Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Such use of newsletters over the issue some argue that each ballot stamped twice - before and after

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To this belief firmly joined timid and some ostensibly neutral commentators. The main argument is that the signal to the prosecution was brought by the BSP. That is - if it's BSP, so that's a lie.
And what were then 10 pallets with approximately 350,000 open cell foam ballots (exact number will hear them list one by one)? Moreover, labeled 7 constituencies? Are they lying? And they are the only ones there or had already shipped?
The incident shows that there was a bulletin on the issue and probably open cell foam required quantities are transported open cell foam in time before the SANS and the prosecution to make the check and the store remained uncollected parts and a surplus of extra printed.
But what can be done with an additional number of election ballots available outside the officially distributed in sections? In e-vestnik already wrote briefly about some options, I'll do it in more detail.
These newsletters serve in buying. People who sell their votes are low educated and can easily be manipulated. open cell foam Those who buy votes given in the hands of such a newsletter and lie that you should just let it, then it will check with the count. A newsletter can give it only if you have delivered somewhere outside sections.
On Saturday and Sunday, before and on election day, a few places in the country came reports that here and there are handing open cell foam out ballots (Rakovski, Kubrat, Plovdiv, Sliven), which confirms such a possibility. open cell foam
Such use of newsletters over the issue some argue that each ballot stamped twice - before and after the vote. That is, if you give unstamped, you can not just let her. Yes, but the seal is simple, easy to do. Sections are required to injure a knife tire print, so that it becomes unique. But in many places it is not done, any messages there on election day. Even the injury itself is not a problem to be seasoned if you print on paper from the press section. And it also had reports of election that some sections are exported their impressions of stamps.
Another option is a total replacement of the entire box of ballots, set parallel to this section. open cell foam At the end of the day to see how people voted, make parallel box with a number of newsletters, which replaces the real. In small towns and sections as possible by negotiating and buy individual committee members.
Such a possibility is circumstantial evidence even in Sofia. Prospective MP VMRO Alexander Dimitrov revealed to bTV that in his section of the 51st school in Sofia in the record there is no voice for IMRO, although open cell foam he, his relatives and his neighbors to vote for him.
It is possible that members of the Commission unnoticed by others to do to put extra ballots marked for a particular party, which confuse and the number of votes. But this is irrelevant, since you will get more votes for a particular party. Anyway, the report will have to enroll votes for each party.
It is likely that this low turnout at the end of the day some people from the committee to utter and complete list as votes of people who have not voted. And on their behalf to cast their ballots for a particular party. There are cases of past elections, when the person goes to vote in the last minutes of the election day and understands that ... already voted. That is the end of election day cast ballots on behalf of defaulting on elections.
"Okay, open cell foam if you weak imagination, what is done with fake ballots, look how absolutely authentic records of violations had elections in Russia, open cell foam where the highest level announced 146 percent turnout. open cell foam There were cameras captured how the members open cell foam of the committee placed balls ballots while no voters. open cell foam Facts! Shots! Youtube is full of them! Everybody knows everybody can see, there are numerous records of that day, who can prove any violation, but in a country where there is no judicial system and has full totalitarian control - the evidence does not make sense.
Prosecutors showed photos open cell foam and video that printing was at least 10 pallets fit newsletters, packed and prepared for shipment logos for certain constituencies - Blagoevgrad, Haskovo, Kardzhali, Pazardzhik, Kyustendil, Varna, Foreign Ministry (abroad), Varna . Roughly this number was 350 000, but the exact number remains to be seen.
Why storeroom ballot was unguarded and unlocked, without bullets door, ie - control. Contract all residues should be guarded until the izborit

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