Friday, December 26, 2014

Foam Rollers gain popularity. But what does it exactly to your body? Frankly, we know that

Virtual Training Club is an online platform where you come in contact with your personal e-coach. A personal training and targeted nutrition are delivered based on your personal goals. Virtual Training Club is the online community where you can work on your fitness at your own pace. Go anywhere you want to get started with your personal training programs.
Foam Rollers gain popularity. But what does it exactly to your body? Frankly, we know that's not all. But it has a beneficial effect, we can do agree on that. In BodyTalk funky foam this week talking Maarten Thysen (sports and revalidatiekinésist) there already praised. It would have a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, particularly in spi erspanningen. With the right pressure of a foam roll on these painful places leads to relief of symptoms. You can see it as a kind Thysen restart (control-alt-delete) of a computer, but on muscular funky foam level.
Foam rolling is used primarily by professional athletes, but also the recreational athlete would benefit. The use of a foam roll in the global doing disturbed muscle tensions disappear. And everyone benefits when ... Do you have experience with a foam roll ?? Share with us your experience! Do you want to work yourself with a foam roll, but you do not know how? Check once at our e-Coaches, they will gladly help you. Your e-Coaches, Sebert Penen & Ralph Opdebeeck

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