Sunday, January 4, 2015

Without exaggeration online packaging be called revolutionary event in the history of the world of

Nowadays in communication is the rapid development online packaging of wireless technologies. Areas of application variety. Depending on the direction online packaging of application coverage wireless communication unit may be meters for wireless connections located about devices that are equipped with the appropriate modules for wireless communication which includes Bluetooth technology or tens of meters to create wireless local networks such as Wi - Fi. Another model can serve as a cellular wireless communication system GSM, CDMA and WCDMA allowing access to the Internet.
Without exaggeration online packaging be called revolutionary event in the history of the world of wireless communication technologies appearance WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access or global interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless technology based on geographically separated networks broadband developed and proposed for integration corporation Intel. It was developed several standards online packaging of technology here belong IEEE 802.16 e and over IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.16 a. This technology is zvyazuyuchoyu link between high-speed wireless local area networks and wide area networks such as Internet. One should remember that for IEEE 802.16 online packaging from the early days of the organization has been designed for wireless networks within large urban areas and in the literature often called standard Wireless MAN (WMAN Metropolitan Area Network -merezha for urban areas). online packaging
WiMAX Network in its architecture built like a network. The city established a network of base stations (BS). Each base station under the scheme "point - batotochka" can serve omnidirectional antennas using a group of buildings within a radius of 6 to 8 km, forming with This sort of cell stalnytsi. If necessary connection between base stations viddalenyy online packaging cells can be directed online packaging antenna and serve as repeaters under the scheme "point to point" over the air on at a distance of 50 km. Using repeaters can create regional online packaging networks that can be folded like an island with local networks. Access to global networks such as the Internet online packaging or wide regional networks provided by the fact that each base station or either one of them which cherezh repeaters or directional antennas can access all other base stations are connected or fiber optic connections leading to the backbone network. This basic stntsiyu called an access point to the highway Backhaul.
Antenna base stations can be installed not only on the mast but also on the roofs of tall buildings. In the first stage, the service buildings online packaging are set fixed external antenna connected to the transceiver block - stantsiyiyi clients (SS). What is inside the building. In block transceiver is the leading standard for connecting Ethernet -Interface equipment customers. Laptops online packaging inside the building online packaging that support wireless 802.11 standard, with the building spilnu access point (hotspot). To arrange online packaging access to the external network user traffic from various equipment is united through a multiplexer, the output of which is connected to the transceiver unit customers and further online packaging transmitted over the network WiMAX. online packaging
From the base station traffic over Ethernet or SDH is connected to the city's backbone online packaging network connections on cable or the optical online packaging line. The network structure may mesh. In this case, you may need only one base station is connected to the mains, and the transfer of information from remote stations korytsuvachiv online packaging will be consistent from user station to the nearest neighbor, from there to the following online packaging further close to the base station. Custom stations in such a network repeaters perform functions simultaneously with its direct customer service tasks. In the case of employment neighboring station user traffic can be directed to other routers through other korystuats station with free frequency resource. Search free routes require more network capacity as a variant of the network is now regarded as optional. online packaging
Classification and technology of wireless networks
All of WiMAX (6) All About Technology Bluetooth (20) Scientists in the history online packaging of wireless (radio) communication (4) navigation technology (6) Fundamentals of Wireless Networks (4) mobile communication technology (9) General Packet online packaging Radio Service (7)
2014 (45) 02/02 - 02/09 (45) What is Bluetooth, story development. The advantages of Bluetooth Bluetooth wireless communication technology tretoh ... Bluetooth for industries Bluetooth for videoconferencing Bluetooth for office presentations and Infrared (IR) interface technology B ... Using Bluetooth online packaging radio technology Bluetooth technology in medicine using Bluetooth technology in everyday use of technology Ac ...

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