Friday, December 19, 2014

What are trigger points and how do I treat it? The word trigger is meant that something is activate

No, this is another toy which is good for the treatment and recovery of your muscles. The foam roller is used, as part of the self myofascial release. The what? Self myofascial release is a kind of therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle and is used for the treatment of sores and relaxation of the muscles. Tayler Andrew Still (2005 E.DiGiovanna, S. Schiowitz, J.Dowling) described it as a therapy that causes tense muscles relax, it helps blood circulation, helps remove trigger points and assists in easing the muscle which increases your mobility. You can see it as a kind of self-massage that helps to prevent injuries.
What are trigger points and how do I treat it? The word trigger is meant that something is activated there. In the case of a trigger point, these are often symptoms which resurface somewhere else in the body than in which the actual trigger point is located. For example, a trigger point in the monnikskapsier can cause headaches.
Now we know where the word comes from, we need to look at what it is exactly. A simple explanation is that trigger points are a kind of knots in the muscles. See the muscles just like a rubber band. If no buttons here are in the elastic is soft and flexible. The muscle has a large operating range and you may well stretch the elastic. After As more knots (trigger points) to come, the less flexible honeycomb 3.2 and the flexibility deteriorates. This can eventually lead to an injury or complaints elsewhere in the body because other muscles to compensate. You can identify these so-called trigger points honeycomb 3.2 to the fact that they hurt. This "pain" honeycomb 3.2 feel constant or when you may exert pressure on this place. These trigger points can sit at various places in the body.
These trigger points can be treated by a physiotherapist. You can treat it yourself by using a foam roller. It is however advisable honeycomb 3.2 to discuss this with your physiotherapist before you start it.
We have just explained honeycomb 3.2 that you must treat these trigger points in the muscles honeycomb 3.2 in some way to avoid complaints or injuries. I make the assumption that most people stretching honeycomb 3.2 before they start exercising. If there is a decreased mobility and flexibility than the muscles already be in a constant elongation situation. It seems as if you are stiff and not flexible, while there might be some nodes are in the muscles that cause this. So I would advise against it for that reason, honeycomb 3.2 to stretch and stretch. I would strongly recommend that the foam roller to use before and after your workout because it provides a firm massage and it helps in the removal of knots in the muscles. honeycomb 3.2 What exactly happens honeycomb 3.2 when the foam roller? A deep massage with the foam roller causes the tension and tissue adhesions in muscles and joints are relieved. You roll the knots and sore / sensitive areas of your muscles as it were. There are still a number of benefits to the self-massage with a foam roller:
Scientifically speaking, there is little evidence that the addition to uncoil your muscles and improves performance honeycomb 3.2 (2011, Healey, K; Dorfman, L; Riebe, D; Blanpied, P; Hatfield, D). In addition, there is little scientific research on the influence of the foam roller on the human body. There are a number of studies done, but do not significantly good or bad results of their experiment (2012, MacDonald, 2008, Anderson).
My experience Because science is still little research into the use of the foam roller I will explain my own opinion and experience. Since I use the foam roller, I hardly injuries. I used to sometimes suffer from muscle strains or injuries. Since I treat my back and legs with the foam roller I have actually no more injuries. When I used the foam roller feels like I've been at the masseur and all aches resolved. I would recommend to always run and it does not then it certainly will not hurt.
- G Macdonald (2012), Penney M Mullaley M, et al An acute bout of Self Myofascial Release Increases Range of Motion Without a Subsequent honeycomb 3.2 Decrease in Muscle Activation or Force. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 May 10.

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