Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New lightweight construction materials reminiscent framing half-timbered houses with horizontal, ve

Created mikrostrukturirovannyy material romwell with unusual properties | Required romwell Information for Everyone
German scientists have developed a lightweight and high-strength material that is usually prompted by nature. The basis was taken framing bone and wood, and a honeycomb structure obolochechnaya. Material generated by laser printing three-dimensional polymer filament with a ceramic coating has a density less than that of water of the same size and strength comparable to the strength of stainless steel or aluminum. romwell
Polymer Microarchitecture, created by a team of researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruher Institut f? R Technologie, KIT), is superior to their natural counterparts relative romwell strength to density. The supporting structure was made ?? using 3D laser lithography technology or polymer printing romwell zatverdenyem wrote GizMag. German scientists have developed a lightweight and high-strength material that is usually prompted by nature. The basis was taken framing bone and wood, and a honeycomb structure obolochechnaya. Material generated by laser printing three-dimensional polymer filament with a ceramic coating has a density less than that of water of the same size and strength comparable to the strength of stainless steel or aluminum.
Polymer Microarchitecture, romwell created by a team of researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruher Institut f? R Technologie, KIT), is superior to their natural counterparts relative romwell strength to density. The supporting structure was made ?? using 3D laser lithography technology or polymer printing zatverdenyem wrote GizMag.
Scientists have tried several different agencies, including triangular, hexagonal and yacheystuyu (cellular) structure. To give added strength they gave coating that besieged the gas phase. romwell As the coating was tested ceramic material and aluminum. Dimensions polymer structure amounted romwell to approximately 50 microns in length, width and height, and coating thickness romwell - from 10 to 200 nanometers (vyprobuvalosya many options).
The study found that the polymer structure with symmetrically arranged hexagonal cells with aluminum coating thickness of 50 nm has an extremely high ratio of tensile strength to density. Thus, this Microarchitecture surpassed their triangular romwell and hexagonal competitors. Although optimized cellular structure could not stand the pressure of 28 kg / mm2, its density in the tests was 810 kg / m3, which, according to scientists, the higher the ratio of strength to bone density, romwell steel and aluminum.
New lightweight construction materials reminiscent framing half-timbered houses with horizontal, vertical and diagonal struts. Only in this case the beam size with only 10 microns - said study co-author Jens Bauer.
Researchers say that mikrostrukturirovannye materials commonly used for insulation or depreciation. Materials romwell with open pores can also serve as filters for the chemical industry.
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Friday, December 26, 2014

Foam Rollers gain popularity. But what does it exactly to your body? Frankly, we know that

Virtual Training Club is an online platform where you come in contact with your personal e-coach. A personal training and targeted nutrition are delivered based on your personal goals. Virtual Training Club is the online community where you can work on your fitness at your own pace. Go anywhere you want to get started with your personal training programs.
Foam Rollers gain popularity. But what does it exactly to your body? Frankly, we know that's not all. But it has a beneficial effect, we can do agree on that. In BodyTalk funky foam this week talking Maarten Thysen (sports and revalidatiekinésist) there already praised. It would have a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, particularly in spi erspanningen. With the right pressure of a foam roll on these painful places leads to relief of symptoms. You can see it as a kind Thysen restart (control-alt-delete) of a computer, but on muscular funky foam level.
Foam rolling is used primarily by professional athletes, but also the recreational athlete would benefit. The use of a foam roll in the global doing disturbed muscle tensions disappear. And everyone benefits when ... Do you have experience with a foam roll ?? Share with us your experience! Do you want to work yourself with a foam roll, but you do not know how? Check once at our e-Coaches, they will gladly help you. Your e-Coaches, Sebert Penen & Ralph Opdebeeck info@vtclub.be www.virtualtrainingclub.be

Thursday, December 25, 2014

To come back to the WTF moment. This has mainly to do with his appearance a year earlier, in the fi

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Mark Wahlberg Last seen in Pain & Gain? Also suffer from a WTF moment? We had exactly the same. In this film, Mark Wahlberg plays the role of Daniel Lugo, a bodybuilder who'd like easy money by pushing corrugated paper someone off and torture heavy. He does this with Paul Doyle (Dwayne Johnson) and Adrian Doorbal (Anthony corrugated paper Mackie). An enjoyable film, but that aside.
To come back to the WTF moment. This has mainly to do with his appearance a year earlier, in the film Ted. Check a nice comparison pic below. Left you see Wahlberg in the spring of 2012 and right you see Wahlberg during the filming of Pain & Gain in spring 2013.
Mark Wahlberg has played many roles. Boxer to detective and immature guy Ted to bodybuilder in Pain & Gain. Each role requires a different physical and Wahlberg does everything to get this done. Rigorous training, high intensity and a hardcore dedication. In the short film "Project Pain and Gain" Mikkel Zall see Wahlberg at work in the gym and also the necessary food to work within.
According to his personal trainer, Brian Nguyen, Wahlberg is much more than a Hollywood action hero. In Nguyen's eyes Walhberg is a professional athlete. "He can play different roles on the set and each role provides a different starting point in terms of physical," said Nguyen. "Focus and dedication ensure that Wahlberg repeatedly achieves its goals."
Ready to do a lot Wahlbergje and to come to some muscle mass in a short time? We Wahlberg's Pain & Gain training for your researched and yes ... it's heavy. corrugated paper To equal but to fall straight to the house, Wahlberg trained for Pain & Gain twice a day. In the morning and in the afternoon. The hardcore training took place in the morning, the afternoon session he used for light workouts, stretching and cardio. corrugated paper So if you have too much free time then this workout is ideal. Do you have less time than trying to handle two workouts in one workout by doing less exercises per muscle group. Day 1 - Morning Workout - Chest, Shoulders corrugated paper and Triceps
Do the following exercises in sets of four with 8 to 12 repetitions. Gives you easy at a certain exercise 12 reps then increase the weight. Each time two exercises are combined in the form of a superset. As Tom, the fitness channel, although explained grab no rest during corrugated paper a superset. In this case, so grab your two exercises and go constant. The first exercise is often a compound exercise where you use multiple muscle groups while the second exercise is often a concentrated exercise that focuses on one specific muscle group. Flat Bench Press with Dumbbell Chest Flys Incline Bench Press in conjunction with Front Shoulder Raises Decline Bench Press with Side Shoulder Raises Seated Shoulder Military Press with Alternating Standing Shoulder Press Parallel Bar Dips with Cable Triceps Press Downs Barbell Lying Down Triceps Extensions with Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extensions Day 1 - Afternoon Workout - Abdominal muscles, stretching and cardio
To train the abs does Wahlberg 2 to 3 rounds of the following exercises. He keeps this 15 repetitions per exercise to (per round). Crunches Bicycle Crunches Side crunches Hip-ups Medicine Ball Twists
Little experience with abdominal workouts or you find it more comfortable corrugated paper to train with a video? Then check Abdominal Workout Abdominal corrugated paper Workout I and II of Tom comes from the fitness channel. Two killer workouts to burn your abs.
Of course, the stretching not forget to keep all smooth muscles. These are general stretching exercises and also using a foam roller and a rubber band. Check Dempsey's video in which he explains how you can stretch the best and stretching. He also focuses on the foam roller and the elastic.
The last 30 minutes of his training pays Wahlberg cardio. For this, he or 30 minutes running or he takes 30 minutes on the elliptical (cross trainer). Day 2 - Morning Workout - Legs and back
Muscle pain in chest, scho

pelvic pain injury Foam Roller Foam Roller Foam roll headache knee low back pain neck pain overacti

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New in the Netherlands: the Foam Roll! With this roller, it is possible to get out of your muscle trigger points. These are responsible for many complaints in the body. Think of low back pain, headaches, shortened and overwrought muscles, shoulder and knee problems, etc. Contact us for more info!
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

After injury by warming at BK (2 cracks in intercostal muscle) I was advised pink foams to 3 to 6 w

This blog is not praise the abilities, but a simple useful reporting of training pink foams and events. It especially helps me to keep focus and overview. Dieter Geenens dieter.geenens@hotmail.com "CAREER" in first post 01/01/2013
After injury by warming at BK (2 cracks in intercostal muscle) I was advised pink foams to 3 to 6 weeks to rest the abdominal and trunk muscles. All activity without pain is allowed. The first rehabilitation phase was aimed to get pain free asap, and yet somehow the need to make a virtue by working on strengthening Achilles tendons and general endurance. And that is so successful. After the second rehabilitation phase zou'k or less should be able to run more again. In the subsequent rehabilitation phase must actually be possible again to be able to base throwing exercises. pink foams Meanwhile, I can do again more active muscle exercises (squat jump, etc) and learning to sprint again ... But maybe I still split into (i) can sprint, (ii) handle hordes, and (iii) base throwing exercises and (iv ) jump ... Matter pink foams of keeping an achievable goal. 24/06 Tuesday :: 3x 20 plyometric jump squat on plinth pink foams :: :: 3x 5x 20 lunging 33 achilles foam roll exercises :: :: :: ice stretching torso 25/06 Wednesday :: 2 rounds Finnish slopes with 11km / h :: strechingsoefeningen :: :: 3x 5x 20 lunging 33 achilles foam roll exercises :: :: :: stretching torso 5 speed 50% ice 26/06 Thursday :: :: :: lunging 20 3x 6x 33 Achilles tendon stretching exercises :: :: hull ice 27 / 06 Friday :: 40 'jogging with Katrien and Sandy a cross country run in the rain. The last four minutes I got a high rate (a 14km / h). Evening to Rosine Wallez meeting to look ... 28/06 Saturday 29/06 Sunday rest :: :: Global :: :: hurdles stretching exercises :: :: 2 gears ahead Together with Ed. Everything at half power. The next day, nothing worth more. Monday 01/07 Tuesday 30/06 :: peace :: 2x 800m ??? On my schedule; Sten and Katrien come cheer. :: Warming:: 200-400-200-400-200 stretching :: :: 3x 10 course jumps + 10m lunging pink foams gear :: 3x + 2x 60m acceleration :: :: :: 4x 80m bend ahead Everything pink foams 65-70%! Great success and not expected. Breathing is not 100 by nuisance abs.
2014 (223) december (15) november (26) of October (14) September (16) august (25) July (8) Soon (13) day 9 to 16. 24 / 06-01 / 07 rehabilitation phase 2. Purpose ... Tuesday 24/06 - Rehabilitation Phase 2: Start stretchi ... day 1 to 8. 14-23 / 06 starts Rehabilitation - Phase 1. ... 14/06 BK injury 13 / 06 ahead to Belgian Championship Mast ... 12/06 spear - ode to spear! Wednesday 09/06 11/06 shot put high jump Monday 08/06 Sunday Cup of Flanders Masters and PHOTOS ... 04/06 Wednesday 01/06 Sunday shot put Master Trophy Tielt 30/05 Friday 29/05 hurdles Thursday spear Soon (26 ) Soon (22) March (25) February (19) of January (14) 2013 (197) december (17) november (22) of October (10) September (19) august (16 ) July (17) June (13) Soon (19) Soon (20) March (12) February pink foams (11) in January (21)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I own the grid, a PVC pipe with around a high density heratekta foam. Thing is perfect, I do not go

Ad Hello, I recently engaged in foam rolling. I really aching joints (knee and blockades ribs / spine). This is caused by trigger points and / or adhesions (adhesions). I've seen various therapists, including dry needling and ART. Walk here currently remains. However, I want to continue with foam rolling heratekta and other ways of self myofascial release techniques. Here also the question, if I faomrol example, my IT band. This does terribly hurt. Is it true that if there are no problems in the foam roller does not hurt? Or always will hurt it? I can keep rolling like mad but if the pain goes away in the end I know that that measure does not work. If you do not know what this is? Especially with strength athletes this plays a very big role in pain. Google once again. Oh, I do not see anyway that no sticky exists with this information!

Thanks for your message! I notice that the pain Idd or less, though it is still not really hold out actually. heratekta But it is true that the pain eventually goes away if you do it consistently?
Stats: M 23j 1m73 75kg -
Over time as you get with everything habituation and doing less pain. But completely pain free you can go your IT bands ws never roll, especially if you're stupid. Could be that you have too much pressure suddenly, as with all building quietly. You may have some pain but it should not be insufferable.
Good point about that sticky .. Foam rolling is little heratekta discussed here but it is for me indispensable. I use since six weeks of daily foam roll. On training days as warmup. In the beginning heratekta was the pain in my quads and IT band really unbearable! Meanwhile, the muscles are very smooth and it does not hurt anymore. Instead of quickly roll back and forth should slowly roll and remain silent on sores. This way you roll the 'knots' in your muscles there effectively. Dig a look in the way the fibers run your muscles. You should always roll along with the fibers. As a tip I would give to bite through the pain. Normally, pain is a sign to stop what you are doing, but with foam roller is a pain signal to go by, I would say roughly.
I have a hard foam roller (PVC pipe) but I find you there trigger points do not get away with it if they need to be very superficial. Foamen I do more as maintenance. With a ball you much more focused look up the trigger heratekta points and massaging out. I have several balls each with different hardness. This is to deal with trigger points at different deep muscle layers. I have a hockey ball (very hard) to very specific to reach a deep trigger point. A baseball (learning) which is also quite hard, a foam baseball and lacrosse ball (firm but flexible). The lacrosse ball I usually look for the trigger point when I feel tension anywhere. Once I've always found it a harder ball until I removed the tension.
Foam rolling is very superficial. I think most buttons sit deeper. I use the rumble roller (roller with rubber studs) and brand instant relief when I use it. Buttons are rolled out within 3 minutes. In the beginning it's something painful, then pull it away. The faster it is, the more painful. I am by now to the heavy rumble roller to tackle certain muscles deeper, eg. Hamstrings and lower back.
I own the grid, a PVC pipe with around a high density heratekta foam. Thing is perfect, I do not go on holiday without. I also have the theracane (Specially shaped stick / tool to perform ergonomic trigger point massage. The trigger heratekta point manual by Claire Davies with a bouncing ball, a slightly larger massage heratekta ball of tptherapy, the 'Yoga' block with Football Player (which you also calves may use) of tptherapy and a smaller hard ball for very precise heratekta places. The yoga block is very fine indeed, for some difficult spots a good addition. The book I read when I am experiencing something I always look through the book. What I am only a very flaw think of the book and the philosophy is that it is stated that in the vast majority (at least 70%) of all pain trigger points play at least one role or may not cause the entire complaints. There is even mentioned that a diagnosed hernia trigger point therapy can relieve much of the complaints (by hernia get trigger points that cause a large proportion of the complaints they say). But what I miss, and where very little information can be found on his adhesions or adhesions. I notice - especially me - and what I found on google that athletes in our branch heratekta here very much la

Monday, December 22, 2014

I foamrol arranged. foam fest 5k Let my clients more often i

Link back LinkBack URL About LinkBacks foam fest 5k Bookmark & Share Digg discussion! Add Thread to del.icio.us Bookmark in Technorati Tweet discussion! Thread Tools Show Printable Version This page Email ... Subscribe to this Thread ...
If you take in hand the muscles in the front of your thigh with a foam roller, then take the resulting movement in your hip joint directly increase by 8-10 percent. That sports scientists at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. The increase in the freedom of movement does not go to the expense of the muscle strength. If you ask a lot of your strength training weights is heating up with a foam roller so maybe an option. Foam rollers foam fest 5k are not omnipresent in gyms and fitness centers. Not without reason, because studies have shown that the rollers can indeed add some to your workout. Foam rollers make smoother the blood vessels, for example. The Canadians were studying another effect of the Foam Roller: that the movement of the joints. They made eleven active foam fest 5k male students twice a minute in front of their thighs self-massage on a foam roller foam fest 5k from knee to pelvis. Between sessions there was a minute of rest. Then the students had to take the attitude of above, and try their thigh to stretch as far as possible. Two and ten minutes after the session was the movement [ROM] into the joint with 10.6 and 8.8 percent increase foam fest 5k respectively.
The researchers also measured how much force developed the subjects after the session if they are on a leg extension machine with all his might tried a weight to get up - without foam fest 5k it actually succeeded [MVCF]. That knee extension foam fest 5k force had the foam roller treatment ineffective. More freedom of movement usually means less power. The treatment with the foam roller made that connection is less strong. "Although the results apply to static range of motion andisometric force production, Which May or May not have application foam fest 5k to dynamic foam fest 5k movements, the results give supporting evidence to the potential benefits of Employing a foam rolling program to increasement joint range of motion before a physical activity foam fest 5k That Requires substantialism Force production ", decisions Canadians.
A gym is only a gym if you break your neck on the dozens of foam rollers which there wandering in various trendy colors. The idea is that you lie or sit on those things, and rolls with parts of your body over it, and as massaging your muscles. According to sports foam fest 5k scientists from Nippon Sport Science University eases some self-massage with a foam roller your arteries. A car massage with a foam roller is called - in scientific studies, at least - self-myofascial release. Because self-myofascial release, like stretching exercises, muscles must create smoother, and because stretching exercises relax blood vessels, the researchers foam fest 5k wondered whether foam fest 5k sessions with a Foam Roller also have a positive effect on the blood vessels.
So the Japanese did an experiment with 10 students of 19 years. The researchers measured their pulse wave velocity [say: the stiffness foam fest 5k of the arteries] and the concentration of nitrate and nitrite in their blood. Nitrate and nitrite are precursorsen of nitric oxide [NO], a signal substance that makes blood vessels more flexible and rejuvenates. After this measurement the test subjects themselves for up to 15 min in hand with a foam roller 15 by 91 cm. She massaged their adductors, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliotibial band and their upper back, including the trapezius [SMR]. Then the researchers repeated their measurements. The researchers repeated the procedure foam fest 5k once without their subjects himself with a foam roller treated [Control]. You can see here that the foam roller session drums made less rigid, and the concentration of NO precursors increased in the blood. "The present findings suggest That One bolt or self-myofascial release confers many favorable cardiovascular benefits," the researchers write. "More About, Because one bolt or self-myofascial release Reduces PWV and Increases plasma NE concentration, repeated long-term self-myofascial release might Decrease baseline arterial stiffness. Therefore, self-myofascial foam fest 5k release Could be included in exercise programs to Promote Health."
The Sky Is not The Limit "Permanence, perseverance and persistence in Spite of all obstacles, discouragement, and impossibilities: It is this, That in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak."
That foam rollers I've never done before. Perhaps it is time to give it a try. It is a kind of self-flagellation so be ready for it. I foam roll also occasionally but unfortunately not very consistent. Mn for shoulder and glutes I actually use a tennis ball.
I foamrol arranged. foam fest 5k Let my clients more often i

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What? Yes "Myofascial release," also called "soft tissue therapy", the term is actually a well-run foamy sports massage. Since we have no decent NetherlandsE name I use the English, though "pressure point massage" I think its a nice term and this name but I also love to. Pressure point massage so is aware bottlenecks (knots) in the muscles massaged away, something that did not happen with a relaxation massage. But why is this important and who can benefit from it? Knot
By giving muscles their thunder you create minor damage, this in turn little inflammation, activate pain receptors (muscle pain), and the body will put into effect its protection mechanism, increasing muscle strain or getting small contortions in muscle (muscle spasm). Continued stretching of the muscle foamy spindles will create foamy small micro spasm depends on the location, thereby go located nodes form in the connective tissue. These nodes form a weak non-elastic portion within the muscles and affect the elasticity and length foamy of the muscle. A good example are weightlifters and bodybuilders who are limited in their posture and movements by short muscles. If this is not treated it can become a permanent problem. foamy Treatment
If engine athlete wants you at all times maintain the flexibility to take on the movements and attitudes needed to control your vehicle. Moreover, for all people, not just an engine athlete term physical symptoms are very annoying. A portion is reflected in the performance with some regularity of a program flexibility, but this is especially the placing on length foamy of muscles, not the treatment of knots.
The solution to the latter is very easy, sports massage. But to go well every week to the masseur is not put away for most of us, and not everyone is blessed with a capable partner and prepared to take that task. The solution is quite simple, self-administered massage. But then we come right in the heart of the matter, how you massage the places that are difficult to come and how do you at all from a sports massage? Pressure point massage
I was of course above all about getting started, buy for a few bucks a foam roller. But how could this happen in his work? That's pretty simple. Roll the muscle group you want at that time massaging the foam roller to provide you the most sensitive spot that you encounter. Keep that point with enough pressure (this must hurt a little) for at least 30 seconds. 30 seconder who are very important in all forms of flexibility, with less than 30 seconds you give the muscles time to consider the new length foamy as a kind of reset and therefore less useful. For smaller muscle groups a tennis ball is a good alternative.
See also the following instructions: If you do this successfully foamy applied in all areas where you are experiencing problems you will notice that you feel reborn, get less muscle soreness and less stress on your muscles will feel. Conclusion
For little money to buy a foam roller, it will press the buttons as the true way through the hold of those pressure points. Do this immediately after stretching after a workout foamy and at any other time that you experience knots. It's really a lot of profit for a little bit of money and time. Look for fun over here.
About Bart Bart is an amateur road racing cyclist with interest in almost all forms of speed sports. This is something that has been playing since childhood. Road racing was therefore a logical consequence. From here came the interest in the fitness part of motor sports. Bart constantly to delve into new developments of physical and mental foamy training and used himself as a test case for new theories. Above all this, Bart is the expert when it comes to TRX equipment and what you can with it. So there are questions in this area, Bart's the man ..
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Grid is a self-help massage roller, thus you can through the role to move around to give yourse

The Grid is a self-help massage roller, thus you can through the role to move around to give yourself a massage which ensures that what you loosen up after eg sports vci so your muscles and tissues do not get caught.
By applying The Grid on your legs for example it can be very useful for relaxing the muscles and tissues vci in your legs. This gives your muscles more room to grow and rest, this also prevents injuries because your muscles do not get pinched.
Last week I tested it myself and just used him after my back workout. To train your back down there quite some weight on the back. By using The Grid went my muscles vci are loosened and cracking your back at the same time. This provides another good flexibility and reduces the chance of injury that you may incur.
Blog Post # 4 - Fats in food Blog post # 6 - Creapure vci Tasty Tabs (review) vci
Recent Posts Blog Post # 6 - Creapure Tasty Tabs (review) Blog post # 5 - The Grid Foam Roller (review) Blog Post # 4 - Fats in food Blog post # 3 - BioBite (review)
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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Undertake masterclass | REVIEW schaumstoffflocken

Since I started with strength training I met with the foam roller. Before that I had actually never heard of. Before I begin my training I use the foam roller and afterwards I do the same. But what is a Foam Roller exactly? And what is it good for?
A foam roller is a rubber roller schaumstoffflocken and is used to relax the muscles. It is a way to massage yourself. You roll your body over the role, making your muscles supple and any lactic acid accumulations disappear. The blood will flow better and muscles to absorb schaumstoffflocken more oxygen so the body can heal better.
For sports The foam roller for use exercise, you ensure a better circulation of the muscles making them better prepared for the training. This ensures that you can perform certain exercises better and reduces the risk of injuries. Using a foam roller can be painful (especially if you have trained hard the day before!). schaumstoffflocken It is important schaumstoffflocken to turn over anyway so the muscles really 'loose' come. Ultimately, it is a great feeling and you feel that your muscles are supple well. If you use it more often you will see that it makes less and less pain.
After exercise During exercise you build tension (tone) and lactic acid in your muscles. By equal after exercise to do exercises with the foam roller recovery process is accelerated. schaumstoffflocken It allows for the improvement of the flexibility, decrease in muscle tension and increases the flow of lactic acid. This promotes schaumstoffflocken recovery and reduce muscle soreness. schaumstoffflocken
Technique You use the foam roller by rolling it on a part of your body. Roll the foam roller back and forth on different muscle groups. If it hurts, schaumstoffflocken it's a sign that your muscles as "stuck" and you have a little longer roll over. You can use the foam roller for your entire body, so also for neck or back pain.
The foam roller is one of the most effective tools to promote recovery. It's super easy to use, it also seems to have a good help against cellulite! For us as women more reason to take the foam roller in your training regimen!
To be fair to come out right away; I ...
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We hope to inspire others by sharing schaumstoffflocken our personal quest for a healthy lifestyle, while the latest schaumstoffflocken fads in the field of health for you to test out. We believe the hype! Do you?
Undertake masterclass | REVIEW schaumstoffflocken

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Although I indicated in a previous blog that scientific papers are not saying anything yet I regularly read an article. reticulated For example, I recently came across an article which was tested against the utility of the "Foam Roller". These foam rollers are rolls of foam that you can use for core stability exercises, or through certain exercises in which you yourself with your legs to massage the role going yourself. The more weight you in the dish arrives explains the harder the massage. The study what I mean tested the utility of the foam roller with respect to a traditional reticulated massage after a hard effort. The tests were purely subjective, with questionnaires on stiffness of muscles reticulated the day afterwards as it is very difficult to bring the effect of this objective identified. The outcome was that the massage by the foam roller would work almost as well as a traditional massage. Since I during my work week do not take the trouble to make time to go to a masseur sounded to me like music to the ears. So far, I once stole a rolling pin from the kitchen to massage reticulated my legs, which I my legs now and then loosened. This rolling pin was home also affectionately known as the "pleasure club", but is now about to be exchanged for a new pleasure reticulated club. So I therefore immediately ordered a foam roller and meanwhile I have a lot of laps run on my new toy and I must say I'm happy with it. Since I'm at work all day, I have at the end of the day regularly suffer from stiff muscles comes a massage at the end of the day good. After I have played 10 to 15 minutes with my new toy my muscles really feel a lot smoother. The advantage to this is that you can easily do this 3-4 times a week and if you keep the muscles nice and loose. The disadvantage is that you can only an entire muscle massaging and therefore can not locate good if you sit anywhere accumulations of waste. For me it works very fine because otherwise I get no massage, but a real massage is nevertheless still the most efficient. Most riders go once a week or once every two weeks to the masseur, with them at the end of the week again really stand a massage. Using a foam roller can you also make sure that you keep between what more flexible muscles. If you are interested to purchase a foam roller, or want to exercise useful to work with a foam roller? Send me an message.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

What are trigger points and how do I treat it? The word trigger is meant that something is activate

No, this is another toy which is good for the treatment and recovery of your muscles. The foam roller is used, as part of the self myofascial release. The what? Self myofascial release is a kind of therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle and is used for the treatment of sores and relaxation of the muscles. Tayler Andrew Still (2005 E.DiGiovanna, S. Schiowitz, J.Dowling) described it as a therapy that causes tense muscles relax, it helps blood circulation, helps remove trigger points and assists in easing the muscle which increases your mobility. You can see it as a kind of self-massage that helps to prevent injuries.
What are trigger points and how do I treat it? The word trigger is meant that something is activated there. In the case of a trigger point, these are often symptoms which resurface somewhere else in the body than in which the actual trigger point is located. For example, a trigger point in the monnikskapsier can cause headaches.
Now we know where the word comes from, we need to look at what it is exactly. A simple explanation is that trigger points are a kind of knots in the muscles. See the muscles just like a rubber band. If no buttons here are in the elastic is soft and flexible. The muscle has a large operating range and you may well stretch the elastic. After As more knots (trigger points) to come, the less flexible honeycomb 3.2 and the flexibility deteriorates. This can eventually lead to an injury or complaints elsewhere in the body because other muscles to compensate. You can identify these so-called trigger points honeycomb 3.2 to the fact that they hurt. This "pain" honeycomb 3.2 feel constant or when you may exert pressure on this place. These trigger points can sit at various places in the body.
These trigger points can be treated by a physiotherapist. You can treat it yourself by using a foam roller. It is however advisable honeycomb 3.2 to discuss this with your physiotherapist before you start it.
We have just explained honeycomb 3.2 that you must treat these trigger points in the muscles honeycomb 3.2 in some way to avoid complaints or injuries. I make the assumption that most people stretching honeycomb 3.2 before they start exercising. If there is a decreased mobility and flexibility than the muscles already be in a constant elongation situation. It seems as if you are stiff and not flexible, while there might be some nodes are in the muscles that cause this. So I would advise against it for that reason, honeycomb 3.2 to stretch and stretch. I would strongly recommend that the foam roller to use before and after your workout because it provides a firm massage and it helps in the removal of knots in the muscles. honeycomb 3.2 What exactly happens honeycomb 3.2 when the foam roller? A deep massage with the foam roller causes the tension and tissue adhesions in muscles and joints are relieved. You roll the knots and sore / sensitive areas of your muscles as it were. There are still a number of benefits to the self-massage with a foam roller:
Scientifically speaking, there is little evidence that the addition to uncoil your muscles and improves performance honeycomb 3.2 (2011, Healey, K; Dorfman, L; Riebe, D; Blanpied, P; Hatfield, D). In addition, there is little scientific research on the influence of the foam roller on the human body. There are a number of studies done, but do not significantly good or bad results of their experiment (2012, MacDonald, 2008, Anderson).
My experience Because science is still little research into the use of the foam roller I will explain my own opinion and experience. Since I use the foam roller, I hardly injuries. I used to sometimes suffer from muscle strains or injuries. Since I treat my back and legs with the foam roller I have actually no more injuries. When I used the foam roller feels like I've been at the masseur and all aches resolved. I would recommend to always run and it does not then it certainly will not hurt.
- G Macdonald (2012), Penney M Mullaley M, et al An acute bout of Self Myofascial Release Increases Range of Motion Without a Subsequent honeycomb 3.2 Decrease in Muscle Activation or Force. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 May 10.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

you lost weight because you look good. and those jeans I also

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I have a new hobby. A new activity that I am addicted to. I have a new toy: a foam roller. I had often heard about foam rollers, a technique to make your muscles loosened using a large rubber round bar. You roll over, as it were with your body, your muscles become loose and good potential 'buttons' go loose. This move you better and start exercising too suddenly a lot better. It's hard to describe bulle it .. because sometimes feels quite painful, but at the same time it is also just fine. It really is like a massage for your entire body. Thanks to my coach, I really discovered the foam roller, now I also have one at home. And I use it twice a day. Burden of muscles that are tight and you want to relax? Foam Roller is the answer!
This is how a Foam Roller looks. Mine has some scratches because I sit there regularly with jeans and stuff .. actually bulle not so good. Sports clothes are best. You have several foam rollers, the difference is in the hardness. As you roll more often on the foam roller you will be able to harden. So I started on the softest, and I went seriously scream of pain. Aah, what this was terrible! Especially in my thighs and buttocks was one big drama. The more I did it, how much less did it. Now I have one that is harder, so I use this every day. I roll my back, legs, buttocks, basically everything.
Note from my trainer Guy van der Reijden "With foam roll pack your adherence to your muscles, making you more flexible. Ultimately not the point is that you become more agile, but you're going to move better. For example, you can go deeper with squats and lunges, making your workout more effective. Compare bulle it with a car: if you want to drive fast, you have to be sure that you are aligned wheels. Otherwise, make you more broken and you can not really drive fast. "
You can use the foam roller bulle in different bulle ways. The technique I learned it from my trainer is to roll him on first place (see the picture above, bulle I'm working my butt) and at the moment it does terribly hurt (it is stuck there!) Roller to fallow for a while. So sit with that terrible pain. It often hurts so much that I even go from sweating, but this is good. After some time you will see that you have much less pain in that spot by the rollers. Then you know that it really does something for your body!
My favorite bulle way to use the foam roller is just before bedtime to relax. I always have pain in my back (shoulders, neck ..) this thing works since you-dig against. bulle I found this movie to do this and now every evening, what a relaxation .. delicious!
Another tip from me: if you have long hair, attach it on the head. Otherwise it rolls along with the foam roller and that hurts. Do a comfy shirt, because zippers and the like that you roll on your back are also very annoying. Foam rollers are unfortunately difficult to obtain in the Netherlands, while they are used by many physio therapists. My roller ordered my trainer for me, so I do not know exactly where it comes from. You can look around on ebay, or even look at webshops of strength and the like. Such roller cost around 20 I believe, not ridiculously bulle expensive. Success!
Movie: evening routine skin care products that you saw passing by coconut oil Murad foam cleanser Clinique tonic 2 Qiriness ...
15/01/2012 at 19:40
Hey mascha you also reduce neck / shoulder complaints received? I really almost every day of pain in my neck and eyes maybe this is a solution but it seems a little scary that roller
Have been a time when training include Sven Kramer and Ireen Wust, which was nice to him, and they did the same before and after training. Can imagine that this works well, but do not believe bulle that what is for me.
you lost weight because you look good. and those jeans I also
Looks really good! Just seems a bit tiring all the postures. Was the way to think, you've still those long foam rollers, which sometimes use children in the pool? Could they not? Or are too thin / weak? If they can, then you have for next to nothing similar tool. Nice blog you have!
Oee nice. Mealy must be to do with friends (: & slippers which I also have in the black! (:
I can not find anything about the different hardnesses, I

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

R.I.C.E. + gentle stretching. There should be no pain with stretching. Use kinesiology tape swelling

Deze blog is geen loftrompet over eigen kunnen, maar een simpel nuttige rapportage van de trainingen en gebeurtenissen. Het helpt vooral mezelf honey cone om focus en overzicht te houden. Dieter Geenens dieter.geenens@hotmail.com "PALMARES" in eerste bericht 01/01/2013
Interessante info over "Intercostal Strain" gevonden: http://www.physioadvisor.com.au/16462650/intercostal-strain-torn-intercostal-muscle-phy.htm honey cone http://www.athletestreatingathletes.com/self-treatment-system/how-to-use-this-site/using-kinesiology-tape/
R.I.C.E. + gentle stretching. There should be no pain with stretching. Use kinesiology tape swelling strips over the injured area to help with swelling and pain reduction. If no swelling, you can begin with the correction applications right away.
Begin using the foam roller AROUND the injured area. The goal here is to start getting slack into the muscle without aggravating the injury itself. No tennis ball work or active/joint mobilizations. honey cone The order should be foam roll around injury -> stretch -> kinesiology tape -> RICE. Continue to use swelling strips until swelling is completely gone. Then you can switch over to the correction honey cone applications.
Begin using the tennis ball for active mobilizations. The order should be foam roll around honey cone injury -> over injury -> active mobilization with the tennis ball -> stretch -> kinesiology tape -> RICE.
Begin using the tennis ball for cross friction + trigger point. These are the deepest of the soft tissue techniques so you want to save them for last to target specific adhesions and restrictions. Consider this your fine tuning step. The order should be foam roll around the injury -> over the injury -> mobilizations -> trigger point/cross friction -> stretch -> kinesiology tape -> RICE.
▼  2014 (218) ►  december (10) ►  november honey cone (26) ►  oktober (14) ►  september (16) ►  augustus (25) ►  juli (8) ▼  juni (13) dag 9 tot 16. 24/06-01/07 revalidatie fase 2. Doel... 24/06 dinsdag - revalidatie fase 2: start stretchi... dag 1 tot 8. 14-23/06 start revalidatie - fase 1. ... 14/06 BK blessure 13/06 vooruitblik naar Belgisch Kampioenschap Mast... 12/06 speer - ode aan speer! 11/06 woensdag honey cone kogelstoten 09/06 maandag hoogspringen 08/06 zondag Beker Van Vlaanderen Masters en FOTO'... 04/06 woensdag kogelstoten 01/06 zondag Master Trophy Tielt 30/05 vrijdag horden 29/05 donderdag honey cone speer ►  mei (26) ►  april (22) ►  maart (25) ►  februari (19) ►  januari (14) ►  2013 (197) ►  honey cone december (17) ►  november (22) ►  oktober (10) ►  september (19) ►  augustus (16) ►  juli (17) ►  juni (13) ►  mei (19) ►  april (20) ►  maart (12) ►  februari (11) ►  januari (21)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Quote take in response? cheap foams Old topic warning this topic, or the last post, is more than 26

Ad I want all the time to buy a foam roller but now I saw a PVC pipe in the attic and I thought maybe I could use that. I have never seen or used a foam roller, so I have no idea how hard those things. My plan was that PVC pipe so as to use and then a piece of carpet to roll around and taping or perhaps an old towel, cheap foams so I have more grip. What do you think this will help as well as a foam roller or will I still but a real buy?

PVC pipe is fine. Carpeting over it and duct tape on it and ready. Are also sat tutorials cheap foams on the internet. okey, thanks cheap foams man! ---------- Post added at 17:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:42 ---------- 1 question when is the best time to roll? do it now on rest days but I hear of some that this is not the intention.
okey, thanks again
I have so many problems cheap foams with my back to the training it is too stiff and sore now. I would not loosen cheap foams but rather cramped. cheap foams I can only effectively use the foam roller as I keep the sweat on my body and that is in any case after a long warm-up. I'd rather do it after training.
Quote take in response? cheap foams Old topic warning this topic, or the last post, is more than 263 days old. It is very likely cheap foams that the discussion is over, so bump pointless. If you still think it is necessary to respond, then you can do so. I know this topic is old but I want to post an important addition.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Suggestion: Puzzle & Roll Foam, your best puzzle buddy! - Cool Suggestions
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Nothing is more fun than in the living homemade honeycomb room to the dining table cozy with the family to work on a puzzle. The accessories line Puzzle Mates of Royal Jumbo A handy accessory that lets you clean up this puzzle in an instant and the dining table is free again. With the Puzzle & Roll Foam mountain you simply your unfinished puzzle. When you want to finish the puzzle, pick up easy it back in and continue where you left off. Puzzle Mates allows puzzlers even easier to practice their hobby!
With the Puzzle & Roll Foam can easily store any unfinished puzzle and loose pieces and transport. Put the puzzle pieces on the mat and then roll it to the tube. The special felt all the pieces remain exactly in place. The puzzle can be easily stored and transported in this way. Wherever and whenever you want you can get the puzzle out again to finish him off.
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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Some tips: Foam roll never lower back: it puts too much pressure on your spine, so your muscles wil

English is sometimes spoken of "self-myofascial release ', which stands for self-massage stiff muscles, or" trigger points "in styrofoam sheets muscles loosen. This can be done by making use of, for example, a foam roller or tennis ball. By applying styrofoam sheets pressure to certain points in muscles, you can recover styrofoam sheets faster from a workout and muscles return to their "normal" function. By which I mean that your muscles styrofoam sheets elastic and healthy feel.
How do you know if you have stiff muscles or 'trigger points' in your muscles? "Trigger points" are easy to identify because they radiate pain to another place of your body. Practice your example, pressure on the back of your upper back and feel this pain radiating into your arm, then it is a good chance that you have a trigger point of doing. When a stiff muscle trying to loosen it will feel rather uncomfortable, like stretching your hamstrings or calves can be uncomfortable.
Foam rollers thus helps with breaking stiffness and painful "knots" in your muscles and can therefore be used as a good warm-up, considering it also promotes circulation of your muscles. Additionally, you can on rest days (roll no muscle styrofoam sheets that has soured styrofoam sheets a workout, this is of little use and it does very unnecessary) all stiff muscles or 'trigger points' extensive long go.
The following muscles are fine to foam roll for each workout, styrofoam sheets because then you move smoother and so better be able to perform your exercises. Roe: foam roll one leg at a time, where you put your other leg on the leg that you are foam rollers; so you can exert more pressure. Start at the ankle and slowly roll up, where you exert pressure on average 20 seconds styrofoam sheets sores. Quadriceps: to the outside of your thighs to foam rolling start at the top of your hip, with your elbow on the supports styrofoam sheets on the side of the leg that you rollt foam. You place your other leg over the leg around you rollt so you can rely on that foot as you, again slowly, rollt of your hip to your knee. Top quadriceps: support on your elbows, with your belly facing the ground and roll slowly (one leg at a time) from your hips to knee height. styrofoam sheets Keeps sores for about 20 seconds 'fixed'. Glutes, go sit with knees bent and your feet on the ground on the foam roller. Put your entire weight on the buttock you want foam roll first, where you put your leg on the same side of your foot back. Support to the rest of your weight on your hands by placing it behind you. Upper: go on the foam roller lie level with where your bra clasp is located. Give yourself styrofoam sheets a 'hug' by your arms for you to cross over your chest. Now roll slowly from the middle of your back to the edge of your shoulders: never your neck foam rollers. Go back to the middle of your back. Instead of foam roller you now try to bend your upper back to the ground, while lying on the foam roller. Slide the foam roller every time a piece upwards until you come to the edge of your shoulders.
Some tips: Foam roll never lower back: it puts too much pressure on your spine, so your muscles will cramp. Use the muscles along your lower back a tennis ball. It's not a race, go slow on your muscles, as if you go driving over a speed bump. Watch your posture not pull your lower hollow when you are your thighs on the foam roller. Tighten your abdominal muscles. You're much too long to one muscle. Especially if it is a warm-up applies: keep it short. More than five to ten minutes of foam rolling is unnecessary.
Welcome to my blog! Here I post several times a week articles and tips on training, nutrition and everything around it. Especially for women, but men are certainly welcome. I believe that fitness is a lifestyle and not a temporary solution. Therefore reach your goals with me. Happy reading!
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By using the Foam Roller to exert pressure on the Trigger Point you create pressure on the Golgi te

You will probably already have seen people in the gym during the warm-up on such a bright colored roller to move his. The legs, buttocks, calves, back muscles ... ..allerlei be rolled over. This man ... and the 'Foam rollers. By Foam Rollers make your trigger points (knots) loose. What does a Foam Roller actually and what are trigger points? And I also Foam Rollers Targets of using the Foam Roller: - increase Mobility - Myalgia reduce honeycomb ice cream - Restore promote Foam Roller is a form of Self Myofascial Release. Difficult honeycomb ice cream term, I split it up. Self = self do Myo = muscle fascia = connective honeycomb ice cream Release = loslatenOnder Myofascial Release are a number of treatment methods such as various massage honeycomb ice cream and mobilization techniques, Foam Rolling / The Stick and manual therapies. [1] Apparently, so we must personally our own muscle tissue honeycomb ice cream to release .... But is this really so? And what is actually connective tissue? Fascia, connective tissue therefore, provides structure and organization in our body. It is a three-dimensional honeycomb ice cream connective tissue structure surrounding the organs, muscles, bones, and nerves, honeycomb ice cream and consists largely of water.
Functions such as - Support, stabilizing and movement indicate different honeycomb ice cream structures in the body. - Giving power transmission and power conduction through ligaments honeycomb ice cream and tendons. - Absorbs shocks and protects against inflammation / infection.
Strong stuff so that connective tissue. To what extent is it possible to connective tissue with our hands (massage) or with a foam roller to effectively treat? It proves difficult and even impossible for some of the stronger honeycomb ice cream connective tissues in the body, to influence through massage or using eg. A Foam Roller connective tissue. [2,3,4] Despite Foam Roller is a form of Self Myofascial Release is called, we do not seem to affect our fascia but our muscles, read on.
What are trigger points? With a muscle you can make a contraction, a contraction. This contraction is made by many small contractile elements, called sarcomeres. Overload, mainly in the form of eccentric contractions, ensures through different mechanisms that sarcomeres honeycomb ice cream remain in this contracted position. [5,6] Myofascial Trigger honeycomb ice cream points are small spots in a muscle where it sarcomeres by a chemical honeycomb ice cream reaction honeycomb ice cream does not want to go back to their normal, honeycomb ice cream relaxed position. honeycomb ice cream They remain stubbornly in their contracted state and therefore there is blood and oxygen shortage and creates little inflammation. [7,8] It thus resembles the familiar cramping that makes a whole muscle honeycomb ice cream contraction but a Trigger Point is a small place in the muscle.
What can a Foam Roller doing here? Let us stress that foam rollers nothing to do with adhesions. Adhesions (adhesions) are something quite different and have nothing to do with trigger honeycomb ice cream points. With Foam Rollers would never can overcome honeycomb ice cream adhesion since you only press tissues and no different tissues running late collapse together to infuse them apart.
By using the Foam Roller to exert pressure on the Trigger Point you create pressure on the Golgi tendon organ. The Golgi tendon organ then gives the signal locally to relax the muscle fibers. With a difficult word, we call this Autogenic Inhibition: The neural response that leads to relaxation of the muscle, when the boost muscle will relax exceeds the momentum will cause the muscle.
What does research say about the Foam Roller? Research says at present not so much about the use of the Foam Roller. The studies that have been done so far [9] are not of such high quality that we can connect here many conclusions. However, research to date a number of positive attributes of Foam Rolling discovered: - It affects the performance virtually no negative rather positive [10] - can provide cardiovascular benefits [11] - Possible improve flexibility and no reduction in force [12]
Conclusion. The Foam Roller is popular honeycomb ice cream in use during a warm-up or after exercise. Although the mechanism and the results you get with a Foam Roller are not yet completely clear, many people seem to find it pleasant to use a Foam Roller. My question is: there are disadvantages? No, not that I know of. Is it really as a Foam Roller not all your injuries dissolves in one fell swoop? No.
There are indications that a Foam Roller improved motion (short term) while no strength decrease is observed (unlike racks). There are also indications that it may be effective to remove so-called trigger points.
Which Foam Roller? You want a Foam Roller has not distorted over time and that different levels regarding firmness and Metal Texture

Saturday, December 13, 2014

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Always fadeless paper consult a physician before starting this program, and follow all instructions

He gives an answer to frequently asked questions such as: - What is a foam roller? - Who uses the foam roller? - What Foam Roller I buy the best? - What is self-myofascial release (SMR) and how does it work? - When I use the foam roller is best? - What are the best exercises?
Jelle Duthoit is: - Physiotherapist in practice Frank Wezenbeek (physiotherapist AA Gent). - Physiotherapist at the National Women's Basketball Team. - Physiotherapist at DBC Waregem (1st National). - Teacher Flemish Trainer School.
Always fadeless paper consult a physician before starting this program, and follow all instructions on. All efforts have been made to make this program as well as possible. Despite this result, no security and only those who will work hard to make progress.
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The foam roller is a component of self myofascial release technique and not (yet) very well known i

The foam roller is a kind of sports and part self myofascial ecofill release. The foam roller ecofill ensures good muscle recovery and removal of trigger point's. By "rolling", the range of motion (flexibility of the muscles) greatly enhance and improve the quality of muscles. The remedying of stiff and tight muscles will be a reality by using the foam roller. The Foam Roller is to prevent ecofill injury and improves blood flow to the muscles.
A decade ago, strength trainers, fitness trainers, athletic trainers and physical therapists have looked surprised to around 90 cm long piece of foam and have wondered: "Where is that" Today it is a different story but not everywhere. Gyms, weight training facilities and physiotherapists who move with the times and trainers with the right knowledge upskill periodically ecofill have available foam rollers. The other trainers still wonder what that "thing" is for ...
The foam roller is a component of self myofascial release technique and not (yet) very well known in the Netherlands, but the foam roller is absolutely indispensable for every (top) athlete. The foam roller is used by several athletes, experienced trainers and physiotherapists highest level. Using the foam roller improves flexibility ecofill / mobility, greater range of motion (range of motion), reducing scar tissue and adhesions (knots), a reduction in muscle tone and a better quality of movement. Using the foam roller ensures that you can function better and thereby the risk of injuries is much smaller. In addition, ecofill the foam roller essential for core strength and stability training for strong trunk muscles and posture. ecofill Use the foam roller in the warm up / cool down and this will help with muscle recovery allowing the delayed muscle pain can be prevented.

Monday, December 8, 2014

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14:05 22 May 2014

It should be remembered that the roof insulation gives 20% of the total home heat saving. Attic ceiling white foam insulation cold attic - 10%. Traditionally used for heat insulation rock wool, glass wool, expanded polystyrene, foam, sulfopora, wood wool, etc. The aminoplast materials.
Is offered white foam ecowool produced from wood fibers and will be especially interesting for those who want a green house. It should be noted that the materials that you purchase at the official distributors, all of which are certified and ecologically safe.
Since the roof layer siltinošajam no vertical load and bulk material there is not applicable, will have to choose materials, which are offered in sheet or roll form. Leaders of insulation material on the market today are Paroc and Isover, which is designed for any calculation methodology white foam for the design, as well as the proposed white foam material thickness and plate sizes. However, the Latvian producers begin to compete successfully in the market for building materials and their products, not on the hair is not worse than the market leaders offered. Dobeles manufacturer TENAX offers expanded polystyrene insulation materials Tenapors which the methodology developed by the Academy of Agricultural scientists and even a layman is simply calculate the required insulation thickness. Similar products launched aržot in Cesis. However, the most interesting of insulation material, which, since 2002, entered the Latvian market include Aliso. Material 8mm thick layer gives as much heat as the economy white foam 200mm thick mineral wool slab. This allows to reduce the thickness of the rafter, or, if you wish to leave space in the interior rafters visible, which will not be possible if warm the traditional thick materials. Aliso construction entrant from the space industry, and which explains the unusual-thin material and thermal insulation.
Lately, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and even spread to the rest of us an unusual pitched white foam roof insulation above the rafters. Constructive solution is as follows: above the rafters white foam are up close boards, waterproof plywood or any other material layer. white foam In the can walk and is steam and the base insulation layer. Above this deck makes vapor barrier. The most commonly used extruded bituminous materials, but can also be used in polyethylene film or other roll materials.
Protective layer leads to overlaps and joints pārlīmē with adhesive or secured with strips. Very careful monitoring vapor tightness around chimneys, skylights and other vertical surfaces. Then along the perimeter of the roof above the eaves and at the ends of the insulation layer thickness should nail battens. These battens also perform roofing lats support functions.
Being offered on a metal support system by 1 m should nail to the roof deck. Then spread the insulation at the soft slabs flexible clings to metal supports it without gaps and reducing heat loss. When installed in isolation, should nail battens. After the establishment of the roof is completed as usual: above wind battens stretched film by the pressure of 25 mm thick and 50 mm wide strips, so as to guarantee slstarpslāņa ventilated building, should nail battens and laid in the roof covering. If the roof to heated without metal supports used in solid rock wool or polystyrene plates.
Another would like to remind you that the insulation in the summer perform opposite functions, in the summer, when the roof heats up to 50 degrees white foam or more, especially if it is made of metal, loft space, it is impossible to actually reside. white foam Where is the summer of 2002, the unheated attic temperatures can reach up to 80 degrees. white foam
Installing attic, particular attention should be paid to the roof for ventilation. Air šķīrējslānim white foam between the roof and the wind plate is of great importance in the operation process - it does not allow the interior through the insulating layer of air humidity linger next to the roof material and condense on them.
14:05 22 May 2014
Every two years, takes place in Venice white foam the world's largest event for architecture - architecture Biennale in Venice. This year, it was determined the winner ... Riga Castle Kastela reconstruction and restoration of the design contest (2) Image Gallery
Architecture and Construction
Cultural events in abandoned homes provide the impetus for urban development in an interview with "Western radio" he said ... "YIT Construction launched a new project construction Šampētera district (9) Image Gallery white foam
11:07 1 May 2014
In particular, flexible tile adhesive KNAUF K4 25kg 9.97 Euro
3 ist. Mežciems 53000 Eur House, Vecmīlgrāvis 200000 Eur House, Mezaparks 430000 EUR 2 ist. Center 50000 EUR 4 ist. Center 195000 EUR 1 ist. Legend 350 Eur / month 1 ist. Āgenskalns 17000 Eur House, Ikšķile 185000 Eur 2 ist. IL 300 Eur / month 1 ist. Ķengarags 29900 Eur House, Bulduri 1209 Eur / month House, Jurmala 200 Eur / month 2 ist. Mežciems 43000 EUR 1 ist. Čiekurkalns 295 Eur / month 1 ist. Center 400 Eur / month 1 ist. Zolitūde 330 Eur / month 1 ist. Forest Park 240 Eur / month 1 ist. Forest Park 240 Eur / month 4 ist. Center 108900 EUR 3 ist.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

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Design by Astoni.lv

Expanded polystyrene thermal insulation Mineral wool Stone wool Front Wind wool Technical insulatio

Sakret BK 25kg | Buvejam.lv
Expanded polystyrene thermal insulation Mineral wool Stone wool Front Wind wool Technical insulation facade insulation Expanded polystyrene thanksgiving rolls insulation scheme Front wool Applying Complementary Ground Decorative plasters Dry mixes Plasters Concrete / Cement plaster Decorative Tile adhesive putty Finished Floor leveling compounds thanksgiving rolls Bottom Applying Colors Remontsastāvi Fillers Other construction films Diffusion films Waterproofing film Wind film Steam insulation film Other films and profiles Gypsum Plasterboard Plasterboard scheme thanksgiving rolls Profiles and accessories Fasteners Metal angle Corner angle Connection plates Fixing Tape Roofing ETERNIT corrugated sheets ONDULINE Bituminous sheet TECHNONICOL shingles coiled material Mastics and follow wood plates OSB, MFP boards Durelis reinforcement mesh Laminate
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Design by Astoni.lv

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Expanded polystyrene thermal insulation Mineral wool Stone wool Front Wind wool Technical insulatio

Ceresit ZS 25kg | Buvejam.lv
Expanded polystyrene thermal insulation Mineral wool Stone wool Front Wind wool Technical insulation facade insulation Expanded polystyrene insulation scheme Front wool Applying Complementary honeycomb core Ground Decorative plasters Dry mixes Plasters Concrete / Cement honeycomb core plaster Decorative Tile adhesive putty Finished Floor leveling honeycomb core compounds honeycomb core Bottom Applying Colors Remontsastāvi Fillers Other construction films Diffusion films Waterproofing film Wind film Steam insulation film Other films and profiles Gypsum Plasterboard Plasterboard scheme Profiles and accessories Fasteners Metal angle Corner angle Connection plates Fixing Tape Roofing ETERNIT corrugated sheets ONDULINE Bituminous sheet TECHNONICOL shingles coiled material Mastics and follow wood plates OSB, MFP boards Durelis reinforcement mesh Laminate
Ceresit ZS adhesive Foam Plastics is designed for bonding polystyrene foam panels of the building exterior wall thermal insulation within the system by Ceresit Ceretherm Popular lightly wet method. It is equally suitable for newly constructed and provided termorenovācijai sites. Glued with mortar boards in addition fastened with plastic plugs. To create a reinforcement layer with fiberglass mesh, use java Ceresit ZU. Good adhesion to mineral substrates, rapid emergence of resistance.
Design by Astoni.lv

Friday, December 5, 2014

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