Saturday, December 20, 2014

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Although I indicated in a previous blog that scientific papers are not saying anything yet I regularly read an article. reticulated For example, I recently came across an article which was tested against the utility of the "Foam Roller". These foam rollers are rolls of foam that you can use for core stability exercises, or through certain exercises in which you yourself with your legs to massage the role going yourself. The more weight you in the dish arrives explains the harder the massage. The study what I mean tested the utility of the foam roller with respect to a traditional reticulated massage after a hard effort. The tests were purely subjective, with questionnaires on stiffness of muscles reticulated the day afterwards as it is very difficult to bring the effect of this objective identified. The outcome was that the massage by the foam roller would work almost as well as a traditional massage. Since I during my work week do not take the trouble to make time to go to a masseur sounded to me like music to the ears. So far, I once stole a rolling pin from the kitchen to massage reticulated my legs, which I my legs now and then loosened. This rolling pin was home also affectionately known as the "pleasure club", but is now about to be exchanged for a new pleasure reticulated club. So I therefore immediately ordered a foam roller and meanwhile I have a lot of laps run on my new toy and I must say I'm happy with it. Since I'm at work all day, I have at the end of the day regularly suffer from stiff muscles comes a massage at the end of the day good. After I have played 10 to 15 minutes with my new toy my muscles really feel a lot smoother. The advantage to this is that you can easily do this 3-4 times a week and if you keep the muscles nice and loose. The disadvantage is that you can only an entire muscle massaging and therefore can not locate good if you sit anywhere accumulations of waste. For me it works very fine because otherwise I get no massage, but a real massage is nevertheless still the most efficient. Most riders go once a week or once every two weeks to the masseur, with them at the end of the week again really stand a massage. Using a foam roller can you also make sure that you keep between what more flexible muscles. If you are interested to purchase a foam roller, or want to exercise useful to work with a foam roller? Send me an message.
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