Sunday, May 25, 2014

Additionally, as a divorce hotel guest, you are also entitled to special attention. Staff keeps a

Divorce Hotels Are Here
Feminist Frank Gets Too Much Credit
Additionally, as a divorce hotel guest, you are also entitled to special attention. Staff keeps a closer eye on divorce seekers (probably gifco to avoid suicide, homicide or battery-related lawsuits) and especially avoid asking questions gifco like, Did you enjoy your stay? , which is deemed “unsuitable” for the occasion. Couples are rigorously screened by the hotel legal team, which does not allow husbands and wives who hate one another to the point where they cannot share the same space without fighting, to participate in the process.
If you didn’t believe it could get better, all of this action may be televised in the near future. Producers are busy pitching gifco a documentary-style series that follows couples through the process to television networks in the US, and some are liking the idea. This may be what we need to finally get Kim Kardashian off air. But knowing her, she may get into another 72-day marriage just so she can have her 48-hour divorce televised. [ Sky News ]

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