Sunday, May 11, 2014

25/11/2012 7:57 a.m. - 8:03 a.m. Updated on 25/11/2012

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Acre Alagoas Amapá Amazonas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Goiás Maranhão Mato Grosso Mato Grosso do Sul Minas Gerais MG - MG Midwest - Great Minas Gerais - South of Minas Gerais - Triangulo Mineiro MG - Valleys colored twine of Minas Gerais MG - Para Zona da Mata PA - Santarém Region and Paraíba Paraná PR - General and PR Fields South - North and Northwest PR - West and Southwest Pernambuco PE - PE and Caruaru Region - Petrolina and Region colored twine
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25/11/2012 7:57 a.m. - 8:03 a.m. Updated on 25/11/2012
The factory businesswoman Mariza Bueno uses polystyrene as raw material, and transforms the material into plates, frames, angles and even garnish cake. The business is 15 years old and sells for decorators, window dressers, and stationers. "The possibilities of use (styrofoam) are immense. Every time someone comes asking for any purpose until then we do not know, "says the businesswoman colored twine Mariza Bueno.
The company buys large styrofoam blocks with three feet tall, but they are so light that an employee can load the head. Each block goes to the machine cutting, working the Styrofoam with a wire barbed wire, resulting in a design that is programmed colored twine into the machine. "The piece is perfect with all the details that the customer asked," says production manager factory, colored twine Damian Pereira colored twine de Lacerda.
The investment to start the company was $ 100 thousand colored twine in machinery and inventory. Due to the price and versatility of Styrofoam, the plant has had a good performance and growth. One of the bets is the Styrofoam as a substitute for plaster moldings to the ceiling.
"The customer buys, and he takes the same applies. It requires no skill, no need of a plasterer, for example, "says Mariza, which states that the cost to the customer would drop greatly. The factory handles 800m Styrofoam per month. A block of high density Styrofoam costs for the company colored twine 1440 and with it you can make a thousand linear feet of frame, sold for $ 3000.
"Styrofoam for its own characteristics, it is very practical, easy to handle, has characteristics of being thermal, acoustic, colored twine and people realize that," says Mariza businesswoman.
Another market decoration attached to Styrofoam is to decoration pieces, where entrepreneurs and brothers Danilo and Fabiana ATIII specialize. At this time, the main focus of the company are the Christmas ornaments like stars, garlands, balls, pendants, reindeer and sleighs.
"We're quite quotation, quite budgets on the parts, colored twine mainly for decoration of shop windows in commercial spaces. We believe that this Christmas will be strong, "says the entrepreneur Danilo ATIII.
The store has a successful track record in a hot market. Entrepreneurs started the business in 1999, with an investment of U.S. $ 10 billion to build a shop of 40 m . Since then, grew at least 30% per year and are now eight times more space, selling over two thousand items, ten thousand pieces per month and earning 250 000 per month.
"Most clients are autonomous, make party for rent, to showcase, colored twine so has the decoration companies," says the businesswoman Fabiana ATIII. Taking advantage of this niche, the company sells a kit for $ 70 to anyone who wants to build a small business decorating pieces of Styrofoam. With paint, glitter, styrofoam cutter, glue and brush is possible to develop parts and start a business.
Styrofoam is not an expensive material, is lightweight, but has a drawback: need much space. colored twine The stock of Danilo and Fabiana store occupies an entire floor, 200 m

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