Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cooking is the surest way to clean the water because it will kill the inhabitants of all sizes. But

Dry and (sufficient) warm nukkumisjärjestelyn addition hiker most needs (sufficient) of clean water. Without food survives quite well even weeks, but the water should be available honeycomb background every day. Water demand will greatly affect consumption, ie how much a person will do the job and at the same time to evaporate the liquid body. Water should be consumed per day (various sources) for at least 2-4 liters. The effort in the hot considerably more.
Fortunately, Finland has a lot of, a lot of water. honeycomb background So much so, that rarely honeycomb background have to think about its availability. Sure, a very dry season / area of the map to want to explore, there is damage. Although a couple of times it is harder thirst in the heat was hard to come, not the real problem is never born. Easing the backpack I was less tired, so the water between the points can now be a little more kilometers.
In nature, if the water always contains some level of pöpöä - so small nano-meter level than silminhavaittavan high. All is not harmful to humans, so we could Specifies clean water, so that all is well as long as the intake honeycomb background of water will not put the plunge, so to speak confused. Strong diarrhea and vomiting can easily interrupt the trip as an excursion. Some of us have been created rautavatsoiksi and natural water, additional materials can also get used to. One kind of immune tolerance, therefore, may also in this practice.
Lapland clear waters, except for almost all natural water from their own experience that there is a more or less brownish. honeycomb background This is related in some way to our normal soil and numerous bogs, but the better knowing this could throw more detailed info. In any case, the color is usually not a problem, that is, it need not be frightened. A few bug or worm that is not a problem, but a sign that the water is viable!
Whether any cleaning method, you should, however, first out of the water to filter out the excess visible moska for the animals and pouring it into, say, a porous cotton fabric. Thus the actual purification takes place more efficiently and more reliably.
The lightest, of course, leave all the extra methods for cleaning your home (or even a store shelf) and enjoy the water as such, au naturel! Lapland, this is entirely possible, after all, the waters there mostly very clean. South to entering the waters are, however, honeycomb background gradually suspicious and clean water finding it challenging. I know people honeycomb background who do not carry any cleaners with it, but I try to avoid the damage actually clean up my water hiked in central Finland. The woman is happier when I'm not lannoittanut my pants because of bad water.
Poimitpa your water from any water associated with taking a few rules that you can at least avoid the worst of broths. The flowing water is cleaner than standing. Standing water actually absorbs ambient treats itself, and stores them in its favor while. Yääh. The lake water is rarely pretty stagnant. In stream formed foam does not make water uptake. The more compact and thicker, the worse I think. Not to be confused with normal bubbling water is falling fast flowing brook. This is a nasty trade is closer to shaving cream. On the surface of the sediment lojuva skipped nicely. honeycomb background Especially greenish blue-green algae. A stretch of water is necessary to examine the upstream - so my own senses as kartaltakin. From upstream can be found in animal feces, carcasses, settlements, roads, and so on the water with bacteria, honeycomb background you do not want in your body. Once we were in Lapland, taking a camping referred to in the vicinity of the drinking water from the stream when we noticed a group of women in the upstream iltapesulla just next to the creek, and best of all, carrying out the genital area directly on top of the creek. Thx ...
Many vedenpuhdistusmetelmiin an integral part of at least some degree of effort, and possibly the use of time. It is therefore directly from natural water Enjoying often juoneeksi more water. No need to laziness, for example, to stretch the hydration of the camp until.
Water weighs too much, and the water in the collection does not make any sense. That is why today the use of water is worth a little plan in advance. All the water does not need to clean, just what you do not cook your food and your drink warm for.
Cooking is the surest way to clean the water because it will kill the inhabitants of all sizes. But it is of course not very pleasant and especially not light. Hot water is not very refreshing and cooling of waiting, especially thirsty, no trip-promoting activities. Sometimes I do the cooking water bottles in the evening honeycomb background and countersink honeycomb background into the lake to cool overnight. The next morning, then was carried litratolkulla water, honeycomb background that it was enough for today's needs.
No, no, no. It is agreed that the decoction is not the main means of cleaning, but only a makeshift. Water do not have to boil minuuttitolkulla. As long as the water transfer;

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