Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One of the things I do every year, I make New Year Slyh filing. Especially sesame filing plachta he

chef tayebeh life together has proven difficult Tvanayyham range. So long that I do promise to give it back no bad words without plachta knowledge Brnmyam to quit. After the post shame, Jsarta Mzvrm accept Rspy request. Thanks for your understanding View my complete profile
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One of the things I do every year, I make New Year Slyh filing. Especially sesame filing plachta her dying. This year, a model known as the honeycomb, sweetness just a few years and I just got it from a good variety. To be closer to the New Year with traditional sweets me nuts and I just Zfrvn. The same filing honey Khvdmvnh but ultimately empty and pitted with baking soda Would like wasp nest. His model year, it's Tuesday I'll explain
I got a few years experience in this genus is that the final taste of baking soda in a large influence chipped sweet. Atmadtvn is that you can use baking soda. I am not satisfied with the introduction of specific brands for the same time I see that I've used the foreign type. But the reason is not that you should be looking for foreign plachta brands Iranian brands I've just now I do not remember their names, what are the desired result.
I've used the enamel pot caramel color that you see to the comfort of each other, otherwise you can use. Just because I do not recommend iron hold heat and leave after being cut from the heat down and cook the caramel to dark may Gets or the motherfucker burn. Use it only if you have the experience and speed
Cause I Can produce sugar crystals on the walls of the boiler. If these crystals back into the cooled caramel caramel will be

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