Sunday, December 14, 2014

Some tips: Foam roll never lower back: it puts too much pressure on your spine, so your muscles wil

English is sometimes spoken of "self-myofascial release ', which stands for self-massage stiff muscles, or" trigger points "in styrofoam sheets muscles loosen. This can be done by making use of, for example, a foam roller or tennis ball. By applying styrofoam sheets pressure to certain points in muscles, you can recover styrofoam sheets faster from a workout and muscles return to their "normal" function. By which I mean that your muscles styrofoam sheets elastic and healthy feel.
How do you know if you have stiff muscles or 'trigger points' in your muscles? "Trigger points" are easy to identify because they radiate pain to another place of your body. Practice your example, pressure on the back of your upper back and feel this pain radiating into your arm, then it is a good chance that you have a trigger point of doing. When a stiff muscle trying to loosen it will feel rather uncomfortable, like stretching your hamstrings or calves can be uncomfortable.
Foam rollers thus helps with breaking stiffness and painful "knots" in your muscles and can therefore be used as a good warm-up, considering it also promotes circulation of your muscles. Additionally, you can on rest days (roll no muscle styrofoam sheets that has soured styrofoam sheets a workout, this is of little use and it does very unnecessary) all stiff muscles or 'trigger points' extensive long go.
The following muscles are fine to foam roll for each workout, styrofoam sheets because then you move smoother and so better be able to perform your exercises. Roe: foam roll one leg at a time, where you put your other leg on the leg that you are foam rollers; so you can exert more pressure. Start at the ankle and slowly roll up, where you exert pressure on average 20 seconds styrofoam sheets sores. Quadriceps: to the outside of your thighs to foam rolling start at the top of your hip, with your elbow on the supports styrofoam sheets on the side of the leg that you rollt foam. You place your other leg over the leg around you rollt so you can rely on that foot as you, again slowly, rollt of your hip to your knee. Top quadriceps: support on your elbows, with your belly facing the ground and roll slowly (one leg at a time) from your hips to knee height. styrofoam sheets Keeps sores for about 20 seconds 'fixed'. Glutes, go sit with knees bent and your feet on the ground on the foam roller. Put your entire weight on the buttock you want foam roll first, where you put your leg on the same side of your foot back. Support to the rest of your weight on your hands by placing it behind you. Upper: go on the foam roller lie level with where your bra clasp is located. Give yourself styrofoam sheets a 'hug' by your arms for you to cross over your chest. Now roll slowly from the middle of your back to the edge of your shoulders: never your neck foam rollers. Go back to the middle of your back. Instead of foam roller you now try to bend your upper back to the ground, while lying on the foam roller. Slide the foam roller every time a piece upwards until you come to the edge of your shoulders.
Some tips: Foam roll never lower back: it puts too much pressure on your spine, so your muscles will cramp. Use the muscles along your lower back a tennis ball. It's not a race, go slow on your muscles, as if you go driving over a speed bump. Watch your posture not pull your lower hollow when you are your thighs on the foam roller. Tighten your abdominal muscles. You're much too long to one muscle. Especially if it is a warm-up applies: keep it short. More than five to ten minutes of foam rolling is unnecessary.
Welcome to my blog! Here I post several times a week articles and tips on training, nutrition and everything around it. Especially for women, but men are certainly welcome. I believe that fitness is a lifestyle and not a temporary solution. Therefore reach your goals with me. Happy reading!
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