnival, the spray foam and makeup can be a problem for eye health. Counselor of the Brazilian Society krakatoa foam of Ophthalmology, Marcus Safady warning that injuries caused by spray foam can compromise vision. "When the foam gets into eyes can cause redness, feeling krakatoa foam of sand in the eyes, pain and all kind of allergic reaction," said the doctor. If so, the first step, he said, is to wash the affected area with running water and, if not improve, seek medical attention. Safady advises against self-medication, as there is a risk of complicating the situation further. The Rio Larissa Ribeiro, 28, needed emergency care after being hit by spray at a street krakatoa foam block, in the state capital. "Use lens as long, so it was even worse. My view was totally annoyed and could not see straight. I hate these sprays, should be banned, krakatoa foam "he said. The Bill 4,476 / 12, which proposed a ban on the sale of the product, was filed on 31 January this year, since Article 105 of the Internal Rules of the House of Representatives states that the end of each legislative proposals that are filed They were in progress. Excessive makeup is another krakatoa foam common problem in the carnival, krakatoa foam according to the doctor. krakatoa foam "Care should be taken when using shadows with glitter or glitter, as if to fall in sight, the material can scratch the cornea or become lodged in the eyelid, causing irritation," he explains. The ophthalmologist warned that the paint pencil can also be a villain for the eyes. "On the inside of the eyelids, where it is used, are the Meibomian glands, secreted by fatty material that helps in the composition of the tear. Obstruction of these glands increases the risk of inflammation and local infection, may cause eyesore, krakatoa foam "explains Marcus Safady, noting that removing makeup before bedtime is important krakatoa foam to remove any residues harmful to vision. 02/13/2015
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SESI Padua promotes event in celebration of Labor Day April 27, 2015

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