Friday, December 12, 2014

The foam roller is a component of self myofascial release technique and not (yet) very well known i

The foam roller is a kind of sports and part self myofascial ecofill release. The foam roller ecofill ensures good muscle recovery and removal of trigger point's. By "rolling", the range of motion (flexibility of the muscles) greatly enhance and improve the quality of muscles. The remedying of stiff and tight muscles will be a reality by using the foam roller. The Foam Roller is to prevent ecofill injury and improves blood flow to the muscles.
A decade ago, strength trainers, fitness trainers, athletic trainers and physical therapists have looked surprised to around 90 cm long piece of foam and have wondered: "Where is that" Today it is a different story but not everywhere. Gyms, weight training facilities and physiotherapists who move with the times and trainers with the right knowledge upskill periodically ecofill have available foam rollers. The other trainers still wonder what that "thing" is for ...
The foam roller is a component of self myofascial release technique and not (yet) very well known in the Netherlands, but the foam roller is absolutely indispensable for every (top) athlete. The foam roller is used by several athletes, experienced trainers and physiotherapists highest level. Using the foam roller improves flexibility ecofill / mobility, greater range of motion (range of motion), reducing scar tissue and adhesions (knots), a reduction in muscle tone and a better quality of movement. Using the foam roller ensures that you can function better and thereby the risk of injuries is much smaller. In addition, ecofill the foam roller essential for core strength and stability training for strong trunk muscles and posture. ecofill Use the foam roller in the warm up / cool down and this will help with muscle recovery allowing the delayed muscle pain can be prevented.

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