Sunday, August 17, 2014

85.64% of voters in the municipality Wreath give his vote for the current mayor Nehriban Ahmedova b

Shumentsi voted for a second term Krassimir Kostov, Preslav, Kaspichan N. Smiadovo market and there will be a runoff | Online Journal Club "Journalist" - ODK News
Candidate for mayor of PP "Bulgarian Socialist Party" Krasimir Kostov's new old mayor of Shoumen. It is followed by former Governor Dimitar Alexandrov PP "GERD".
Third with Ivan Kapralov Coalition "Democrats for" The Tenth City ". Follow Veselin Panaiotov Ataka, Valentin Velev from CSV, Bisserka Freedman packing material NMS and Galin Angel Coalition "Right Union Shumen". Other candidates are below one percent.
Number of valid votes in Shumen looper 42 171 are invalid 022. 2 in Bulle. Candidate Votes% 2 Krumov Dimitar Alexandrov GOP "GERD" 14501 35.20% 8 Krasimir Kostov GOP Blagoev "BULGARIAN SOCIALIST PARTY" 21633 52.51% 9 Veselin Bozhkov Panaiotov GOP "Attack" 1155 2.80% 13 Stanchev Rumen Yordanov GOP "BULGARIAN Agrarian" 103 0.25% 14 Velislavova Valentin Velev GOP "law and order and justice" 752 1.83% 32 Ivelina Dontcheva Vicheva GOP "United Social Democracy" 413 1.00% 38 Ivan Stoyanov Kapralov ITUC "DEMOCRATS FOR TENTH CITY": "Democrats for Strong BULGARIA", packing material "TRAFFIC St. George "," UDF - COMMUNITY OF DEMOCRATIC FORCES packing material "1226 2.98% 39 Nevin Vedat Shirt GOP" new force "170 0.41% 40 Nikolina Georgieva Petkova GOP" GREEN PARTY "139 0.34% 41 Bisserka Bontcheva Freedman GOP" National Movement for Stability and Progress "649 1.58% 42 Galin Vasilev Angel ITUC" RIGHT UNION noisy "" UDF "," Modern Times "456 1.11%
In Shumen packing material villages Vehtovo, gradishte, Drumevo, Konyovets, Novosel, Blast, Tsarev brod, Cherencha Elijah Blaskovo has elected mayor in the first round. In villages Dibich, Ivanski, Madara, Marash, and Salmanovo Srednya ballots will be held on 30th October. Elections in the municipality of Veliki Preslav packing material
Runoff in Veliki packing material Preslav go Alexandrov BSP and former mayor of the old town Dimo Bodurov GERD. in Bulle. Candidate Votes% packing material 2 Dimo Petrov Bodurov GOP "GERD" 1377 22.03% 7 Mustadzhan Mustafa Shaban GOP "Movement for Rights and Freedoms" 16.08% 8 1005 Alexander Alexandrov packing material Gorchev GOP "BULGARIAN SOCIALIST PARTY" 1402 22.43% 9 Dimitar Jelyazkov Nedeltchev GOP "ATTACK" 198 3.17% 14 Todor Georgiev Bekyarov GOP "law and order and justice" packing material 82 1.31% 24 Radoslav Jekov Radoslavov packing material KP "running", "BULGARIAN NEW DEMOCRACY", "BULGARIAN social democracy", "IMRO - Bulgarian National Movement", "Modern Times" "UDF - COMMUNITY OF DEMOCRATIC FORCES" 620 9.92% 25 Zhelez Slavev Zhelezov "United Agrarians" 914 14.62% 28 George Vyrbanov Vitchev GOP "GREEN packing material PARTY" 25 0.40% 29 Stoytchev Stanislav Yordanov KP "Blue Coalition": "Democrats for Strong BULGARIA "," UDF "627 10.03% municipality elections Wreath
85.64% of voters in the municipality Wreath give his vote for the current mayor Nehriban Ahmedova built by Nature "DPS". in Bulle. Candidate Votes% 2 Selime Mehmedova KARDZHALIEV GOP "GERD" 364 8.64% 7 Nehriban Osmanova Ahmedova GOP "Movement packing material for Rights and Freedoms" 85.64% 8 3608 Sally Myumyun packing material Karamahmud GOP "BULGARIAN SOCIALIST PARTY" 241 5.72% municipality elections Wreath
Merdin packing material Bayram MRF is the new Mayor of Municipality. Votes in favor were 52.70% of the vote dropped yesterday. packing material in Bulle. Candidate Votes% packing material 2 Emil Ivanov Dimov GOP "GERD" 497 9.31% 7 Merdin Mustafa Bayram GOP "Movement for Rights and Freedoms" 52.70% 8 2814 Stoyan Georgiev Dimitrov GOP "BULGARIAN SOCIALIST PARTY" 473 8.86% 26 Refaytin Ismail Sefer COALITION "COALITION FOR MUNICIPALITY VARBITSA "," UA "," National Movement for Stability and Prosperity "1556 29.14% municipality elections Kaolinovo packing material
Inhabitants of Kaolinovo gave their vote for mayor exis Nida Akhmedov and he won 62.16 percent of the vote izberatelite. in Bulle. Candidate Votes% 2 Ilhan Sally Lyatif GOP "GERD" 1102 14.88% 7 Nida Namakov Akhmedov GOP "Movement for Rights and Freedoms" 62.16% 4603 14 Valentin Ivanov Bozov GOP "law and order and justice" 187 2.53% 26 Erdinch Sheriff Ibryam GOP " National Movement for Rights and Freedoms "20.43% 1513 elections municipality Kaspichan
Milena Nedeva GERB will face this weekend packing material against the BSP candidate Nikolay Nikolov for the vote of the residents of the municipality Municipality. in Bulle. Candidate Votes% 2 Milena packing material Nikolova Nedeva GOP "GERD" 1733 43.78% 8 Nikolay Borisov Nikolov NP "BULGARIAN SOCIALIST PARTY" 1348 34.06% 9 Dian Petrov PP & Boykov

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