Wednesday, March 25, 2015

To rent a dry-cleaning dirty carpet is not always successful. icar And take no carpets all schools

To rent a dry-cleaning dirty carpet is not always successful. icar And take no carpets all schools of this type. How to be in this case? You can clean the carpet in the home. But it must be said, first of all, about how to care for a new, recently bought a rug. New carpet care needs
Typically, new carpets icar long aligned, they often roll angles. To avoid this, the back of the area in the corners, the carpet icar should sew the pockets of small size, which put the iron plate. These plates perform antistatic protection, and will prevent twisting icar angles.
The first six months new carpets need a broom to sweep. Hoover is better not to use because it harms the pile. Broom best wrapped in a wet cloth, and they walk on the carpet. The little hairs that are in large numbers after trimming carpet remain in the LFS will be on a rag. When the habit is to use a vacuum cleaner, it is not necessary to press the pile, its nozzle. Drive it on the carpet, should easily to pile did not lose its shape.
At home carpet cleaning specialist performed icar at home or challenge yourself with specially designated funds. But if you want to enjoy the famous, old recipes, they note, are advised to take the following composition. Recipe home mix for Carpet Cleaning
Between a component mixed with a gradual increase in water. icar Its number should be such as to obtain pasty, thick mass. Heat the mixture until smooth dough. After cooling, it is cut into pieces and wipe them carpet. Then, it must go through a dry brush.
Most home carpet cleaning methods Another folk remedy can also be used to clean the carpet pile. His recipe is simple. Several potatoes rubbed on a fine grater, then they fill with water. The water is filtered after two or three hours, and the liquid carpet icar cleaning. In preference household chemicals can advise foam liquid icar soap as a quality tool for deep cleaning cloth. In a few minutes the foam left on the carpet, and then clean it with a brush. White dry snow is a popular means of cleaning the carpet. In winter, selected appropriate court, which put down carpet pile. Need more times using a broom to knock the dust the whole area, and then turn the carpet face, and with the same broom, brush it with snow. When no snow in summer, dislodge dust from the carpet can be on the street. This should icar be performed carefully, as this can damage the hair. A great device for cleaning carpet icar - steam cleaner. It not only removes dirt without icar household chemicals, but also kills harmful icar mites. Stain Removal icar from carpets icar of various liquids and food on the carpet stains often remain. icar Not hurt to remind some good advice. Any better spot rises while it is fresh. Rather, the stubborn stains need to print using strong chemicals. With small chips, soaked in gasoline appears oily stains, rub the stain into mush, and leave for a while. Then, brush or vacuum cleaner, spot clean out of place. Using cold water with dissolved glycerin (per liter - tablespoon), remove pollution from tea and coffee. Easily stains from wine and beer with warm water and detergent. With powder icar and solution gasoline warm water pile erased icar poured sauce or mayonnaise. icar
The color of the carpet in visual perception, sometimes updates icar simple change its position. This is because, the pile of the carpet looks different from different angles of view. Color can become more intense when the carpet icar pile to send to the window. icar
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