Monday, August 18, 2014

Meanwhile in Bulgaria interim results on processed 95.83% of PEC protocols OIC: 1 Rosen Asenov Plev - The Bulgarian Media Portal in Chicago Blog Archive Elections in Chicago (preliminary results)
Chicago election day passed quietly, and as predicted by before at least six months - with low activity. A reason for our clairvoyance hide imperfections in the adopted earlier this year Electoral Code, which alarmed and Temporary Public Councils of Bulgarians abroad. More at 4.30 am consular staff were on their jobs to open at 6:00 am. Polling stations together with members of election commissions. Our personal opinion is that the opening sections so early on Sunday here in the USA, is not justified. It would be interesting to trace the activity of the vote until 9:00 am. 13:00 Then came the tail section in Des Plaines. Part of the problem was due to the fact that the statements had to be filled only with a blue pen and fill them with black stood once more in the queue. In America, virtually all are welcome in two colors - blue and black pen. Between 14:00 and 16:00. Voting time was from 20 to 50 minituti. In contrast to Des Plaines, far more relaxed was in Chicago. There was not a section of traditional Bulgarian site and likely voters decided not to bother to look for it - the distance between the two is only a few miles.
- Rosen Plevneliev - Margarita Popova (GERD) 443 and 69 - Meglena Kuneva - Lyubomir Hristov (Steering Committee) 96 and 10 - Ivaylo Kalfin - Stefan Danailov (BSP) 53 and 8 - Rumen Hristov - Emmanuel Yordanov (SDS) 18 and 1 - Svetoslav Vitkov - Vencislav Mitsov (IC) 11 and 1 - Karakacanov - Simidchieva Daniela Dimitrova (VMRO) 7 and 3
Meanwhile in Bulgaria interim results on processed 95.83% of PEC protocols OIC: 1 Rosen Asenov Plevneliev porstendorf / Margarita Stefanova Popova - 1,281,786 ballots 40.05% 2 Ivailo Georgiev Kalfin / Stefan Danailov - 925 135 Bulle. 28.91% 3 Meglena Kuneva Shtilianova / Lyubomir Hristov - 449 910 Bulle. 14.06% porstendorf
Behavior of Bulgarians in USA elections reveals a gap in the relationship between politicians and the Diaspora in Sofia and offers valuable lessons for future candidate politicians.
"Voice matters cause they count as one, even though you voted later, however, you gave voice. If there are 100 000 Bulgarians in Chicago and all come and give their voice, can you shift this election porstendorf result in Bulgaria? Can, "declared the owner of the Chicago firm Bulgarian food" La Malinche, "in recording the day of the election, which was sent to us by the publication EuroChicago. "There are 300,000 Bulgarians in America if all the vote, we can shift the outcome, right?" Says Kalin strongly patriotic Penchev. He strongly encourages Bulgarians living in the United States to vote.
"Bulgarians abroad should vote", these words of Chicago Bulgarian express the mood of all our compatriots porstendorf on Sunday came out to vote in polling stations across the United States. For them, in their words, "these elections are important to continue the approach of Bulgaria to Europe because porstendorf returns may be."
But voters porstendorf really are in the minority. Only about 10% of Bulgarians living in the United States share the conviction that "abroad and must have citizenship." In Washington, for example, about 240 people porstendorf voted. Some had traveled long distances - 2-3 hours by car - to reach a polling station. This exceeds porstendorf the number of applications 75 preliminary applications.
All voting, which I was able to talk, they want to see "Bulgaria to develop in the right direction", whether they intend to return there or to stay and live abroad. Young people feel particularly strongly that they are responsible for their country: "I vote because our decisions affect the future of Bulgaria, it is better to take responsibility for choosing the president and councilors rather than just complain porstendorf about the decision, which is taken, "said my 20-year-old girl in Washington.
Young people - some under 30 years old - were the dominant group among voters in Washington. Most of them came to the United States relatively recently, in the last 5-6 years. Contrary porstendorf to the views of the majority group are not non-voters who see non-participation in elections porstendorf as a form of protest against the political reality in Bulgaria, young voters do not find an excuse for passivity. 33 year old Bulgarian Washington believes that "the passivity of our people porstendorf is a sign of pain, not so much for lack of interest, but this is not the way to deal with the problems. Rather, we should take an active stance to inform you to vote! "
34-year-old Bulgarian was clear that it is unacceptable to think that there was someone to vote. "This issue misunderstanding; politically enlightened one has to do research, to inquire of the candidates and make a reasonable setup

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