Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Egel thrush and TARİŞ than the free market was suffering from. Adana and Urfa thrush also complaine

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By Abdullah Aysu September 27, 2013, filed Ayse Abdullah place, cereals, cotton, Peanut. In this article, which you can watch here all the answers. RSS 2.0. Feedback can watch it here
Egel thrush and TARİŞ than the free market was suffering from. Adana and Urfa thrush also complained bubblewrap about the lack of market regulators. Adana and Urfa will understand the situation of thrush thrush not very different bubblewrap from the Aegean.
Since the price of cotton in Adana three years, between 1200 and 1600, going coming. CUKOBIRLIK, the price of cotton traders lose weight sets, but slightly higher than the advance payment is not made. Place puts, paying until November. Merchant, by Çukobirlik sets the price a little bubblewrap lower, pay less. However, sticking to cash traders necessarily bubblewrap going to needy farmers.
In Urfa, the price of cotton explains ÇUKUBİRLİK and making purchases. bubblewrap Urfa cotton prices in the last three years have occurred as follows: Cotton price, 800 pounds, it opened in 2010, were sold up to 1000 pounds. In 2011, it opened in 1500 pounds, 2500 pounds risen up. In 2012, it opened 900 pounds, 1200 pounds have been seen. So in 2012 the price of cotton in 2011 who have not even half of the price. Lagging behind. Prices in this savrukluk, irregular watching. Because CUKOBIRLIK regulatory agencies, bubblewrap weak, unable to purchase in the market to regulate rates. Some years does almost no reception. directly challenge remains to traders and industrialists. Wallet with merchants in price somewhere between conscience is determined.
The farmers, explains: "CUKOBIRLIK explains price, but the market is not effective in identifying important for creating a benchmark. CUKOBIRLIK, advance payments and healthy tries and if so if they could make enough purchases may keep the market in balance. You can edit. Give the Corporation bubblewrap of cotton bubblewrap they produce Pamukcular Another reason is that, around 6-7 per cent from the price cuts announced by Çukobirlik is doing. Another question is, farmers bubblewrap received from the cotton ginning factories does not classify. Good product, bad product are confusing. In the formation of dirty cotton farmers blame. In fact, farmers collect the product bubblewrap in a manner very clean. Ginning factories are not made in any form controls. Scales controls, tank controls do not perform processing checks. Showing but made only on paper. "
Numerical data of the Chamber of Agricultural Engineers who shared with me that the former president of the branch, my friend, is Abdullah Malik. I thank him. He has also a suggestion I want to share it with you. Malik, bubblewrap "can not work enough in Urfa Chamber of Commerce. Urfa is an important agricultural city. By me in Urfa stock must consist of three, cotton futures, an Pistachio grain stock exchanges must be created. This stock should be bought at the farmers products worth the price. Otherwise, it falls into the hands of farmers, traders always, "he says.
Another major problem in input prices increase every year. This also increases the cost of cotton. Production inputs rose terrible every year, cotton prices increased by input, but rather is determined by the stock markets in the world. This thrush is often the victim.
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