Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It may seem a choice of material somewhat bizarre for a residence, but the cooler has some advantag

It may seem a choice of material somewhat bizarre for a residence, but the cooler has some advantages, such as being resistant to typhoons, earthquakes, does not attract ants or termites, mold-proof, is a very efficient thermal and acoustic insulation and still above is cheap to build and nearly instantaneous. This cooler is that the house is treated chemically so that it does not propagate the flame and does not release toxic fumes in case of fire. Besides, not everyone knows that there are various densities of foam available. artkraft When we talk about Styrofoam most people think of beer or logo in box those school boards. artkraft Is not this not Styrofoam. This can not take anything. Styrofoam these homes is much more dense, with a hardness similar to that of wood.
The problem I see it is that the Styrofoam is an environmental artkraft pollutant sir. Besides, I would not feel very safe in a house that would melt if I aguarraz played it. But I think an interesting idea, for example, to relocate homeless. Type the unfortunates who lost their homes in the China earthquake. While the Chinese government will take two years to rebuild homes, could use this type of temporary housing until normal artkraft houses stay ready. For good or ill, is much better than living in a tent camping.
The company that makes these houses is called International Inc. Dome Houses Houses are structured into pre-molded parts made of pressed Styrofoam, so it's easy to build. It is like lego. Only the pieces are huge.
Not all homes in the system are dome shaped. This gives a variability of compositions and assemblies that allows adaptation to budget and creativity. Honestly, I found it pretty cool. Better than 90% of pre-cast houses I've ever seen. On the website of the guys have some models that impressed me. The internal space is very large, and mixtures of forms and allow loucões concepts. Check it out:
I wonder what should be cool to see the construction of a house as well. In a few days it should be ready, and considering the material, should be pretty cheap. So, you choose the terrain well and puts a house these preformed there. This ensures a while until you add one more money to make the house outright. Then you can still use the original artkraft Styrofoam crate as a garage, storage and office-home office. artkraft
August 13, 2008 at 13:46
2) Pollution: about 3 years ago, in a discovery or similar, I saw a story on RECYCLING artkraft Styrofoam and components, through the Mexirica shell (kind of orange with gominhos if it has another name on the river).
Verena, high density Styrofoam is just like wood. Just use a drill holding pretty cool. Might have to use larger screws. But holding, holding. Here is Mexirica same. Reply
yes my dear friend is the truth, has no beams and columns and can not believe it is a big step in the history of world construction, those Japanese always have a great idea that turns craze in the world ... Reply
May 6th, 2009 at 16:16
Working in a company q recycles EPS (Styrofoam) in Campinas-SP. The site above is a company buys q q recycle Styrofoam and turns into frames. In addition artkraft to environmentally friendly, the company avoids q EPS waste, to be thrown into the environment. The point is this, this clipping that are leftovers that generate the construction of these houses, already has a certain destination? Are reused? If problem for the catering company, let it be d passage, very tasteful, I am available to receive this junk and give a correct destination here in recycling. I await contact. Grateful! Angela Reply
April 6, 2010 at 14:36
1-First draw with all 2-cutting measures Styrofoam with a hot knife cutting some extent that was designed 3-paint him as his 4-lot like your preference 5 - And paste (can be with hot glue or two-sided ) and show to all your friends
Just one thing: the cartel of construction will never exchange tons of steel, cement and earth, so. Certainly the exchange would have to be gradual, as it stands, would cause an absurd impact on the economy how it is structured. After the initial shock, artkraft I think the benefits for most people would be great. Reply
Interesting to watch the reaction of people on the new. I went on the net and researched a lot about the subject, including reading works published by professionals artkraft in the building industry who are university professors artkraft from reputable institutions and giving artkraft the nod on the new construction method. The most interesting is that although cheap is consumed only by the class A and B, since they are the most knowledgeable of the population. As the MBS (monolitic Building Sistem) name of the technique of "houses Styrofoam", we have other great features, such as buildings based on soil bricks-c

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