Monday, March 17, 2014

ISTANBUL - Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan was referring to a recent audio recording, Milliyet and Va

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ISTANBUL - Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan was referring to a recent audio recording, Milliyet and Vatan newspapers burlap paper with Prime Minister Erdoğan Demirören is going on between the owner. According to the audio recording in Tape Erdogan, February 28, 2013 Namik Durukan "Imralı memos" after the outbreak of the news headlines calling itself the nationality Demirören'in Erdogan's boss reacts. According to the news from Tape Demirören'in Erdogan wanted to find the source of the Milliyet's Derya Sazak and former Chief reporter Namik Durukan wants the dismissal. Prime Minister "The Boss" who call and "Did I upset you," he Demirören'in asking "Have Smoke" Prime Minister burlap paper giving money, getting into a more Milliyet says that one aircraft. Demirören end of the conversation, "How burlap paper I got this job," he begins to cry.
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3:31 - Plastic ball manufacturer is selling water in the desert 03:30 - 'domestic mobile ReKa

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