Friday, March 28, 2014

The home page of the

Even if you are not trembling, or staggers, consciousness Once you have the twilight, it may be hypothermia. Also, nice to see you are up to it trembling, trembling has stopped even though foam fabricators the body is not warmed up, and has been severe. In order to rapidly deteriorating, could take to the hospital is desirable. If transport is difficult, and to keep warm by applying base armpits, foam fabricators legs, around the neck of the hot-water bottle. We need to be careful because it burns to shed a long time hottie of 42 degrees or more. warm Styrofoam, also in aluminum sheet
The home page of the "City Disaster Prevention Lab", a result of "disaster prevention goods experience report" is published, I tried to actually use the emergency supplies have been introduced. Blanket deposition of aluminum polyester, which is sold in home improvement (from 500 yen or so), it's lightweight foam fabricators and about 50 grams thin. The dancing and fluttering in the wind weak, difficult to handle, but in the snow in sub-zero, the inside of the blanket was maintained at 12.9 degrees temperature products made in the United States. That effectively is to wrap the body completely, and sit cross-legged
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