Sunday, May 31, 2015

4. Use a sharp, clean blade It is a good and well-known qualities and the right in the direction of

Latest News surveillance cameras in Istanbul show the three girls before Tugehn to Syria a government plan to train imams of France to improve the dialogue with Muslims FBI arrested three people on charges of joining the organization of the state to meet with the sole survivor of the massacre Daash in Libya, Morocco prepares to face the tsunami child born pregnant with twins! Daash published a recording showing the execution honeycomb decorations of the Jordanian pilot forbid Kasasbeh burned to death (Photos) earth-shattering floods in Sidi Ifni Tunisia and Algeria LIFT alert on the border with Libya, the first successful landing of US F-35 fighter on a barge
More things experienced by men shaving the face, it has exposed a lot of men to a sharp injuries, as well as severe allergies honeycomb decorations after every shave, Here's the practical tips for shaving easier. First, choose the machine:
The Gillette machine is one of the coolest comfortable shavers, there are many types of machines there Gillette Machine with labia, which some considered comfortable and moist, and also safer, while there are five blades modern machine, with strong impulses to facilitate the process of shaving. honeycomb decorations Always look for the machine Merkur Heavy Duty Safety Razor another shaver belong to the same idea of a German honeycomb decorations company Gillette machines and $ 35 price tag equivalent to 130 SAR. Second: the blades
There are many good and appropriate codes for razor mentioned above, and there are some excellent companies in the production of these blades such as Mercure German Company and Derby Turkish, Inc. Feather Japanese. The box will cost them $ 40 8 blades which is equivalent to 150 SAR. Third: shaving brushes
Most men do not use shaving brush while putting cream on the face with their hands, and so wrong hands because it is impossible to produce the same foam produced by shaving brush, which raises shaving cream on your face that well. There are a few types of mattresses good poetry, which depends on the quality of hair made him,
It is necessary to use a moisturizer after shaving directly, even working to moisturize dry skin and renew after each time flying in. There are ideal types can be used such as: Finally, you should know that good preparation for shaving is the most important thing for easy shaving successful, prefers shaving after a hot bath , or at least a face wash with hot water for 30 seconds, because this opens the pores and increases the moisturizing the skin for shaving smoother and easier. honeycomb decorations And finally you some guidance from several reliable medical sources to avoid irritation and inflammation of the skin:
4. Use a sharp, clean blade It is a good and well-known qualities and the right in the direction of hair growth and not vice versa. Shave versa from the first time removes a layer of skin so that it must let it be after shaving in the direction of hair growth more than once and then circling the opposite direction of hair growth. Instead of foam between each two.
7. moisturize honeycomb decorations the skin after shaving is necessary to prevent dehydration and blisters, although the skin is exposed to a lot of inflammation and pimples after shaving honeycomb decorations benefit the development of medical cream anti-inflammatory and antiseptic once or twice after shaving such as: Viossikort - Kinakomb - Pandrm - Viosiderm - Viossid - and others.
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Video of Russia .. earth moving and swallow everything by China to raise its military budget 10 per cent free application to learn a new language in 5 minutes a day of appetite disorder from a new perspective disease not worth their price exorbitant luxury goods? Surveillance cameras in Istanbul show three girls Tugehn to Syria before the World Cup 2022 in Qatar must end on December 18
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Most men do not use shaving brush while putting cream on the face with their hands, and so wrong ha

More things experienced by men shaving the face, it has exposed a lot of men to a sharp injuries, as well as severe allergies after every shave, Here's the practical tips for shaving easier. First, choose the machine:
The Gillette machine is one of the coolest comfortable shavers, there are many types of machines there Gillette Machine with labia, which some considered comfortable and moist, and also safer, while there are five blades modern machine, with strong foam fest san antonio impulses to facilitate the process of shaving. Always foam fest san antonio look for the machine Merkur Heavy Duty Safety Razor another shaver belong to the same idea of a German company Gillette machines and $ 35 price tag equivalent to 130 SAR. Second: the blades
There are many good and appropriate codes for razor mentioned above, and there are some excellent companies in the production of these blades such as Mercure German Company and Derby Turkish, Inc. Feather Japanese. foam fest san antonio The box will cost them $ 40 8 blades which is equivalent to 150 SAR. Third: shaving brushes
Most men do not use shaving brush while putting cream on the face with their hands, and so wrong hands because it is impossible to produce the same foam produced by shaving brush, which raises shaving cream on your face that well. There are a few types of mattresses good poetry, which depends on the quality of hair made him,
It is necessary to use a moisturizer after shaving foam fest san antonio directly, even working to moisturize dry skin and renew after each time flying in. There are ideal types can be used such as: Finally, you should know that good preparation for shaving is the most important thing for easy shaving successful, prefers shaving after a hot bath , or at least a face wash with hot water for 30 seconds, foam fest san antonio because this opens the pores and increases the moisturizing the skin for shaving smoother and easier. And finally you some guidance from several reliable medical sources to avoid irritation and inflammation of the skin:
4. Use a sharp, clean blade It is a good and well-known qualities and the right in the direction of hair growth and not vice versa. Shave versa from the first time removes a layer of skin so that it must let it be after shaving in the direction of hair growth more than once and then circling the opposite direction of hair growth. Instead of foam between each two.
7. moisturize the skin after shaving is necessary to prevent dehydration and blisters, although the skin is exposed to a lot of inflammation and pimples after shaving benefit the development of medical cream anti-inflammatory and antiseptic once or twice after shaving such as: Viossikort - Kinakomb - Pandrm foam fest san antonio - Viosiderm - Viossid - and others.
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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Leather dot com Certified

6 most important tips for face wash | leather dot com
Visits: 78 Reading
1. Wash the face on a daily basis is important because it removes dirt and fat and contaminants from the air these things and conquer Msamkm appears grains. 2. washing the face before placing any paint (the same protection cream) increases the effectiveness and helps the skin to be absorbed properly. foliovnik 3. lotion used without foam because facial skin sensitive foliovnik to it as possible. 4. If your skin is dry, I advise foliovnik using a lotion with a creamy texture to Ardobaa the same time. 5. If your skin is sensitive forbidden lotion containing alcohol because it irritates the face. 6. those fatty skin lotion used the same acidic alpha-hydroxy fruit acids because they break the fat and remove them from the face clogged pores turn off the spigot. HeDrShamsaldeen
Leather dot com Certified
The latest news skin (2) Ask d. Umar (9) Consulting Alanstagram (1) Nails (2) eczema and dry skin (15), urticaria (1) vitiligo (2) nutrition and skin (11) Vixen (3) Protection from the sun (11) Hair and its problems (26) Psoriasis ( 8) Skin Care (40) common skin problems (19) skin problems in children (5) skin problems in men (1) skin problems in women (11) Rose (3) Beauty skin (8) skin pigmentation (4) skin surgery and laser (9) Acne (26) Leather Quick facts (1) skin cancer (1) year (28) treatments and medicines (17) fungal skin (4) skin viruses (4) Medical false beliefs (6)
eczema, vitiligo sunless tan tan wrinkles smoking sweating nutrition tinea wart Vixen shaving skin protection Alroctan obesity hair balding foliovnik summer sun psoriasis race crust fungi costs cortisone laser herpes pink fingerprints hair loss dry skin acne loss itchy skin burns skin aging skin fungi virus foot athlete's foot pregnancy false beliefs scars freshness skin mask
D. Omar Shams al-Din on what is vitiligo? Ahmedkmbr on what is vitiligo? D. Omar Shams al-Din on two types of natural tan one and the other less harmful to your damage! Marwa Halawiyya on what is vitiligo? 11 on two types of harmful natural tan one and the other less harmful foliovnik to you!
All rights reserved and allows transport foliovnik provided that the source . | | License-friendly design: contemporary

Friday, May 29, 2015

2015 (1307) graupappe May (182) April (260) March (340) February (307) January (218)

Code is responsible for all natural prescriptions and general information useful for hair care, skin and all the various body functions. And all information about the flora and fauna. All with respect to fashion and modern decor, family and Altakuloggio
Hair show excessive treatment
Women can animate hair delicate enjoy the pleasure of the new rich foam is extremely gentle graupappe with this product. High-precision component for hair care, to refine the polymer surface of the hair and give him a beautiful appearance and perfect gloss, full and softness from the roots to the parties.
Super perfection combination plays a rich and smooth degrees graupappe overflowing love life. The thickening polymer surface of each hair fiber with a layer of protection, the fatty material to smooth the hair fiber works in the heart of the granted flexibility, nutrition and strength.
Based on the polymer composition refine hair surface with starchy base, where they work together to give hair a distinctive look and give the fibers mainstay brilliantly marked and beauty. Thanks to the large concentration of fatty substances and nutrients, the product works to repair damage deep in the hair fiber, and the softness of the big factors that give hair unprecedented flexibility quantity.
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

All rights reserved honeycomb vector and allows transport provided that the source . | | License-f

How do I choose the face suitable for my skin lotion? | Leather dot com
Visits: 52 Reading
-alepeshrh Fatty need lotion gives the foam when used p face. -Why ..? Because the foam to remove excess fat from the skin effectively. -kl What was preached to more fatty everything Oanjtwa lotion produces more and more foam ..! -alepeshrh Acne prone medical need in which either honeycomb vector geode Willow Salicylic acid or Benzyl Peroxide the peeling skin lotion .. opens Msamatkm and kills acne bacteria. -alepeshrh honeycomb vector Mixed need light lotion does not give many foam when used on the face. HeDrShamsaldeen
The latest news skin (2) Ask d. Umar (9) Consulting Alanstagram (1) Nails (2) eczema honeycomb vector and dry skin (15), urticaria (1) vitiligo (2) nutrition and skin (11) Vixen (3) Protection from the sun (11) Hair and its problems (26) Psoriasis ( 8) Skin Care (40) common skin problems (19) skin problems in children (5) skin problems in men (1) skin problems in women (11) Rose (3) Beauty skin (8) skin pigmentation (4) skin surgery and laser (9) Acne (26) Leather Quick facts (1) skin cancer (1) year (28) treatments and medicines (17) fungal honeycomb vector skin (4) skin viruses (4) Medical false beliefs (6)
eczema, vitiligo sunless tan tan wrinkles smoking sweating nutrition tinea wart Vixen shaving skin protection Alroctan obesity hair balding summer sun psoriasis race crust fungi costs cortisone laser herpes honeycomb vector pink fingerprints hair loss dry skin acne loss itchy skin burns skin aging skin fungi virus foot athlete's foot pregnancy honeycomb vector false beliefs scars freshness skin mask
D. Omar Shams al-Din on what is vitiligo? Ahmedkmbr on what is vitiligo? D. Omar Shams al-Din honeycomb vector on two types of natural tan one and the other less harmful to your damage! Marwa Halawiyya on what is vitiligo? 11 on two types of harmful natural tan one and the other less harmful to you!
All rights reserved honeycomb vector and allows transport provided that the source . | | License-friendly design: contemporary

And if that Islam has forbidden breeding delkeskamp is to shave the beard and said to some people:

Shaving without problems delkeskamp | Leather dot com
Visits: 14.567 Reading
1. Wet your skin and peel moisturize the skin before shaving opens the pores and reduces the force required to press the razor by 70% Osthmm with warm water to open the pores and the moisten the skin and hair and you can also use peeled in order to remove dead cells if you can not Tub You can moistening your skin three minutes for at least hot water in order to get the same results you can use almost warm towel so
2. Put foam Use moisturizer contains glycerine or coconut oil and alcohol-free Avoid moisturizers containing menthol Menthol even Atjrah yourself without learning and to influence the drug to avoid creams or foam containing alcohol because it dries the skin shaving foam increase the smoothness of hair and absorbed water which reduces the shaving injuries and makes it more comfortable place Shave Gel Ouguet your face with a thick layer of foam with a brush in a circular circular razor in order to raise the hair gel whose services without making it easy to injure your skin
3. Shave Use a sharp, clean blade and contain more than a single blade - gently from the top preferably delkeskamp three Click to bottom with the direction of hair growth remember that the hair does not always grow from the top down, especially on the sides of the face and neck Make sure to make your skin taut during shaving in order to reduce the chances of shaving wounds strongly lead to the exposure of the skin to cracks, redness and inflammation
4. Shave reverse the direction of hair growth when flying versa, you are removing part of your skin! You can shave the hair growth, unlike delkeskamp the one hand, but on condition that flying delkeskamp first hand with the growth of hair more than once and then circling the opposite point of hair growth wash your face and hair of foam with all time
5. After shaving wash your face with cold water in order to Tnqmh pores and remove the remainder of the hair and foam wet skin directly after shaving gel and use moisturizer if the grain appear on your face you can easily delkeskamp shave in bi-weekly and even daily according to your hair density, provided advice on the above commitment
This entry was posted on Thursday, August delkeskamp 18th, 2011 at 16:54 and is filed under hair and classification problems, skin problems in men. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 2 comments for "shaving with no problems!"
And best of all is this: that launches your beard and your lover emulate God's peace be upon him, which was his beard Kth, and recommended the launch of the beard in different versions (called beards) (and beards) (Honor beards) (leave the beard).
And if that Islam has forbidden breeding delkeskamp is to shave the beard and said to some people: What is this militancy! What is this hardship! Whenever he went out Nhalgah chin! But Islam came to you and facilitation launch beard, some want the offense came long tedious delkeskamp steps hard at the top!
The latest news skin (2) Ask d. Umar (9) Consulting Alanstagram (1) Nails (2) eczema and dry skin (15), urticaria (1) vitiligo (2) nutrition and skin (11) Vixen (3) Protection from the sun (11) Hair and its problems (26) Psoriasis delkeskamp ( 8) Skin Care (40) common delkeskamp skin problems (19) skin problems in children (5) skin problems in men (1) skin problems in women (11) Rose (3) Beauty skin (8) skin pigmentation (4) skin surgery and laser (9) Acne (26) Leather Quick facts (1) skin cancer (1) year (28) treatments and medicines (17) fungal skin (4) skin viruses (4) Medical false beliefs delkeskamp (6)
eczema, vitiligo sunless tan tan wrinkles smoking sweating nutrition tinea wart Vixen shaving skin protection Alroctan obesity hair balding summer sun psoriasis race crust fungi costs cortisone laser herpes pink fingerprints hair loss dry skin acne loss itchy skin burns skin aging skin fungi virus foot athlete's foot pregnancy false beliefs scars freshness skin mask
D. Omar Shams al-Din on what is vitiligo? Ahmedkmbr on what is vitiligo? D. Omar Shams al-Din on two types of natural tan one and the other less harmful to your damage! delkeskamp Marwa Halawiyya on what is vitiligo? 11 on two types of harmful natural tan one and the other less harmful to you!
All rights reserved and allows transport provided delkeskamp that the source . | | License-friendly delkeskamp design: contemporary

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Today I show you a cream that we buy more for a long time again and very much like to use. Allpresa

I'll continue with my "Photo corpses". Currently, I'm going through my pictures folder and present you the most interesting products in front. However, this interest can be positive or negative. ;-)
Today I show you a cream that we buy more for a long time again and very much like to use. Allpresan Foot Foam Cream - with 15% Urea, Aloe Vera and Evening Primrose Oil The breathable foam cream formula with Urea, Aloe Vera and Evening Primrose Oil nourishes and strengthens the skin barrier is particularly effective, without adversely affecting the natural functions. benecor Calluses gently reduces and improves skin texture. Result: The skin is pleasantly smooth and supple. It is protected against moisture loss, new calluses and bruises. Absorbs quickly and is not greasy. Stockings can be tightened immediately. benecor Without fragrances, colors or preservatives. Tested and recommended by the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB). Compatibility dermatologically approved. Key Ingredients: Urea Aloe Vera Evening benecor Primrose Oil Ingredients (INCI): benecor Aqua, Urea, Decyl Oleate, Octyldodecanol, butanes, Cetearyl Alcohol, Propane, Stearic Acid, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate, Oenothera biennis Oil, Aloe Barbadensis Extract, allantoin, sorbitol , Potassium Lauroyl Wheat Amino Acids, Palm Glycerides, Capryloyl Glycine, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate. Available in 35 ml (PZN 09,917,177) and 125 ml (PZN 09,783,009) and 200 ml (PZN 00,150,320).
The first time I came into contact with Allpresan with my beautician, as this was her salon care. I thought the idea was then very interesting to note that this is not a normal cream, but just a foam cream, rather just foam.
People uses like mousse, so you there are, of course, not in the hair, but on his feet. Man holding the can upright and so are some foam on the hand, it is still bulky and can be easily applied.
Yes, now you might think that's nothing special. But just yet. Because the foam is not too slippery like ordinary foot creams, but rather silky. He draws a very fast and leaves no unpleasant greasy film. Nevertheless, the skin on the feet is ideal furnished with care. Especially benecor in the summer I take back regularly to this foam, since you should have beautiful feet in sandals and so may not shine through fissures. I have since seen very terrible, so I prefer a cream and lean forward.
But why the cracks cream? Because this maintains my feet best. By 15% Urea, moisture is better bound and delivered to the skin. Your can also like to compare, but 15% offer very little company.
I am a fan for years, the foam products of Allpresan. They are really great and totally efficient. I've sometimes even made a review about a couple of items: Reply Delete
Blog: Jabelchen: Nail, drugstore cosmetics and much more!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Negative comments: 0x missing detail images 0x no meaningful images 0x text gives only a first impr

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The application is very simple. with the can from under the shower, the water and then get out with the foam. On the skin of the foam is very nice frothy, he is tender and envelops puchimas the skin wonderfully. I love it.
The smell: The smell is just wonderful puchimas for me. The foam smells of oranges. But not at artificially sweet, but rather fruity-tart. No, not tart like men-herb, but rather as Bitter Orange marmalade.
Conclusion of this review XXXXX XXXXX pleasant fragrance allows thorough cleaning XXXXX allows gentle cleansing XXXXX XXXXX moisturizes ensures tender & fresh skin feeling after cleansing
Negative comments: 0x missing detail images 0x no meaningful images 0x text gives only a first impression 0x too little personal experience affects 0x testing too short 0x Conclusion appears inconclusive 0x not helpful
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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Countless products - even in the natural cosmetics range - contain so-called Sodium Laureth Sulfate

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Countless products - even in the natural cosmetics range - contain so-called Sodium Laureth Sulfate, ingredients that are suspected of being carcinogenic. In addition, most shaving foams contain an armada of other questionable chemicals: synthetic, often allergenic substances, silicone oils, paraffins, preservatives, perfumes, artificial fragrances and climate-damaging propellant filling and valuable, energetically elaborately produced raw materials such as aluminum or plastic.
In all the omitted Plaine, the new shaving of Dryman's Cosmetics. Because kraft paper Plaine also waived kraft paper preservatives, shaving cream comes in powder form therefore. It is a skin-friendly and environmentally friendly shaving cream only by adding a little water and a few stirring motions with your finger. Plaine is certified under the BDIH-Standard. Reviews kraft paper by OECD 301 confirm the easy and rapid biodegradability of organic substances. The only inorganic material is talc, a natural sheet silicate - practically a stone flour. The skin compatibility of grading was impressively with a patch test to prove, were involved in the conscious and sensitive skin Perone. (. The face hairy vergissmeinnicht team Plaine has tested the self-test in the direct comparison with commercially available products and used since then convinced that can confirm only) Also in terms of packaging applies to Plaine: Less is more! The sachets are made of FSC paper from sustainably managed forests, which is only coated on the inside with a thin film. The Rasierpulver is mixed Valkyrie in a noble porcelain dish of the renowned German company.
For this completely new natural cosmetic product vergissmeinnicht defined target groups, developed the positioning and developed on this basis a unique product name (derived kraft paper from English. = Plain honest, simple, clear). kraft paper As it turned out, then the name of the producer had to be changed - by SK Spuma to Dryman's Cosmetics. The new corporate brand name was a creation of vergissmeinnicht which was based on the patent of the two founders, offer foam products in powder form.
Each an independent logo and corporate design was developed that is however used recognizable for both brands. The idea: Under the umbrella of the new store brand Dryman's Cosmetics more production-ready product brands may arise and the product brand Plaine can be continued successfully with other products.
In addition to the logo and CD development the office equipment and the development of the Plaine sales package on the program included. Nothing Plaine is in use-rest and will be checked by future users through its paces. Our agency's internal use test has passed a long time with flying colors Plaine. Anyone who wants to thoroughly honest and non-toxic kraft paper natural cosmetics, the gold with Plaine.
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Juhu, I was able to get a sought-after wellness boxing finally, which are normally always sooooo quickly. But that's really no wonder, because the box costs only 9,50 (+ shipping 2:50) and is packed to the brim. ;) And she came super fast after 2 days and I can show you today the content!
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Then were still so few samples contain: Magne Trans actively multimineral beverage granules (10 grams) Kytta Comfrey ointment (2ml) Keltican Forte - capsules (4 pieces) Louis Widmer Cream for Eyes (2 ml) Scholl SOS Repair Cream (2ml) Overall, the box has a value of about 64 and there really are just good use things here. I am really happy absolutely that it worked times and hope I miss it the next time not again. How about with you? Could you assure you one?
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Products marked with * have asked me cost- and unconditionally available. As with all links are pla

That was something I had this week! Specific reasons - does not exist. But somehow my mood was still verhagelt. What usually helps: Eat! Ice, chocolate sauce and the largest spoon that will bear the cutlery drawer. But it is in January, month of good intentions and something else was needed. In my case it was a package that has reached me this week. Three Allpresan minicell foam foam products that promise rich care for hands and feet, were in the mailbox. The packages like me at first glance, and even spray cans appear quite high. The milk and honey hand foam smells fantastic and I'm looking forward minicell foam to test its long-term effect. I enjoy spending a few weeks a review of the products, if you are interested! I'm now on the way in Saturday's fray-the minicell foam city because minicell foam my wardrobe definitely need some Spring Pieces, because I can no longer all that gray slowly see. Have a great weekend
My name is Johanna, I'm 19 years old and study law in Wiesbaden. On my blog I teiel what moves me. These are the beautiful things of life - good food, nice people, experience new things, sports, travel and so on. Accompanied me on my way into the big bad adult life.
The Products hear genuinly promising to! My week could have run better, help me then always on the weekend what to do with my (best) friend! :) Best wishes Reply Delete
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Products marked with * have asked me cost- and unconditionally available. As with all links are placed in co-operation with the company, minicell foam the final decision on fashion is still with me.

Friday, May 22, 2015

View a Printable Version Send to a friend blha Subscribe blha to this Thread | Add Thread to Favori - Forum for Dendrobaten - poison dart frogs - Pfeilgiftfrosch> Pfeilgiftfroschterraristik> Terrarientechnik PU foam, but which one? Username: Remember? Password: Forgot your password? Forum Portal Search Register Forum Rules Help Members Calendar
Hello, I have of course already used the Sufu, but unfortunately blha could find nothing suitable, what my question could be answered. blha I have to make before my next Terras sometimes blha with 2K adhesive, but now I want to use not only Styrofoam for design, but also PU foam. My question: Is there more "acceptable" PU foam products that can be used without hesitation or take all not much. Since I know my not very good with the ingredients, I would be very grateful what proposals concerns blha (companies, names, etc.) or your experience with PU foam (curing capacity [eg you to connect Planzen], etc .. .). So as I said, not looking for 2K adhesive, but PU foam for structural design. Regards, Pyro
The stuff that you can buy so, everything is equal in causing cancer is suspected. However, only in the uncured state. Therefore, the best out there work with protective gloves and ventilate some days. Then again here and there reinpiksen to check that the stuff is really cured. Then you can cut everything blha ready and coat Greetings Nils
Hello Pyro, Which is the safest foam, I can not really say. But the cure is an important point. blha I sprinkle blha the foam after being applied properly with water and repeat blha this after a day again. Should the core not be properly determined, the material expands through the intensive irrigation at the beginning of yet, which can lead to cracks. By the adhesive you get really enough stability to install the plant. The adhesive is really hard, sometimes I had to get into trouble the staples pure. In the coating, the material should be really blha dry, as moist soil does not hold good in parts. Many greetings Markus Greeting Markus
I used to be working with this because it was solvent free Today I work with the 08/15 expanding foam from the hardware store. This is allowed to cure and always coated with 2K PU. I have not found any drawbacks.
Hello Pyro, I have experience blha with the best foam from the hardware store (blue tin of the Hornbach, think about 3.50 the can), which for the purposes actually is quite good. The dosage is I think "easier" if you buy a decent gun and a corresponding socket PU foam. With a more expensive branded foam Soudal (12-15 euros) we lined just the "new" Terrarium. The foam works on a different principle (the call the SMX technology or so) which does not contain the above suspect on carcinogenicity fabric. However, it remains very flexible and is less suitable, since the coating quasi Steinhart is, at least that's in our epoxy resin so in my opinion. So the price-performance ratio is excellent at 3.50 euros can. Forget the respirator does not (fine particle mask). But because of the construction market is anyway obliged enlighten you I hope this helps a bit. Regards Marcel
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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Especially obegrass great I find, apart of course from the product itself, the packaging. This cons

It sometimes there days when you can not afford something and want. And there are products that are well worth it. I have made you even a list of articles that I have in my closet and love ... despite the price. Diorblush (Christian Dior) Cheek Creme - 651 Panama
This wonderful product I bought last week at the airport. As it were duty free. It cost 28.50 euros. There are 4 limited nuances and all are beautiful. I would have bought me prefer several, but sometimes holds a yet back to reason.
Especially obegrass great I find, apart of course from the product itself, the packaging. This consists obegrass of a Glastigelchem with blue lid, which is decorated with the "CD" logo in silver. Therefore feels not only noble, obegrass also looks so.
What I have railed against this product after the first application and now it is one of my favorite makeup. What is again a proof that every product requires some time period until you and your skin have set daurauf. Previously I had a makeup with high opacity and the opacity of the Chanel product is very light. And because I would have to get used. Perfect for the summer. I do not want to give up now. On days or parts of the face where I need more opacity, I use either a concealer or I make a second layer over it. I carry it with hands on or with my Benefit Foundation Brush. obegrass The scent is subtle, but very classy and pleasant. Should you have problem skin, which is certainly no alternative. But who needs only a slight opacity, will have his delight in this luxury product.
The next luxury obegrass product is the ritual shower foam. I use it for about 1.5 years and buy him time and again. I Love Foam products sowiese and also while showering. The foam has a only a gel-like Konstistenz obegrass and then to a foam. Almost like a shaving cream or gel. The smell (I always use "Zensation") smells incredibly flowery by cherry blossoms. And somehow I think it smells after a scent that one might run into at a spa.
Next, I want to introduce a body lotion obegrass of Naobay. This company was to me so far no concept. For several weeks, I have the lotion and love them very much. At first I was very appealing to the package with the timber lid. It looks high quality and classic. So next the smell was scrutinized or nose. This immediately reminds me of my last sauna session. It is a blend of citrus, aloe vera and shea butter. Wonderful, I tell you. The product, incidentally, was in my last Glossybox. Maybe you have it, too this and had not yet taken note of. Must try!
It smells as its name suggests, like a fresh sea breeze. Light, summery and fresh. I carry it currently very happy and take it with the move, because it always is prima times to refresh in between.
Absolute luxury product is probably obegrass this hair oil from Shu Uemera. The company is known for its exclusive and luxurious hair products. This hair oil is a kind of perfume for the hair and it smells deliciously vanillie. I would say that it is a winter product obegrass rather that the fragrance rather fit in the colder months, but I love it. I always spühe my ponytail or bun a it because I can use no oily product to the lugs. Auserdem sees the glass bottle, incredibly interesting with the oil globules and the yellow liquid and high quality from.
So last product obegrass I want you even imagine my dearest and most expensive perfume obegrass so far. The Burberry Body. I already have a post about it written (click). I find this fragrance smells of money I know it sounds silly, but I think that this fragrance smells just as if you were all good Kangen day only busy to smell good and look pretty. Noble and elegant.
Your luxury obegrass products are really beautiful ... to the Burberry fragrance I sneak also so long certainly travels and I think soon is a buy "due". And yes - it smells like money and luxury obegrass ...!
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Generated guide for a green home earthquake safe recycling parks Concrete - New generation research

Wood as a renewable foam insulation | Good News
Today is the issue of energy saving in the foreground for each client. The federal government has tightened the requirements for climate protection with new buildings again until October 2013. Therefore walls and roofs must be well insulated, so that as little fzom costly heating energy dissipated to the outside air.
One uses this preferred hardboard or polystyrene, both use as a raw material petroleum. This material is favorable to manufacture and has good insulation properties, but of environmentally friendly materials one can not speak here. Quite apart from this, as this material has a negative effect on the Raunklima.
Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research WKI in Braunschweig take a different approach. They have developed a novel process fzom in which can be made from wood particles a foam which can be used just like the standard plastic foams. Explains Prof. Volker Thole from WKI: "Our wood foam can be used just like traditional plastic foams, but is a wholly owned natural product made from renewable resources". In the preparation of the foam timber, the wood is first milled fzom into fine particles. This creates a slimy slurry, is introduced into the gas, which leads to the formation of the foam. In conclusion to the foam to harden. A further preparation method is based on chemical processes. For this purpose, fzom explains Prof. Thole: "You can think as similar to baking if the dough to rise in the oven and becomes solid." In both cases, the result is a very lightweight base material, the more easily fzom either into sheets or deformable foam mats can be processed.
Are already known insulating fzom material made of wood such as fleeces or wood shavings, but they have the disadvantage fzom that they easily fibers and not as form-stable as plastic material. Developed at the WKI Wood foam does not have these disadvantages. "We have our foam products according to the standards that apply to insulation materials, and analyzed with regard to the thermal insulation, mechanical and hydric - get promising results thus question the moisture properties," says Prof. Thole.
Meanwhile, you are at the WKI about to find out which types of wood are best suited. Furthermore, they are working fzom on the manufacturing processes in order to adapt to industrial requirements. In the future, you can see at the Fraunhofer Institute the use of wood foam not only in the insulation, but also in the packaging, so that the wood could replace polystyrene foam as a packaging material in the foreseeable future.
Published January 14, 2013
Generated guide for a green home earthquake safe recycling parks Concrete - New generation researches and maintains the natural ecological living: The social experiment fzom with the 2 Euro T-Shirt A humble Greek hero from Germany examples of a better world Madagascar Rhodes Successful recycling furniture in the world Latest Articles Sunstream teenager from Kenya transforms excrement into clean energy optimists and their healthy heart
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Most read story of the month Irish Wolfhound from Unna is probably the greatest dog in the world most successful recycling furniture in the world from Germany fzom examples of a better world home remedies for scabies A modest Greek hero in Rhodes The social experiment with the 2 Euro T-Shirt "Kimidori" - from old Pallets are unique designer furniture Essiac tea: a herbal tea against fzom cancer? Durable and environmentally friendly battery Wooden Ecological Living - Guide to a green home
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Home Calendar event entries lunch cards Blog News MG Masterplan 3.0 Musicer Picture Mystery Other v

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Should be no jelly fan yet, after a visit in bear country you are there for sure! From more than 100 fruit gums with a sweet tooth can choose their favorite bear here. Whether acidic or sweet bears, gummy bears, with or without sugar, fruit gums with delicious fruit juice or our funny soft bacon gum - in bear country nothing to be desired.
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Monday, May 18, 2015

Source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - Research News Online; URL http://www.fra

Insulating materials of the future should not only be efficient but also climate-friendly. Fraunhofer researchers are developing insulation wooden foam that could replace kappeler long-term petrochemical plastics.
These kappeler wooden foam sheet is a wholly owned natural product made from renewable resources. Manuela Lingnau / Fraunhofer kappeler WKI
Climate protection is now mandatory for every building owners: Just last October, the Federal Government has the energy-saving regulations for buildings tightened again. Properties must continue with even less energy than previously commented. To meet the stringent requirements, a good thermal insulation of walls and roofs, the A and O. It prevents much of the precious heating energy kappeler escape unused to the outside. For this purpose the building facade is lined with insulating materials - traditionally kappeler this come hardboard or elastic foams based on petrochemical plastics are used. Such materials can indeed produce cheap and simple and have good insulation properties - especially environmentally friendly they are terrible. For this reason, materials from renewable natural materials petroleum-based products to replace long-term. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research WKI in Braunschweig pursue a promising approach: They have developed a method which can be produced from wood particles foam. "Our wood foam can be used the same way as classic plastic kappeler foams, but is a wholly owned natural product made from renewable resources," kappeler explains Prof. Volker Thole from WKI. To produce the foam, the wood is first ground into fine particles to a slimy mass. In this suspension gas is then passed, in order to foam. The foam is cured, the wood substances own support the curing process. An alternative manufacturing method is based on special chemical processes. "One can imagine that similar to baking if the dough to rise in the oven and becomes solid," explains Prof. Thole. The result kappeler is a lighter base material, which can be further processed either foam board or elastic foam mats. Insulating properties as of classical plastic foams While there are already insulation materials based on wood, such as webs of wood fibers or wood shavings. These have the disadvantage that they are fibers and less dimensionally stable than insulating materials made of plastic. "Often sink Dämmvliese of wood fibers in the course of time by variations in temperature and a humidity in the middle. This is a part of the insulating effect is lost, "says Prof. Thole. kappeler Developed at the WKI Wood foam can contrast compete with classic plastic foams: "We have our foam products according to the standards that apply to insulation materials, analyzed and in view of the heat-insulating, mechanical and hydric - receive so the moisture properties in question promising values," so Thole. At present, its researchers kappeler are experimenting with different types of wood, to find out which tree species are particularly well suited as a base material. Moreover, it is now necessary to identify appropriate processes by which you can identify wood foams industrially manufactured on a large scale. The possible applications of this innovative material are not limited kappeler to insulation: Even packaging can be based on wood foam performance - this could replace kappeler in the long run which is also petroleum-based Styrofoam.
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Source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - Research News Online; URL [Date: kappeler 18/05/2015, 17:49 time]]

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Record number of visitors to Keukenhof look at the pictures of Leiden Marathon 2015 Again new sand

Thermals and Honeycomb go together in the air
LEIDEN / NOORDWIJKERHOUT - Students foam cushion of mytylschool The Thermals in Leiden and daycare Honeycomb Noordwijkerhout may make a flight on Saturday, October 11th from Schiphol. Along with a school in Amsterdam they previously chosen by the Hoogvliegers foundation. By Judy Scharendijke - 7-10-2014, 15:22 (Update 7-10-2014, 15:22)
The Hoogvliegers Foundation receives the gift of the KLM plane ride. This year the airline celebrates its 95th anniversary. Hoogvliegers arranges flights throughout the Netherlands for children who are seriously ill or have a disability. Last year, the foundation was already a flight of KLM. Then some students of The Thermals could come, but there were many more who wanted to know. Therefore Hoogvliegers now opted again for this school to the Blue Vogelweg. There are children with physical and / or mental disability.
Movie shows future Vliko [video]
Record number of visitors to Keukenhof look at the pictures of Leiden Marathon 2015 Again new sand swimming beach Rijnsaterwoude Leiden sign marathon Several cyclists injured in collision in Noordwijk Police searching with dogs for missing person in park Cronesteyn Leiden Movie shows future Vliko [video]
Police with sniffer dogs looking for missing person in park Cronesteyn Leiden Several cyclists injured in collision in Noordwijk Check out the photos foam cushion from Leiden Marathon 2015 on Rush 'Observatory'
The United States wanted to perform at Schiphol's own border controls. We should foot the bill for the remodeling and staff. US officials foam cushion must then also receive diplomatic immunity. Which can then misbehave on our territory and not be tried here. What is this immodest annexation by a country that the International Criminal foam cushion Court, established in our country, do not even recognize? We are and remain masters of our own country. We do not deliver our sovereignty.
Melanoma is the most common form of skin cancer. Annually kill about a thousand people here. In Europe, the Netherlands is even in second place when it comes to mortality foam cushion from melanoma. Menno Gaastra Center Oosterwal answers this week three questions on this topic. Read more!
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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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When viewing the beautiful colors of the flat SBR honeycomb coils occurred to me that I once did something terrible. When 8-year-old kid I was always busy with electricity, pluck foam radio and mecano (crystal receivers). Although my father did with electricity or radio understood he supported me in my experiments. The condition was that I not wekkkers electric pluck foam or call demolished. My hobby was known by colleagues pluck foam from my father and he was frequently than several interesting things for me and he took it home. What I still remember most of that stuff was a flat, round plastic housing (slightly smaller than a CD!) With two blades on one side that fit into my crystal receiver. This housing was on 1 side clear. In said housing showed a green coil. On the other side of that housing was a kind of arm that you could turn around in different positions. With that arm, you could choose the number of windings. You could then with one coil get many different channels and did no more than every other coil to stabbing in the receiver. At one point I needed some wire and because I got a stronger signal than the loose coils with that flat thing I have demolished these "universal" coil. There I still regret it. Is this adjustable tuning coil from other members of this forum known? I'm curious. Tomorrow I can make a sketch of this thing and add to this post. I'm curious. Ruud
RSS Feed of this thread switchable honeycomb coil - Bapaktua, 06.17.2013, 23:23 switchable honeycomb coil - Hans van der Marel, 06.18.2013, 10:21 switchable honeycomb coil - Bapaktua, 06.18.2013, 10:37 switchable honeycomb coil - Bapaktua, 06.18.2013, 10:25 switchable honeycomb coil - Henk Geurds, 06.18.2013, 14:30 switchable honeycomb coil - Bapaktua, 06.18.2013, 15:50
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Have you ever wondered what the possibilities are of high technological devices that all you've got? Then you find on this blog, certainly, back information that will interest you. Technical information on the extensive capabilities of your Smartphone, Tablet, GSM, GPS, WII, Computer and much more ...
As mentioned in a previous blog, you can hide the system tray Bar (system tray) so that you have available the entire screen. Useful when eg viewing photos, surfing the net or any other app that you like to need more screen space. After the last update on my Medion Lifetab large bubble wrap tablet did not hide it anymore. So I went here looking for what the problem was. Apparently, you have root access (SU) needed to hide the system tray Bar. Hide the system tray Bar when you start your device with SManager (see below blog). Movie MX Player played with and without large bubble wrap system tray Bar:
Here's what you can do to make it possible (again): First you need root access to a tablet (read more info about this in my next blog) visit the android-scripting site and download and install SL4A: click on the barcode To download sl4a_r4.apk. Check 'Unknown sources' at institutions Apps on your phone before you start the installation. Install the apk file by double clicking it from a browser for Android. Add 2 scripts to: - Open SL4A, select 'Add', 'Shell' - Type the following name: - In script content, enter the following: su -c 'service call activity large bubble wrap 79 s16 '- Select Save & Exit - Select' Add ',' Shell '- Type the following name: - In script content, enter the following: am start service -n / .SytemUIService - Select Save & Exit on your Home screen you add a shortcut to either allow Scripts: You can do this by clicking on the X top right of your screen. Select the "More" large bubble wrap tab (not Widgets, Apps, or Wallpapers) Select Scripts' -> '' do this again '' Now you can hide or display the system tray Bar by clicking on the corresponding icons. large bubble wrap Install SwipePad (no root required) or Button Savior to make sure that you always back your system tray Bar forth can get without having to restart your device. If you hide your system tray Bar because you have no 'back', large bubble wrap 'Home and Recent Apps "button. - With Button Savior you can include the "Back" and "Home" button without selecting your system tray Bar. - With SwipePad you can from any running application with a swipe on the screen to call pre-programmed shortcuts. Hide system tray Bar when you start your device: If your Script Manager - SManager installs you can indicate from this manager '' should be performed with su rights and that it should large bubble wrap be performed at startup Android. Super is not it? Have fun with your full screen on your Android Honeycomb tablet. ps: Everything you do with your phone you do at your own risk (there is always a risk that something goes wrong) large bubble wrap
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Friday, May 15, 2015

Bees produce more honey than they actually need and store in honeycombs. The hexagonal structure of

Bees produce more honey than they actually need and store in honeycombs. The hexagonal structure of the honeycomb is well known to everyone. Have you ever wondered why bees create hexagonal honeycombs rather than octagonal or decagonal? Mathematicians have searched for the answer to this question and came to an interesting conclusion: "A hexagon is the best geometric form for the maximum use of a certain on the roll area." A hexagonal cell requires a minimum was for the construction, while the storing maximum quantity of honey. So the bees make the best use form. The method which is used for the construction of the honeycomb, is also astonishing: the bees start with the construction of the basket from two or three different places and weave the honeycomb simultaneously in two or three strands. Though they start from different places, building the bees, great in number, identical hexagons on the roll and then weave the honeycomb by combining these and they meet in the center. The meeting on the roll points of the hexagons are arranged so precisely that there is no sign that they are subsequently merged. In the face of this extraordinary performance, we are confident of the existence of a superior will that recommends these creatures admit. Evolutionists want this performance by explaining the concept of "instinct" and try to do it as a simple attribute of the bee. But if there is an instinct on the roll at work, and if it regulates all bees and ensure that the bees work in harmony, while they have not been informed by the other, it means that there is an extraordinary wisdom that is about all these little creatures predominates. To put it more clearly: Allah, the creator of these tiny creatures, inspires them what to do. This fact was fourteen hundred years ago stated on the roll in the Qur'an: And your Lord taught the Bee inspired, saying, "Take your hometown in the mountains and in the trees and in what they create." Then eat of all fruits, and follow on the roll the roads that makes your Lord easy. "Then comes forth from their bellies a drink varying in color wherein is healing for the people. Verily in this is certainly a sign for people who think. (Surah Al-Nahl: 68-9)
2011 (124) in January (124) SOME OF THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS TO WHICH VERWEZ ... The scenario of human evolution GENOME STUDY INVALIDATE THE DECEPTION OF 'THE ADD ... THE DECEPTION ON WHAT CHANGES EVOLUTIONISTS SAID, THEN WHAT HAPPENED IS THE Darwinists OF FRAUD THAT 'THE NUMBER OF CHR ... IT'S A TECHNICAL FACT THAT WE ARE IN DIALOGUE ... evolutionists can Altru? ME sperm N ... THE DECEPTION OF THE ENDOSYMBIONTENHYPOTHESE' 'SYNTHETIC LIFE' THE DARWIN ... THE DECEPTION OF DARWINISM IS NOW BEYOND THE DECEPTION Darwinists ATTEMPT TO PROP AGERE ... 'JUNK' on the roll DNA Darwinists TO THE WISDOM BEHIND THE CREATION VA ... THE CREATOR OF ALL LIFE IS ALMIGHTY on the roll GOD WHY NOT DISTURB THE Darwinists ARE SO VERY TO VE ... WHY ARE Darwinists reluctant to DHR. ADNAN ... THE EXISTENCE OF GOD IS AN OBVIOUS FACT ABOUT THE EVIL CAUSED BY DARWINIST ONDERWIJ ... communism, Marxism and Fascism Darwinism on the roll ... THE NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE ECONO ... POLL ABOUT EVOLUTION UNDER MONOPOLY VA ... DEVOUT CHRISTIANS SHOULD THESE QUESTIONS TO THE POPE MO ... CHARLES DARWIN S TWISTED VISION WHICH THE Caucasi ... TRAP ATHEISM Photosynthesis basilisk:? the expert in walking on water .. . The design in bird feathers hunting opportunities in a fixed place Koalas on the roll A heavy migration Albatrosses a suitable freezing system Various facial systems Cuttlefish An intelligent plan with animals camouflage Electric on the roll fish Hibernating animals Whales strand of spider prey with a sharp eye Stunning architects termites The design of the mosquito The sonar system of bats woodpecker Honeybees and the architectural wonder of the ... The Fact of Creation Conclusion: Evolution is a fraud Fables of evolutionists Media: Fertile Ground for Evolution The death of materialism and Darwinism materialism The theory of evolution: A materialistic required ... The myth of the embryo lodge recap the invalidity of the assertion of molecular ho ... The myth of gay ogy The falsification of vestigial organs Antibiotic on the roll Resistance and immunity against DD ... Variations and types Design and coincidence The myth of the self organizing of matter "... Thermodynamics invalidates evolution - The Myth ... The thermodynamics invalidates evolution Life is a concept that goes beyond hope ... Confessions of evolutionists A another failed attempt by evolutionists

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ben Pointeker | Black Star | C-Lab Gallery | Dieuwertje Tromp | Dorèndel Overmars | Gésine Hackenbe

Skip to content THE VLUGT History Sponsors TENANTS From Eesteren Museum Foundation Art West Studio Amsterdam << Lokaal35 Patrick Brunsveld Ingeborg Gardener Dorèndel alex smurfit Overmars Dieuwertje Tromp << Public Cinema Chris Belloni and Foundation art.1 Kari Anne Bueno Sqrean Gésine Hackenberg Petra van Velzen Photography Jean-Luc Truijens Photography Patula Verge Thomas Lord Zina Platform alex smurfit Gitte Nygaard Victorien Koningsberger << GOLEB Mounira Al Solh Taf Hassam Igor Sevcuk Ben Pointeker Hee-Seung Choi Julia Willms Sir Moving Images Lobke Alkemade Lilian Bense Blackstar Entertainment NEWS Successful Open Day 2014 MEDIA Westerpost - Hay Schoolmeesters Westerpost - Wim Kerkhove Article 'Caland and De Vlugt' - Westerpost Westerpost - Peter Kasbergen Westerpost - Society of Arts West Announcement Open House 2011 Echo Inauguration factory De Vlugt - Westerpost De Vlugt good start ROOM TO RENT? ADMINISTRATOR CONTACT Route
This weekend alex smurfit includes Honeycomb to Slotermeerlaan one year and is celebrated with Podium Honeycomb. Everyone is welcome to this free cultural event on Friday and Saturday for adults for all ages!
On Friday at 19:00 Coffeemania Honeycomb alex smurfit turns into a cozy lounge with an evening program of singer-songwriters, poets and storytellers. You can include luisten to the sultry tones of Tyra Jutai listen alex smurfit to Soufiane Moussouli who talks about his two identities. You can also move with the pop ballads and African rhythms of Babboo and listen to the poems of Florence Tonk and Erik Jan Harmens Visser and comes Marijn tell a story.
On Saturday, November 8th from 12.30 to 16.15 is the big party in Honeycomb. The red carpet is rolled out and various groups present their cultural offerings. There are three free workshops rounds with vocals (improv) theater, dance, storytelling and circus acts. Express Your Best, Zid Theatre, Amsterdam Music, Grey Vibes, Aslan, Garden City Theatre and Circus Elbow show what they can do. Some of them go after this day with workshops and courses at the House of the district in Honeycomb.
Also, there are different performances. For example, Teatro Munganga doorstep with a performance in a real Theatre bus and be there in the Oba performances for children of Roosendans Stories and Mr. B. For pregnant women there at the beginning of the afternoon, a workshop course Singing and local talents Music Generations give a great performance. There are also a dream catchers around which people ask about their dreams, desires and ideals.
NEWS Fietstocht 'Blue Heart in Green' Goleb: NUB, Session Three Art West celebrates 5th anniversary with a series of five exhibitions. Photographers Petra van Velzen and Jean-Luc Truijens in book 'NEW Dutch Photography Talent' Discover the Power of Image in 1 day at Public Cinema Two photographers alex smurfit from De Vlugt nominated for SO 2014 - Selection of Dutch Photography Awards' FREE RADICALS: A HISTORY OF EXPERIMENTAL FILM '@ Goleb movie nights Podium Honeycomb Open Day 2014 a great success!
Ben Pointeker | Black Star | C-Lab Gallery | Dieuwertje Tromp | Dorèndel Overmars | Gésine Hackenberg | Gitte Nygaard alex smurfit | Goleb | Hee-Seung Choi | Igor Sevcuk | Ingeborg Gardener | Jasper Jobs | Jean-Luc Truijens | Julia Willms | Kari Anne Bueno | Art West | Lobke Alkemade | Mirko Lazovic alex smurfit | Mounira Al Solh | Pantijn | Patrick Brunsveld | Patula Verge | Peter Kasbergen | Petra van Velzen Photography | Public Cinema | Rick Goudsmit | Ruben Koster | Rumiko Hagiwara | Sir Moving Images | Sqrean | Studio Amsterdam | Taf Hassam | Thijs Kasbergen | Thomas Lord | Urban Resort | From Eesteren Museum alex smurfit | Victorien Koningsberger | Zina Platform
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De Vlugt, 2015 Webdesign and -development: Petra van Velzen

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Gingerbread recipe for about 18 thin slices. Preparation time 10 min Oven Time 60 min Ingredients:.

Around the turn of the year our house was full of lovely people. Now it is empty again. That takes some getting used. That is why this morning I baked this heartwarming gingerbread. Just as I was, I also felt the need for something sweet honeycomb. One plus one was two and my taste buds glow even after the first slice!
My father buys his honey directly from the beekeeper. For many years he eats every day a slice of bread with honey and a slice of cheese, because "you get everything inside what you need that day." You can imagine that honey for us as kids seemed kind of liquid gold. Sweet, soft and healthy too! Now, come to the age that you are increasingly thinking 'surely these old folks of mine were not as glum as I first thought, "I can only agree: honey is liquid gold! Once in a while we get from my father a fresh honeycomb from the beekeeper. And people, better than a fresh honeycomb is not it! The quality in a honey comb contains, besides the minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, vitamins C, B2 and B6. Honing In addition, glycogen in the liver, that our blood sugar levels for long periods of time can maintain. And, last but not least, working honey inflammation. For someone like me who suffer from cold sores every few months, honey is a godsend! No more troubles filling with expensive anti-cold sore cream in a kaboutertubetje, just rub with real honey.
So it is no wonder that when all the friends left, I toetrok my only remaining friend in the kitchen: the honeycomb. The sweet honeycomb fit perfectly with the spicy raisin cake. The cake is very sturdy, so cut the slices thin. Do not have a honeycomb then you can also paste the course spread with honey from a jar. But if you ever have the opportunity to buy a comb at the beekeeper: do it!
Gingerbread recipe for about 18 thin slices. Preparation time 10 min Oven Time 60 min Ingredients:.. 300g spelled flour 1 packet of baking powder (15 g) 200g dark brown sugar 1 tablespoon mixed spice (I used 2 large teaspoons of five spice powder) 1 tsp cinnamon zest of 1 orange (or 3 mandarins) 1 el chia seeds soaked in 3 tablespoons water (or 1 egg) 1 tbsp pour syrup 200ml milk choice 100g raisins pinch of salt a piece of honeycomb 1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees. In a bowl mix flour, baking powder, sugar, spices, cinnamon, salt and orange zest. Stir well. Add Chia seed (or egg) and syrup. Add milk and stir until the batter is smooth. Remains lumpy, add some milk. Stir in the raisins into the batter. 2. Line a cake pan with parchment paper and pour the mixture into the mold. Bake just below the middle of the oven for about 1 hour. Check doneness with a toothpick. Let the cake for 10 minutes. Cool in the form and turn it over on a wire rack to cool completely. Keep in an airtight container or wrap in aluminum foil. The gingerbread is after a few days extra nice because the herbs have to withdraw. Serve the cake into thin slices with a piece of honeycomb. Excellent with coffee, also prime for breakfast. A very happy New Year wish, celebrate with the people you love, whether they are near or far. But if they are close, make good food for them and hug them another huge.
Recipe (50) Dessert (29) Refreshments (28) Spring (21) Winter (21) (Moes) Garden (19) Lunch (18) Breakfast (18) Autumn (16) Summer (16) Main Course (15) Ladle in the Kitchen (9) Cookbook (5) Christmas (4) Family (3) Starter (3)
2015 (16) May (1) April (2) March (4) February (4) January (5) Chai Latte Winterclafoutis with dried fruit Macaroons cake with orange liqueur Boer Girls and Vanilla Fig gingerbread honeycomb 2014 (60) December (6) November (6) of October (5) September (7) august (6) July (1) June (9) May (5) Soon (7) March (4) February (3) January (1)

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For "k wonder how that male biekes t then forcing Ulderen honey in place in those incomprehensible placeren Mar you know that genes nations will undertake anything without a queen who can coordinate this lot
What I 't try saying his awel that's not Nief Remember how Eva her above God and man lifted And that was not a betrayal or the tree' t harm But it monument of wisdom than gold Blink Islander
So from now until at the end of these days Is it done with worrying about all the questions of life I have ne nieve religion styrochem Da searched ekik long: My dear God, that's my muse Mine Mine Big Bang Post navigation styrochem
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Monday, May 11, 2015

Groups: I think there are a lot of YouTube groupings are formed, so there are playlists with music

Honeycomb model is a model you can hold across social networking sites. This model brings the following issues; identity, presence, relationships, conversations, groups, closed cell foam share and reputation. Identity has mainly to do with being able to manage a personal account (such as Facebook and Hyves). Presence guarantees that the various users can see whether you are online (such as Skype), but also where the users are doing. Relationships, this shows which relationships different users have opposed, closed cell foam for example, they are related. Conversations is about the extent to which the medium will allow them to perform dialogues. Groups shows the extent people are put together based on their interests, for example. Reputation indicates that reputation is involved (think of dating sites for singles to level ...), and users can also work on their status. Then share Finally, this means that the parts of texts or images is a point which sends the media.
Identity: On YouTube you can create an account, but I do not consider that the site aims to allow users to identify each other. Especially in YouTube you're much involved with strangers without having to know this would ever need.
Attendance: I do not think it's on this website closed cell foam is important closed cell foam is that you can track whether someone is online and what they are doing. These are the movies that someone closed cell foam uploads and you can always see, those do not have to be online for it.
Relationships: Because you're so with strangers are in touch I think too that the release closed cell foam has little value to know who this related by family, etc. But I think it is interesting to YouTube you can find out which accounts a person has subscribed, so can you of someone finding out what music maintains a user and can be a resource for you to get behind the existence of new, fun, movies to come. But I do not know if this is so much to do with relationships.
Conversations: On YouTube closed cell foam you can hold dialogues through responding to a movie. closed cell foam Usually these are only individual comments together but sometimes there is a dialogue carried on. I do not believe that this is the key point is that YouTube responds but is there one.
Groups: I think there are a lot of YouTube groupings are formed, so there are playlists with music that is similar. Not so much so groups of people but in most cases of musical genres. Also this is not the biggest goal but made one where use is.
Reputation: On YouTube you're not consciously closed cell foam trying to improve your reputation and I do not think this is the approach of YouTube. Subconsciously there comes reputation to pass, I believe, because when you watched movie very often the reputation of you and the movie still rising in everyone's eyes. Other users can liken a movie or disliken, I think that, without the intention, however, much has to do with reputation.
Sharing: Of course can be shared videos on YouTube. (On what networking you can now no longer closed cell foam share content ?!) Perhaps this is the "head" closed cell foam point where YouTube responds. Ultimately it is the reputation of a movie (especially for artists closed cell foam who promote their single with a video clip). By sharing movies closed cell foam is ensured more publicity. closed cell foam
As the biggest goal so sharing (and notoriety) and as a means to the conversations and groups there. If something less important plays the reputation that I see in terms of number closed cell foam of times watching a movie, what really captures known and least important closed cell foam points I see presence, relationships and identity since it is not in this social media site you personally. closed cell foam
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