Friday, May 15, 2015

Bees produce more honey than they actually need and store in honeycombs. The hexagonal structure of

Bees produce more honey than they actually need and store in honeycombs. The hexagonal structure of the honeycomb is well known to everyone. Have you ever wondered why bees create hexagonal honeycombs rather than octagonal or decagonal? Mathematicians have searched for the answer to this question and came to an interesting conclusion: "A hexagon is the best geometric form for the maximum use of a certain on the roll area." A hexagonal cell requires a minimum was for the construction, while the storing maximum quantity of honey. So the bees make the best use form. The method which is used for the construction of the honeycomb, is also astonishing: the bees start with the construction of the basket from two or three different places and weave the honeycomb simultaneously in two or three strands. Though they start from different places, building the bees, great in number, identical hexagons on the roll and then weave the honeycomb by combining these and they meet in the center. The meeting on the roll points of the hexagons are arranged so precisely that there is no sign that they are subsequently merged. In the face of this extraordinary performance, we are confident of the existence of a superior will that recommends these creatures admit. Evolutionists want this performance by explaining the concept of "instinct" and try to do it as a simple attribute of the bee. But if there is an instinct on the roll at work, and if it regulates all bees and ensure that the bees work in harmony, while they have not been informed by the other, it means that there is an extraordinary wisdom that is about all these little creatures predominates. To put it more clearly: Allah, the creator of these tiny creatures, inspires them what to do. This fact was fourteen hundred years ago stated on the roll in the Qur'an: And your Lord taught the Bee inspired, saying, "Take your hometown in the mountains and in the trees and in what they create." Then eat of all fruits, and follow on the roll the roads that makes your Lord easy. "Then comes forth from their bellies a drink varying in color wherein is healing for the people. Verily in this is certainly a sign for people who think. (Surah Al-Nahl: 68-9)
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