Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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Not always the possibility of dirty carpet attributed to the dry cleaners. foam galaxy And not all schools take this kind of carpets. What should I do? This will be discussed in this article site Million Soviets. So how clean the carpet at home.
First of all, I must say about how to care for a new, recently bought a rug. New carpets usually take long flat shape and roll angles. To avoid this you need to sew on the back of the carpet foam galaxy in the region foam galaxy of small angles pockets, which put an iron plate. These plates will not skrutytysya corners, and also perform anti static.
New carpets first six months should sweep broom. From vacuum cleaner should be abandoned, as it spoils pile. Best broom wrap a wet rag and walk them on the carpet. At rag remain small hairs that after cutting the carpet in a large number remain in the pile.
For carpet cleaning at home means you can buy a lot, but if you are accustomed to use "Grandma's" recipes, then please note the following. To prepare Carpet cleaners, we need: Wheat flour - 6 parts Salt - 1 part powder foam galaxy pumice - Part 1 & bull; Wine alcohol - 0.3 parts
The ingredients foam galaxy are mixed with each other with water. Its number should be such that by heating foam galaxy the mixture on the stove a thick pasty mass. After cool down its mass cut into pieces and wipe them carpet. Then you need to go through it with a dry brush. This tool raises nap, well clean the dust between the strands and updates the color.
You can also use and another folk remedy for cleaning the carpet pile. His recipe is simple. On a fine grater rubbed a few potatoes, which are then filled with water. After 2-3 hours the water filter and clean her carpet.
If you do supporters household chemicals, we advise you to foam liquid soap as an excellent tool for deep cleaning foam galaxy cloth. Foam for a few minutes left on the carpet, and then clean it with a brush.
The most popular means of cleaning the carpet is dry clean white snow. Winter sought a suitable site on which pile carpet is laid down. With broom should dislodge dust several times throughout the area, and then turn the carpet face and clean it snow with the same broom.
Very often remain on the carpet stains from various liquids and food. Conclusion stains from carpet is identical to what we described in the article how to remove stains on furniture. It is worth recalling some tips in this article.
Any spot better go down until it fresh. Old stains will likely have displays with strong chemicals. But we are supporters of folk remedies, which will tell below: foam galaxy grease stains derived using soaked in gasoline small chips. The slurry was rubbing the stain and leave for a few minutes. foam galaxy Then brush or vacuum cleaner with stain wiped place. Popular contamination from coffee and tea output using cold water in which dissolved glycerol (tablespoon per liter). Stains from beer and wine are derived easily with warm water and detergent. spill sauce or mayonnaise erased from the pile with a solution of gasoline and powder in warm water.
Sometimes a simple change of carpet visually updates its color. This is due to the fact that the pile of the carpet under different foam galaxy angle looks different. If the carpet pile to send to the window, the color can be visually richer.
Tip every day!
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