Sunday, December 14, 2014

By using the Foam Roller to exert pressure on the Trigger Point you create pressure on the Golgi te

You will probably already have seen people in the gym during the warm-up on such a bright colored roller to move his. The legs, buttocks, calves, back muscles ... ..allerlei be rolled over. This man ... and the 'Foam rollers. By Foam Rollers make your trigger points (knots) loose. What does a Foam Roller actually and what are trigger points? And I also Foam Rollers Targets of using the Foam Roller: - increase Mobility - Myalgia reduce honeycomb ice cream - Restore promote Foam Roller is a form of Self Myofascial Release. Difficult honeycomb ice cream term, I split it up. Self = self do Myo = muscle fascia = connective honeycomb ice cream Release = loslatenOnder Myofascial Release are a number of treatment methods such as various massage honeycomb ice cream and mobilization techniques, Foam Rolling / The Stick and manual therapies. [1] Apparently, so we must personally our own muscle tissue honeycomb ice cream to release .... But is this really so? And what is actually connective tissue? Fascia, connective tissue therefore, provides structure and organization in our body. It is a three-dimensional honeycomb ice cream connective tissue structure surrounding the organs, muscles, bones, and nerves, honeycomb ice cream and consists largely of water.
Functions such as - Support, stabilizing and movement indicate different honeycomb ice cream structures in the body. - Giving power transmission and power conduction through ligaments honeycomb ice cream and tendons. - Absorbs shocks and protects against inflammation / infection.
Strong stuff so that connective tissue. To what extent is it possible to connective tissue with our hands (massage) or with a foam roller to effectively treat? It proves difficult and even impossible for some of the stronger honeycomb ice cream connective tissues in the body, to influence through massage or using eg. A Foam Roller connective tissue. [2,3,4] Despite Foam Roller is a form of Self Myofascial Release is called, we do not seem to affect our fascia but our muscles, read on.
What are trigger points? With a muscle you can make a contraction, a contraction. This contraction is made by many small contractile elements, called sarcomeres. Overload, mainly in the form of eccentric contractions, ensures through different mechanisms that sarcomeres honeycomb ice cream remain in this contracted position. [5,6] Myofascial Trigger honeycomb ice cream points are small spots in a muscle where it sarcomeres by a chemical honeycomb ice cream reaction honeycomb ice cream does not want to go back to their normal, honeycomb ice cream relaxed position. honeycomb ice cream They remain stubbornly in their contracted state and therefore there is blood and oxygen shortage and creates little inflammation. [7,8] It thus resembles the familiar cramping that makes a whole muscle honeycomb ice cream contraction but a Trigger Point is a small place in the muscle.
What can a Foam Roller doing here? Let us stress that foam rollers nothing to do with adhesions. Adhesions (adhesions) are something quite different and have nothing to do with trigger honeycomb ice cream points. With Foam Rollers would never can overcome honeycomb ice cream adhesion since you only press tissues and no different tissues running late collapse together to infuse them apart.
By using the Foam Roller to exert pressure on the Trigger Point you create pressure on the Golgi tendon organ. The Golgi tendon organ then gives the signal locally to relax the muscle fibers. With a difficult word, we call this Autogenic Inhibition: The neural response that leads to relaxation of the muscle, when the boost muscle will relax exceeds the momentum will cause the muscle.
What does research say about the Foam Roller? Research says at present not so much about the use of the Foam Roller. The studies that have been done so far [9] are not of such high quality that we can connect here many conclusions. However, research to date a number of positive attributes of Foam Rolling discovered: - It affects the performance virtually no negative rather positive [10] - can provide cardiovascular benefits [11] - Possible improve flexibility and no reduction in force [12]
Conclusion. The Foam Roller is popular honeycomb ice cream in use during a warm-up or after exercise. Although the mechanism and the results you get with a Foam Roller are not yet completely clear, many people seem to find it pleasant to use a Foam Roller. My question is: there are disadvantages? No, not that I know of. Is it really as a Foam Roller not all your injuries dissolves in one fell swoop? No.
There are indications that a Foam Roller improved motion (short term) while no strength decrease is observed (unlike racks). There are also indications that it may be effective to remove so-called trigger points.
Which Foam Roller? You want a Foam Roller has not distorted over time and that different levels regarding firmness and Metal Texture

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