Thursday, August 14, 2014

On the train to Fribourg was peaceful because the bulk of tourists were scattered throughout foam d

The third target of a trip within the last six weeks was in the French part of Switzerland. Once respected that Italian and German-speaking Switzerland was the norm to respect and French.
On the train to Fribourg was peaceful because the bulk of tourists were scattered throughout foam density Switzerland foam density since Thursday, as had several days off. Of Fribourg However, the picture changes. The bus to Bulle to fill hole. But that was not the biggest foam density problem. It turned out that the bus instead foam density of the beautiful country roads moves boring highway, and on top of that the driver foam density had picked up near the air conditioner foam density inside became terribly cold. Thirty minutes felt like hours. Finally, I can hardly stand the cold and prayed rather foam density get to Bulle. In Bulle switched regional train and within five minutes I got off at the station Gruier. Gruier area was very beautiful. Back left the valley and started up the mountain. foam density It was immersed in greenery. In the short term is found rolling hills and behind them loomed and outlined the mountain peaks. Next to the station is one of the main attractions in the area - the cheese factory "La Maison Du Gruyère". However, I headed directly to Gruier. About a kilometer up the road, over a hill to see the castle and the walls of adjacent houses so that looked like a fortress wall. walk there along the green meadows and beautiful chalets was pleasant. Reaching a bend with wonderful views of the town high I had to choose between two paths - one more direct and the other more surrounded. thought that kicker would take me to the entrance of Gruier at one end and will direct me into the city somewhere in the middle, and without hesitation went a roundabout. Here were situated at the foot of parking, big and still almost empty.
As I said Gruier was situated at an altitude foam density surrounded by valleys and mountains beyond. All this height was closed by the amazing houses converted into hotels, restaurants and boutique shops, expensive souvenirs made of wood, metal and other materials, and in the middle was a large square.
The difference in this place was that the square was located too weird. foam density Standing at one end on high and see the whole town at a glance. In the lower part of the square is centrally located fountain square and then climbed back up to Le Calvarie interesting building from the 16th century including foam density fidentiality name originates from the group sculpture placed there under the awning.
So described can hardly exhaustive and clear, but certainly the town was amazing and the feeling that you've been back several centuries ago did not they leave for a moment. Actually, come to think more like a setting for a film made in a commissary open.
I stopped to take a picture. Maybe because I was only 10 in the morning there was still no people except for a few couples sat down to drink my first coffee of the solar tables of the restaurants on the square. This morning freshness and tranquility further contributed to my pleasant foam density walk. While stopping to photograph every step I noticed the first crowds of tourists priyzhdat. foam density So I speeded move to the castle.
Visit it was like traveling eight centuries in architecture, history and culture. Built between 1270 and 1282 as a fort in the typical Savoy style initially was the residence of the Counts of Gruyères.
Golden Age of the counts and from there to the castle was in the 15th century when he made modernization. There are square with a chapel, a spiral staircase in the courtyard foam density and other changes. Thus the castle lost its kind of fortification and becomes more beautiful and solemn. foam density He later became the headquarters of the bailiffs of Fribourg (1555-1798) and then goes back to the Baroque appearance. Several foam density centuries later, in 1849, was sold and became foam density the property of the families Bovy and Balland. At that time they were painted the most romantic landscapes of Camille Corot, Barthélemy me and other artists. In 1938 the state bought back the castle and turned it into a museum.
The tour started from the ground floor, which represented the oldest and thus dark age. All stone cold. There were presented the hall with armor which is called the guards' room and kitchen.
I climbed the spiral stairs to the next floor, foam density where we went in a later era, but there unfortunately came across a group of tourists tour and failed foam density to consider the two halls to overtake them. Continued with a tour of the top floor, which was the most ornate and colorful floor. There was a music hall, with hunting trophies, baroque room and knights hall. Everywhere can enjoy beautiful views of the valley or the mountains or. Pictures, wallpapers, carpets, furniture - everything was pompous.
Then continued with the examination outside. I climbed one of the towers which also offers wonderful views

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