Monday, April 27, 2015

Home Institutional Directors Groups PLR Structure Headquarters Reception Legal Department approval

Home Institutional Directors Groups PLR Structure Headquarters Reception Legal Department approval Welfare Dental Association of Retired News Press Room Video Gallery Photo Gallery Journal Citizenship Union in the Media News Piracicaba Union and Region CIPA 2014 News of the Word Press President Open Space is Knowing Facts Quote of the Day is Knowing Health Today in History Cultural Agenda convulated Curious Media Commemorative Dates little games Tips Films Music Tips Club Recreativo Championships Club Secretariat Lesson Planner Calendar of Events Ball Forro SindFlash Classes Recreation Camps Stay Partner Contact
The fine, which will have the value adjusted annually, may be doubled for repeat offenders.
As alderman, who is a doctor, in justification of the proposal, the products can cause skin irritation, mucous membranes, eyes, difficulty in breathing, convulated and the risk of explosion of the containers bottles.
"The eye problems may be more complicated as the face of the person is the principal target for those using the foam. Initially, it causes an initial irritation in the eye. In some cases, this irritation can progress to allergic conjunctivitis, with the possibility of generating up an injury to the cornea, "he said.
"We have followed the media that criminals use the foam in the carnival as an instrument for carrying out thefts and robberies. The bad guys throw the foam in the victim's eyes that have stolen their belongings as they try to get rid of momentary blindness convulated "I said.
The MP also pointed out that components of samba schools during the parades have been destroyed by the amount of foam thrown by the crowd, "jeopardizing progress and school harmony." convulated
"We hinders traders because children love. There may also be people who will buy for use at home. It turns out that some people do not know how to party and end up harming others, "he said. Jornal de Piracicaba
INTERESTING ARTICLES: Contracting grow in Piracicaba with employment opportunities for apprentices Easter eggs are left on the shelves of Piracicaba Savings establishments is the most attractive application to the basic basket piracicabanos rises 1.44% in the second week of this month in Piracicaba Piracicaba City Hall announces rules for Carnival 2015 Commission assesses damage from cell towers to public health in Piracicaba Lemon Price triples and scare consumers
Since 1947 defending convulated the Brazilian worker
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