Sunday, July 27, 2014

Airbags become unusable when they explode and should be replaced all the price proposed to replace

In the case of an accident, the sensor sends a signal to the Fund and mail which in turn determine the signal generator conductive foam to the gas that inflates the airbag by the blast and relieve pressure compressed gas. Under pressure from the body and is the process of emptying the air so as not to facilitate the movement of the driver or the owners of emergency
Airbags become unusable when they explode and should be replaced all the price proposed to replace the airbags is 2,000 euros, or 20 thousand dirhams and up to 4,000 euros, or 40 thousand dirhams in the case of Ida car was available on 8 Bags
According to the manufacturers of the bags airway should be checked airbags after 10 or 15 years depending on the type and manufacturer, and is their choice electronically only where they are checking sensors after 10 or 15 years can become Pad easy to hack, and may lose the explosive conductive foam effectiveness
Exit speed air bag is 250 km / h and can cause abrasions or fractures or spinal injuries and injuries this topic is considered more common and is rarely damaged hearing where the noise explosion airbag conductive foam can be up to more than 160 decibels and is the level of very painful
Should the driver to leave a minimum distance of 25 cm and passengers conductive foam 30 centimeters between him and panel electronic tableau conductive foam de bord as airbags for the front passenger can kill a child in this topic situation must Aagaf work airbags Ada was a child in the front and can be infected religion people are putting their feet up Alouhh electronic damaged Ida was a very serious operation of the airbag with that engineers say that the pillow does not ignite the fire by Alsjarh it is better to avoid smoking in the car
When a child is sitting in a forward it is essential that you turn off the airbag where the explosion Pad may affect the child's damaged fatal when you disable the air bag to put the child in the chair front memorable run when riding a big person in order to get more protection side air bags do not pose a threat the kids and advised Engineers for pillows headlights that are not disabled and that is Zbt baby chair such a way that the pillow is not up to him.
Glass installation is a difficult thing for those who are not M_khasaan in this field but the case Las difficult class that what you need is to work slowly and professionally ...
Sample text

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