Saturday, May 10, 2014

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77 No Styrofoam, please :-). | Simply
My kids love hot mix. And every time I buy ham and turkey breast (organic and the mozzarella is made in house), I ran into a squad of enemy: the bandejinhas Styrofoam. The darn annoy me because they saw trash immediately and are clogging up the world for centuries, since almost no one applies for recycling them. There are even cool experimental projects, such as the Federal University of Santa Catarina and the Apprentice, here in São Paulo, corrugated paper but the target corrugated paper of 99.99% of Styrofoam that comes into our lives is the same dump.
Like almost all there, the material is recyclable but rarely recycled because it is not worth it economically. Let me explain: polystyrene plastic (official name of the thing, since the cooler was cute nickname created by industry) happily accepts the expansion of gases. How about 98% of it is pure pentane gas (CFC was formerly the detonator of the ozone layer), it is a cheap and lightweight alternative to packaging. Only downside seen that this characteristic time to recycle. In a market where anything goes as weights, low density translates into tiny price. To have an idea, a whole truck can not carry more than a few tens of pounds of Styrofoam.
Who (like me) is already on the planet a few decades ago may remember corrugated paper that once the sandwiches of McDonalds came in this type of packaging. The company opted for cardboard only after Californians boycott activists do this back in the 1980s. I remember seeing it in the paper of old, but it is so old that Google does not know anything.
In mid 2011, the supermarkets corrugated paper continue accommodating the grocery "chic" category in which the organic fit in bandeijinhas Styrofoam. corrugated paper After banishing the bags, how about a campaign to stop this?
It has moments that environmentalism seeks deep reflection and willingness to dramatically change the way of life itself. At other times, it is quite easy to change for the better. corrugated paper Just tell the person who cuts the cold: "My no Styrofoam please". I do this for many years. Occasionally even rolls a ecopapo the counter, although the oblique glances are more common. Naked polystyrene, the ingredients of the sandwich children traveling very well and relieve a little footprint. If they come stacked rather than scattered less shell is still needed. At home, keep cold in glass jars with lids and also get rid of the poison that contaminates Bisphenol A plastics. But that is another matter and if you want to know more about it, take a look at
STYROFOAM RECYCLING INFORMATION: http:// / content / thebrecich.mmp
DO IT YOURSELF: The best thing is to refuse. If you can not, rather than try to reuse play out: Does the art department at your child's school does not accept corrugated paper used or nephews bandejinhas and washed to put students' work? Finely chopped, corrugated paper can turn to fill that pillow or stuffed animal that walks through withered. You may also like:... 20 Recycling Problems 7 112 Advanced Life plasticized Minhocologia
Claudia knew your blog now for your contribution there in the corner of Carol. Loved it! I swear I did not know that Styrofoam was also highly polluting ... # dumb! And I loved the hint bits to use for filling pillows! Practice will be right here! Congratulations! Your blog is a public utility! Kisses
trabralhamos recycling Styrofoam, and I am very happy to hear from people who care about the environment anbiente. therefore would appreciate if that is possible corrugated paper Styrofoam in the trash, we get the styrofoam waste.
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