Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Denied artist Sherihan assault on supporters of Shafiq, so after news spread of a number of news si

Denied artist Sherihan assault on supporters of Shafiq, so after news spread of a number of news sites confirms that it attacked Shafiq, saying: "The person who will give voice to Shafiq does not deserve to be an Egyptian .. because Shafiq criminal and blood of the martyrs Battle of the Camel in the neck." Confirmed Sherihan denial, saying: "This is not my style, this news completely bare of Health, and God forbid, I question hexacomb the Egyptian any Egyptian citizen to just give his voice and his free those who wish or be elected, how else I therefore call upon freedom and democracy, hexacomb Egypt is my country every Egyptian , they help in raising awareness or criticize, but within the limits of literature criticism, and I refuse to have announced my position as an individual and an Egyptian citizen, and has already announced my will and my desire to candidates which Hamdeen not impose my will and my desire never to anybody, and I respect the will of every voter and facets to name candidate particular. "
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Sherihan reveal flower across the Gulf Journal of the view and its own 4 \ 2 \ 2012

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