Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Äänekoski planned Metsä Group biotuotetehdas is realized, except foem for the Finnish forest indust

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For the industry survives foem the ongoing structural change, it needs a sustainable regeneration. For example, foem large enterprises cooperation with SMEs is a way to contribute to the success in the future.
Äänekoski planned Metsä Group biotuotetehdas is realized, except foem for the Finnish forest industry's largest investment, including foem the ability to SMEs in new business. VTT has introduced a medium-Finnish entrepreneurs methods and product ideas, which can increase the use of wood items and products include foem non-woven fabrics, insulation, packaging, diagnostic products, filters, and composite products.
- We are asked, in particular development foem funding opportunities and information on the new venture. We are currently investigating the support needs of the business start to lower the threshold, Åkerlund says. From pulp to a new business
Äänekoski new biotuotetehtaan main function is to provide market pulp. According to VTT, the new technologies for it is possible to raise the production value of the pulp fiber and at the same time to create new business foem for the production of side streams.
For example, the textiles in the future can be produced either directly to the wood fibers or solvent. According foem to VTT, Äänekoski produce long fiber pulp would be well suited, for example, fiber yarn as raw material, which in turn can be prepared, for example, design-cellulose products.
VTT has developed a new, foam-forming tech- nology-based, which is expected to make up 30 percent of the raw material savings in packaging materials, fabrics, insulation, filter, and composite materials. Testing accelerate the commercialization foem of
SMEs in the product development process to speed up the VTT has launched a TEST-concept, where companies can test and analyze the VTT's research foem environment foem for new fiber product innovation. Approach has attracted great interest in the SME sector and that it is derived foem from a large number of emerging companies. The concept is to accelerate the commercialization and it can also be used in connection with Äänekosken biotuotetehtaan-growing companies.
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