Thursday, May 1, 2014

This blog was created for students in elementary and secondary education, to facilitate the researc

This blog was created for students in elementary and secondary education, to facilitate the research of some mathematical content. Articles, sofa cushion foam links to some internet sofa cushion foam sites with their cited for a possible deepening sofa cushion foam of their research sources sofa cushion foam were used. I tried to gather as much information as possible that might help in the study of the students.
Practical applications of the reasons sofa cushion foam there any special reasons widely used in our daily lives, including: average speed, range, population density and density of a body. Average speed: The "average speed", in general, is a quantity obtained by dividing distance traveled (expressed in kilometers or meters) and time spent by him (expressed in hours, minutes or seconds).
average v = 328 km / 2h = 164 km / h will mean that the average vehicle speed during the race was 164 km / h, ie, for each time the car traveled 164 Km shifted Scale: One of the applications ratio between two quantities is in the scale of reduction or magnification scale, simply known as scale. Call a drawing scale of the ratio of the length considered in the design and the corresponding sofa cushion foam actual length, sofa cushion foam both measured sofa cushion foam in the same unit.
= length scale in the drawing / actual sofa cushion foam length scale we use when we want to represent a graphic outline of objects such as furniture, plants of a house or a city, facades of buildings, maps, models, etc.. Example: Observe the figures of boats:
Base smaller boat blue / red Base smaller boat = 2/4 Base bigger boat Blue / Red Base bigger boat = 4/8 Height boat blue / red boat Height = 3/6 The red boat is an extension of the blue boat, because the dimensions of the red boat is 2 times larger than the dimensions of the blue boat, or the corresponding sides were reduced to half proportionally. Density: sofa cushion foam The calculation of the population density, also called the relative population of a region is considered an application of ratio between two quantities. It expresses the ratio between sofa cushion foam the number of inhabitants and the occupied area in a certain region. Example: In a game of volleyball for 6 players for each team, which means 6 players on each side of the court. If, for some reason, the expulsion of one player of the team is, and can not be replaced, there is plenty more that empty space to be occupied by the team that has a player sofa cushion foam sent off. In this case, we say that the population density is lower in the block which has a larger and expelled in another court player. Example: A Brazilian state occupies an area of 200,000 km . According to the census, the state has a population of 12,000,000 inhabitants. Like this:
dens.demográfica habitantes/200.000 = 12,000,000 km population density = 60 inhabitants sofa cushion foam / km 2 This means that for every 1 Km 2 there are about 60 inhabitants. Density of a Body: The density of a body is more an application of ratio between two quantities. Thus, the density (bulk) of an object is the ratio of the mass of the body measured in kg or g and the volume, measured in m , dm or any other unit of volume. Example: If a bronze statue has a bulk density of 8.75 kg / dm dm then for each there is a mass of 8.75 kg. Curiosity: Due to the existence of different densities, we observed that different bodies to put in a container with water, sofa cushion foam some float and others sofa cushion foam sink.
A Styrofoam ball float in water while a lead, same volume sink. This is because the density of lead is greater than the density of the foam. Some substances sofa cushion foam and their densities are below: Substance Density [g / cm ] wood alcohol 0.8 0.5 Gasoline sofa cushion foam 0.7 7.8 Aluminum 2.7 Iron mercury 13.6 Pi: A very famous reason: The Egyptians worked a lot with certain reasons and found the ratio of the length of a circle to its diameter. This is a key fact for this reason is the same for the whole circumference. The name of this ratio is Pi and its value is approximately: sofa cushion foam
C = Pi. D Example: If the measure of the radius sofa cushion foam of a circle is 1.5 cm then the perimeter of the circle is equal to 9.43 cm. Built by Desirée sofa cushion foam F. Balielo sofa cushion foam and Ulysses Sodré. Updated 24/mar/2005 SOURCE: sofa cushion foam
Deborah Monteoliva A nice person. View my complete profile
2014 (9) February (9) 2013 (1) May (1) 2012 (7) May (7) 2011 (12) September (5) August (4) Reasons: Average Speed / scale / density demog ... Consecutive Segments, Collinear, Congruent - ... Parallel Lines, Lines Competitors, Straight Coincid Mathematical Curiosities ... July (3)

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