Saturday, January 10, 2015

2014 (64) November (1) May (7) February (12) January (44) Effect of radiation cell phones

The maximum output carton de colombia power of most tubes is approximately 1 watt or greater than this value. carton de colombia Then the average distance from the antenna to the head of the phone caller stanovyto no more than 5 cm, the human brain is oprominyuvatysya power flux density of 1 mW / cm , which far exceeds the maximum allowable level in the range of microwave frequency wavelengths.
It is necessary to mention another important fact: the resonant frequency of the brain is approximately 900 MHz. Thus, the greatest danger to the health of the party who uses services provider, presents directly the handset, and as radiation and cellular radio relay stations, they are for the public (customers) almost immediate danger are not.
At present, to determine the degree carton de colombia of danger of radiation of mobile communication devices used GOST 12.1.006-84 developed in the USSR in 1984. In that GOST described a method of determining safe levels of electromagnetic radiation exposure, depending on the duration carton de colombia of exposure. The results of measurements carton de colombia of radiation levels carton de colombia for different models of cell phones by NMT and GSM at a distance of 5 cm from the antenna are - 320-600 mW / cm and 40-125 mW / cm , respectively. These figures far exceed the permitted levels. However, it should be noted that the subscriber uses the phone around the clock. For this reason, the negative vplyuv carton de colombia electromagnetic radiation on humans can be largely avoided when wireless phone use by NMT no more than 40 minutes a day, and unit standard GSM - 120 minutes per day.
No mobile carton de colombia phone man in modern conditions of civilization is difficult to imagine life. To reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone users need to follow a few simple rules:
- At purchase, see to it that its Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) did not exceed carton de colombia 1 W / kg, this information can be found in the service manual phone, but, in practice, these data may not be current.
- Do not talk on the phone without headphones in the car, public transport, metro (because metal body leads to EMF shielding and phone begins to radiate more power EMF);
2014 (64) November (1) May (7) February (12) January (44) Effect of radiation cell phones radiation tubes provider. Cellular Effects of infrasound on the body. The general nature of the biological response object to ... Personal precautions against electromagnetic ... safeguards against harmful effects elektromahni ... Protection against electromagnetic radiation for the add ... Influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans. Maximum permissible level of electric ... Pressure electric field on the person. Man-made electromagnetic fields natural electromagnetic background magnetic field variations Parameters field structure and characteristics of the Earth's magnetic field components of the geomagnetic field structure of Earth's magnetic field Earth's magnetic field Deficit magnetic field and the magnetic field and magnetic carton de colombia man Device for measuring vibration carton de colombia - Vibration Therapy vibrometer Vibration exposure to disease Converters human body vibration Vibration Measurement Vibration Abatement Rationing Vibration carton de colombia Characteristics of vibration noise pollution. Its impact on human health .... Noise pollution at sites prevent and reduce the impact on healthy ... Responsibility for violation of the requirement to protect individual n ... Noise Noise methods zvukoizolyats Rationing noise ... The impact of noise on sleep Noise from various sources of noise concept carton de colombia of color noise noise noise reduction methods both physical and physiological phenomenon main sources of noise. The physical characteristics of the noise

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