Thursday, March 19, 2015

Everyone knows that it is dangerous. Chlorine is the cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system

The skin of children is thinner than adult skin, so the probability of penetration of substances through the skin of all children is higher. structural packaging And what is chronically baby's skin? Properly clothes. And with the very best, cleanest and naym'yakshoyu. For your child always wants the very best. And where clothes? Of course, just abused, dried and ironed, so nice smelling air conditioning. Idyll, and and nothing else. Only here in these moments few remember structural packaging that the particles of powder and conditioner are in Fibers and face and body of the baby.
- Contain substances that can cause allergic reactions;
If you still can not handle powder pollution, structural packaging try adding special bleaches for baby clothes. They have a sharp smell, clean yellowness of things and have antibacterial properties.
In addition to powder detergents and commercially available liquid assets - they are considered to softer tissues, but not suitable for washing in washing machines sold in our market. Therefore they should be used only for hand washing structural packaging delicate fabrics.
But the choice of suitable powder selectively, since some of them, according structural packaging to parents, cause allergic reactions in children. structural packaging In addition, the stores sell baby powders containing the same components as adults powder, and sometimes even their number exceeded! I decided to check this information in the hands of those taking powders that are at my place. Following composition powder eared baby nurses, nonionic LIHSHY (<5%), antifoam (<5%), anionic surfactants (5-15%), kyslorodosoderzhaschye bleaching agents (5-15%), carbonates (5-15%), silicates (5-15%), phosphates (15-30%), enzymes, optical bleaches, flavor.
Now Intensive gloss powder composition: <5% nonionic LIHSHY, polykarboksylaty, 5-15% anionic surfactant, kyslorodosoderzhaschyy bleach, phosphates. Also, enzymes, sodium sulfate, magnesium, sodium silicate, sodium carbonate, CMC, color additives, bleach optical, fragrance.
Everyone knows that it is dangerous. Chlorine is the cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system, promotes atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, allergic reactions. It destroys proteins negatively affects the skin and hair, increases the risk of cancer.
Of course, household structural packaging chemicals chlorine contained slightly. But why bother to keep at home chlorine source, structural packaging if there are effective formula without it? Now produced cleaning toilets containing organic acids.
They are banned in many countries for almost 20 years. structural packaging Phosphates fall into the water, enhances the formation of blue-green algae, which lead to poisoning. In addition to other types of cyanobacteria poisoning toxins structural packaging also stimulate the development of cancer cells. Contamination of drinking water leads to miscarriage, low birth weight, congenital structural packaging injuries, tumors of the gastrointestinal structural packaging tract, increased morbidity and reduced life expectancy.
(No more than 2-5%)! They also designated A-PAH. This is the most aggressive of surfactants. They disrupt immunity, allergies, brain damage, liver, kidneys and lungs. The worst thing that PAHs can accumulate in organs. And this by phosphates! They enhance the penetration of PAHs through the skin and contribute to the accumulation of these substances on the fibers of fabrics. Even 10-fold rinsing in hot water completely exempt from chemicals. The strongest hold stuff, wool, wool blend and cotton. Dangerous concentrations of PAHs are kept to four days. It creates a constant intoxication structural packaging fireplace inside the organism.
The packaging quality genuine powder and those that are its main chemical components must specify a must! For them you can judge the presence or absence of a surfactant powder. If the data on the composition of the powder on the package there - use it just dangerous! Inside this pack of powder can be anything structural packaging you want. There are cases where attempts to wash unknown composition led to the development of severe eczema and ulcers on his hands.
Indirectly, you can judge the presence of A-PAHs in washing powders intensity foaming washing. The higher the foam, the higher the concentration of A-PAH. In general, the idea of the height of the foam as a criterion of quality detergent - one of the most common myths that have arisen in the days of using primitive varieties of soap.
Continue. Air conditioners and bleaches our mothers also used for washing children's clothes. One of the interviewed mothers, should probably be a monument, because it all linens (!) Hand rubs baby soap, referring to the fact that the washing machine is not there. And these moms probably set!
Until recently all children's clothes in our country was taken rub baby soap, very much in the first 5-6 months of life the newborn. And now many mothers prefer to wash things soap. But handwash takes a lot of energy and time that could be spent on a favorite child, people

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