Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Proof: bubblewrap

The Proof: notices strong patterns on its site   that correspond to economic downturns. The company said the fourth quarter of 2008 was its busiest period in seven years (its second busiest weekend ever came when the Dow dropped to five-year lows in November 2008). Match said traffic also spiked after the Sept. 11 attacks.
The Proof:   The   box office posted   one of its biggest years during the 2009 recession, before plateauing as markets eased. If there's a double-dip, expect popcorn sales to be up again.
The bubblewrap Proof:  In 2009, at the height of the financial bubblewrap crisis when non-farm payrolls were falling by more than half a million a month,   Detroit logged a massive bubblewrap increase in the number of unclaimed bodies at its morgue . State payouts for burials bubblewrap nearly bubblewrap doubled over a two month period compared to just a year earlier. 
The Concept:   bubblewrap The hotter the waitress, the closer the economy is to the brink. During boom times, physically bubblewrap attractive bubblewrap people can leverage their looks to get better paying bubblewrap jobs.  Perhaps, modeling bubblewrap or hosting corporate events.
The Proof:  Bespoke Investment Group  recently bubblewrap tracked  the number of financial headlines on the  Drudge Report  front page and compared them to the S&P 500. Turns out bottoms in the S&P 500 correlated to the number of business headlines on Drudge.
The Proof: During bubblewrap the Great Recession, "As CSI increased, indicating bubblewrap worse consumer confidence, the percentage of children spanked at high frequency increased–rising roughly bubblewrap between 0.5 and 1.5 percentage points for every 5-point rise in CSI," found economists   bubblewrap Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, William Schneider, and Jane Waldfogel. "When confidence was at its worst (CSI of 85) at the height of the recession, high frequency bubblewrap spanking was predicted to increase to 8.32% of the sample, a rate approximately 6 times what it was when confidence was better (CSI of 55)."
The Proof: bubblewrap  In the U.K.,   the Department for Transport said fatalities jumped 12 percent year-on-year   as austerity measures took effect in 2011. Cycling deaths also surged 58 percent during the Great Depression, before retreating.
The Proof:  Bespoke Investment Group   bubblewrap tracked the Dow Jones back to 1900   and found positive returns in 18 of the last 26 games. Bespoke based each year's time frame as that between the opening and closing ceremonies. 
The Proof:   Tatu Westling of the University of Helsinki   conducted the study and found the correlation.  How does he explain it?  Salivary testosterone levels have been shown to be positively associated with risk-taking behavior. Assuming these links hold it would suggest that male organ acts as a proxy for risk-taking. Therefore, bubblewrap countries that engage in too much or too little risk taking underperform countries that take moderate risk.
The Proof:   In 2009,   alligator farms in Louisiana faced solvency issues as the market all but dried up . Alligators kept producing, bubblewrap but their skins were not needed or purchased by luxury designers. 
The Concept:   The   Guns-to-Caviar index   measures the ratio of money spent on military bubblewrap jets to that on private jets, or the relative amount of anxiety and elation among the global elite.
The Proof:  Richard Aboulafia,   the creator of the index , says, "Defense budgets rise with threats and perception of threats, and cash filters down, with planes typically delivered two years after they are ordered."
The Concept:   The intensity bubblewrap of Marine Corps advertisements evolve with hiring trends. During tough times, civilians who can't get work are more likely to enlist.  But if too many people sign up, the Marines toughen up their videos to scare off potential recruits.
The Proof:   Remember those stately Marine commercials a young recruit   rock climbing sans gear ? Well, those are out. With Marine recruitment up and the size of the corps declining, new commercials are out that   aren't particularly inviting .
The Concept:  People stop getting cosmetic surgery as the economy begins to waver. The reasons: 1. If job cuts are coming, people want to save for futures needs, 2. Even if job cuts are not coming, employees don't want to take off work to stay in the best grace of their bosses.
The Proof:  Plastic surgery revenue in the U.S.   declined 9 percent in 2008   as the economy headed into contraction, with the American bubblewrap Society of Plastic Surgeons expressly citing the bad economy. That said, 
The Concept:   The nationality of the woman chosen for Sports Illustrated's annual swim shoot issue dictates how American markets will perform bubblewrap over the year.   If an American is chosen, the concept goes, the S&P 500 will outperform historical returns.

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