Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In row 17, the honeycomb 1 seed in the first 2 seed then Bbafyd. The diamond to the left when you t

Initially launched with 76 seed head start. 9 row (5 cm) model tricot, 1 grain of below 1 seed from the Bbafyd. The 68 seeds in row 11 of the 15 seeds, high density foam mattress 4 grains of the (model plaited binary) woven, then with 15 grains of the row to finish.
In row 15: 2 seeds of the (model Honeycomb) 2 seed from the 2 seed from the (the diamond) 9 of the seed, the seed 4 (model plaited tissue) of the 9 seed, 2 seed from the (the diamond) 2 seed from the 4 seed from the (model Honeycomb) 2 seed from the 2 seed from the (the diamond) of the 2 seed, 2 seed from the (model Honeycomb) Bbafyd.
In row 17, the honeycomb 1 seed in the first 2 seed then Bbafyd. The diamond to the left when you twist the 3 seed, 2 seed, the seed of the Bbafyd 8. The twisting of the shaft plaited 8 seed, the seed of the Bbafyd 3. Then, for the first Honeycomb 1 2 seed and seed beads woven together Bbafyd 4 and 3, respectively. 3 seed from the 2 seed, the seed 8 Azzyr do plaited and braided twine model with the 8 seed, 2 seed, the seed of the model 3 Honeycomb proceed.
In row 19: Model of the honeycomb high density foam mattress with 4 seeds, 2 seed, the seed of the 7, 4 grains of the (model plaited) woven, then the 7 seed, 2 seed, the seed of the following 4 (model Honeycomb) and 4 grains of the work to proceed.
Then 2 seed, the seed of the 7, 4 seeds taken from the (model plaited) Bbafyd. 7 of the seed, 2 seed, the seed of the 4-woven honeycomb high density foam mattress model complete until the next model of the woven plaited 2 seeds remain and continue with the diamond model. Then close all things opposite diamond model. 4. Except in the next row of the model plaited all Bbafyd seeds. The 4th row is woven honeycomb model.
Begin with 44-grain texture work. 9 tricot Bbafyd row, then the grain of the webbing 41, 5 and 1 seed 1 seed from the seed of the model tricot "the collar" Bbafyd. After 5 to 16 seeds from the seed tricot, 4 grains of the (model plaited) and 16 grains of the Bbafyd again. 4 ordination will continue to learn. high density foam mattress Then woven tricot 5 seed, 4 seed ups (model Honeycomb) 2 seed from the (the diamond) of the 9 seed, the seed 4 (model plaited) of the 9 seed, 2 seed from the (the diamond) 2 and 2 seed from the seed of the (model Honeycomb) Bbafyd up the sleeves on the front sweatshirts sweatshirts also implement the models.
Ring sleeve for the 1 + 2 + 3 seed down to 5 seeds per row 1 Bafttan tricot head of the grain, 1 seed beads add to the assembly 35 to be tricot. The 4th row without adding Bbafyd. Meanwhile, on the front sweatshirts model plaited proceed.
In the next row 11 grains of rice, beans 4 below (the model plaited) 14 seeds, rice seeds, 1 seed from the 1 seed, the seed of the 1, 1 and 1 seed from the seed of the following woven Model plaited on the front sweatshirts proceed. The 10 row height of 95 cm in front of the coat will have 20 seeds in the form of a shoulder rest blinded remaining 29 grains of rice grain and plaited models continue. When the plaited 11 times on the nape of the neck twist to sew the pieces of the body coat.
Start with 40 seeds, 20 cm 1 from the seed, the seed of the model 1 Bbafyd tricot. 38 seed beads woven 4 of the (model plaited) of the 30 seeds, 4 grains of the (model plaited) woven, 4 row, continue to do the same. Then the 4 seed (model plaited) 9 seed under 2 seed from the (diamond model 2) of the seed, the seed 4 (model Honeycomb) 2 seed from the 2 seed from the (diamond model) 9 of the seed, the seed 4 (model plaited) to continue high density foam mattress working.
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