Sunday, August 31, 2014

If you are not used electronic equipments foam packing unplug it because the stand (stand by) mode

Blog Home Prevention Reuse Recycling Environmental Awareness Kids Small colorful World (prevails) Campaigns Opinion (third side of the coin) Other Selective Knowledge foam packing Campaigns no Film Project E-waste European Waste Reduction Week Intelligent trash, only thinking man's Rotary Trash Culture TeSzedd! - Voluntary clean Hungary Green List Event Calendar
Blog Home Prevention Reuse Recycling Environmental Awareness Kids Small colorful World (prevails) Campaigns Opinion (third side of the coin) Other Selective Knowledge Campaigns no Film Project E-waste European Waste Reduction Week Intelligent trash, only thinking man's Rotary Trash Culture TeSzedd! - Voluntary clean Hungary Green List Event Calendar
Hear a lot these days about the importance of the environment, everyone is talking about, but the real question is what we do for it what people? In our own lives in relation to the non-smoking foam packing factory chimneys should be considered first, but that I what we do to the environment!
First round enough, if your home is well entrenched habits changing and we pay attention to some basic things, which can contribute foam packing to environmental conservation. Here are some helpful tips to keeping our environment and what we can consciously live environment. 1 Waste collection
Whether it's plastic, paper, glass or metal, you can use the selective waste collection container. It is important, before foam packing the islands or the recycling center you take the waste to go investigate the selective collection of "rules". The selective waste collection can greatly reduce the amount of municipal waste, the garbage fee, so you can save even more money. 2 Do not drop your cigarette butts and trash, as well as the illegal dumping of garbage, foam packing that will be! Picture:
You would not be happy if you throw in the other homes in the vicinity of the eye, you do not do this! Should not be an illegal garbage dumps, thereby greatly endangering people's camp environment, but rather report it if you see such a thing! 3, do not throw away the toxic and dangerous waste!
Many home for technical articles containing harmful substances, eg. discharged battery, electronic equipment, pharmaceuticals deteriorated, foam packing unused paints etc. Such a waste not to trash the place. Take it to the nearest collection site, the collection will be safely stored (in a cool dry place). The chemicals and drugs down the toilet, do not be, these materials have their own gathering place.
This may sound silly, but in many instances, to a long weekend holidays approaching, people are "invading" the supermarkets, shops and purchased everything that fits in the car. Subsequently, the trash is sour milk, bread and so on. Many have been thrown out the next day to the previous day's food scraps, and this could be there for pets. Just cook as much food as is surely also consumed. Not only will we be the generation of waste, but the wallet does not charge unnecessary expenditure. 5 Save the current!
Do not burn the lights on unnecessarily, especially in a town where no one is around. Gradually switch to energy-saving light bulbs. When you stand before buying household appliances, choose energy-efficient Osato. The refrigerator set for the correct cooling temperature which is 7 C in the case of the -18 C freezer. This also saves power because each - overdrawn eltérő- degrees from 6% increase in power consumption. Just do the dishes cool completely in the refrigerator. The refrigerator / freezer foam packing not adjust heating or cooker near the blazing foam packing sun and protect it.
If you are not used electronic equipments foam packing unplug it because the stand (stand by) mode also consumes energy. The stand-by mode of use is responsible for 5-10% of the monthly foam packing electricity bill. 6 Save the gas!
We do not know when they are in a position to run out of gas or simply do not get a view from abroad (because the EU does not enough, mostly imported). In addition, the gas prices skyrocketed, so I have two reasons why we have to economize.
The apartment is not necessary to warm tropical heat, no more, but rather get dressed in layers of 22 C. A small thing, but it matters a lot when cooking a dish using the hob that adjusts to the size, thus no loss of energy. Do not unnecessarily burn the stove and set out on a baking time if you do not wait until the food is completely finished. If you close the oven 10 minutes before the rest of the heat so the food is finished cookie.
Fewer and fewer of our drinking water, and if we do not change consumption foam packing patterns, sooner or later you will lose weight foam packing (currently the world's water is approx. 0.5% is available for human consumption, but because of the excessive waste and the environmental impact decreases rapidly). Feel responsible

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