Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ever increasing regulations make capital markets more complex and incomprehensible and forcing inve

Ever increasing regulations make capital markets more complex and incomprehensible and forcing investors master molty foam to become more opaque. This conclusion came from five capital market of Central and Eastern Europe who participated in the second day of the financial forum "The Sound of Money" organized by on 14 and 15 May in the hall of the capital Sofia Kempinski Hotel Zografski. "There are too many regulations that hinder the financial market as a whole," said Michael Buhl, CEO of the Vienna master molty foam Stock Exchange. "We see how banks are loaded with crazy fees. Politicians blame the banks for the crisis, but a crisis of statehood. In Europe, the sovereign debt crisis because all countries harchiha too much in the past, "he said. According Bulle it forces investors to become more transparent, resulting in about 75% of trade in Europe is OTC. According to Miroslav Marinov, master molty foam CEO and board member of the PAC Trust, increasing financial literacy among all users is the right solution master molty foam to the problems in the financial markets, a not introduce new regulations. "Increasing the font size of text that users do not understand and do not alter the nature of things," he said. In his words, the increase of regulations makes the markets more complex and incomprehensible to all participants, including institutional investors. Positions of Bulle and Marinov were supported by Ivan Takev, master molty foam Executive Director of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, as saying the government rush to introduce regulations and directives before they fully understood the mechanisms for manipulation of indexes. "I think the approach should be different - try the resources allocated to new and new regulations be added to change the mentality of the people who work in this field, master molty foam so you do not think about how to manipulate the forex and LIBOR "he added. On the development of BSE in the short and medium term, Takev stood firmly behind horizontal integration with a larger structure that will lead to a critical mass of the Bulgarian market. master molty foam In his other forms of growth - through organic development and acquisition master molty foam - are not sufficiently realistic and hide question. In 2014 the Forum "The Sound of Money" is supported by Mtel, Societe Generale Express, DZI - KBC Group, Luxury Property, PAC Trust, Provident Financial Bulgaria, Amrita Consulting House, ActivTrades and LG. "The Sound of Money" is the only specialized financial conference in Bulgaria. The first edition of the event was in 2010 Over the years, the event involved key Bulgarian master molty foam and foreign financial experts master molty foam and economists. "The sound of money" attracted master molty foam the interest of leading financiers in the country who annually attend the event.
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