Monday, May 11, 2015

Groups: I think there are a lot of YouTube groupings are formed, so there are playlists with music

Honeycomb model is a model you can hold across social networking sites. This model brings the following issues; identity, presence, relationships, conversations, groups, closed cell foam share and reputation. Identity has mainly to do with being able to manage a personal account (such as Facebook and Hyves). Presence guarantees that the various users can see whether you are online (such as Skype), but also where the users are doing. Relationships, this shows which relationships different users have opposed, closed cell foam for example, they are related. Conversations is about the extent to which the medium will allow them to perform dialogues. Groups shows the extent people are put together based on their interests, for example. Reputation indicates that reputation is involved (think of dating sites for singles to level ...), and users can also work on their status. Then share Finally, this means that the parts of texts or images is a point which sends the media.
Identity: On YouTube you can create an account, but I do not consider that the site aims to allow users to identify each other. Especially in YouTube you're much involved with strangers without having to know this would ever need.
Attendance: I do not think it's on this website closed cell foam is important closed cell foam is that you can track whether someone is online and what they are doing. These are the movies that someone closed cell foam uploads and you can always see, those do not have to be online for it.
Relationships: Because you're so with strangers are in touch I think too that the release closed cell foam has little value to know who this related by family, etc. But I think it is interesting to YouTube you can find out which accounts a person has subscribed, so can you of someone finding out what music maintains a user and can be a resource for you to get behind the existence of new, fun, movies to come. But I do not know if this is so much to do with relationships.
Conversations: On YouTube closed cell foam you can hold dialogues through responding to a movie. closed cell foam Usually these are only individual comments together but sometimes there is a dialogue carried on. I do not believe that this is the key point is that YouTube responds but is there one.
Groups: I think there are a lot of YouTube groupings are formed, so there are playlists with music that is similar. Not so much so groups of people but in most cases of musical genres. Also this is not the biggest goal but made one where use is.
Reputation: On YouTube you're not consciously closed cell foam trying to improve your reputation and I do not think this is the approach of YouTube. Subconsciously there comes reputation to pass, I believe, because when you watched movie very often the reputation of you and the movie still rising in everyone's eyes. Other users can liken a movie or disliken, I think that, without the intention, however, much has to do with reputation.
Sharing: Of course can be shared videos on YouTube. (On what networking you can now no longer closed cell foam share content ?!) Perhaps this is the "head" closed cell foam point where YouTube responds. Ultimately it is the reputation of a movie (especially for artists closed cell foam who promote their single with a video clip). By sharing movies closed cell foam is ensured more publicity. closed cell foam
As the biggest goal so sharing (and notoriety) and as a means to the conversations and groups there. If something less important plays the reputation that I see in terms of number closed cell foam of times watching a movie, what really captures known and least important closed cell foam points I see presence, relationships and identity since it is not in this social media site you personally. closed cell foam
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