Sunday, May 31, 2015

Most men do not use shaving brush while putting cream on the face with their hands, and so wrong ha

More things experienced by men shaving the face, it has exposed a lot of men to a sharp injuries, as well as severe allergies after every shave, Here's the practical tips for shaving easier. First, choose the machine:
The Gillette machine is one of the coolest comfortable shavers, there are many types of machines there Gillette Machine with labia, which some considered comfortable and moist, and also safer, while there are five blades modern machine, with strong foam fest san antonio impulses to facilitate the process of shaving. Always foam fest san antonio look for the machine Merkur Heavy Duty Safety Razor another shaver belong to the same idea of a German company Gillette machines and $ 35 price tag equivalent to 130 SAR. Second: the blades
There are many good and appropriate codes for razor mentioned above, and there are some excellent companies in the production of these blades such as Mercure German Company and Derby Turkish, Inc. Feather Japanese. foam fest san antonio The box will cost them $ 40 8 blades which is equivalent to 150 SAR. Third: shaving brushes
Most men do not use shaving brush while putting cream on the face with their hands, and so wrong hands because it is impossible to produce the same foam produced by shaving brush, which raises shaving cream on your face that well. There are a few types of mattresses good poetry, which depends on the quality of hair made him,
It is necessary to use a moisturizer after shaving foam fest san antonio directly, even working to moisturize dry skin and renew after each time flying in. There are ideal types can be used such as: Finally, you should know that good preparation for shaving is the most important thing for easy shaving successful, prefers shaving after a hot bath , or at least a face wash with hot water for 30 seconds, foam fest san antonio because this opens the pores and increases the moisturizing the skin for shaving smoother and easier. And finally you some guidance from several reliable medical sources to avoid irritation and inflammation of the skin:
4. Use a sharp, clean blade It is a good and well-known qualities and the right in the direction of hair growth and not vice versa. Shave versa from the first time removes a layer of skin so that it must let it be after shaving in the direction of hair growth more than once and then circling the opposite direction of hair growth. Instead of foam between each two.
7. moisturize the skin after shaving is necessary to prevent dehydration and blisters, although the skin is exposed to a lot of inflammation and pimples after shaving benefit the development of medical cream anti-inflammatory and antiseptic once or twice after shaving such as: Viossikort - Kinakomb - Pandrm foam fest san antonio - Viosiderm - Viossid - and others.
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