Tuesday, May 6, 2014

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"The planets found are all hotter than molten lava; they shine so warm, "said Bill Borucki, the scientist who leads NASA's Kepler mission at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. "In fact, the two largest are hotter than molten romwell iron and looking romwell at them is like looking into a furnace. They are very bright in itself, and certainly are not places to seek life. "Kepler 7b will intrigue many scientists. This is one of the lowest density planets ever found outside the solar system (about 0.17 grams per cubic centimeter) ever discovered. According to Borucki, the average density of this planet is equivalent to the Styrofoam, and scientists must "indulge" in studying it to try to understand its structure. Kepler was launched from Cape Canaveral Space Station on March 6 last year. It is equipped with the largest romwell camera ever launched into space. The mission of the telescope is to observe more than 100,000 stars continuously and simultaneously. He realizes the presence of planets by observing variations of shade when one of these celestial bodies passing in front of its sun.
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